Chapter Twenty-One :)

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Ranboo POV~

I seem to have passed out on the floor and slept 'till the next day, maybe today I should go tell the others what happened yesterday since I basically barged out without explanation of anything. I get up and grab my phone and go to Discord and text a group that has Phil, Kristin, Tommy, Tubbo and Wilbur in it.

Ranboo is typing...

Hey everyone! Could everyone if you all aren't busy meet me at my house at-

I look at the top of my phone; 11:06 AM it read.

-around 2:30 PM? I want to explain everything. :)

I added the smile to make sure they don't worry and make it seem less sad but in reality it's pretty messed up. I get up and change into a different shirt because I didn't want to mess up my legs, and I brush my hair with my fingers.

I finally am ready to go out my room, I haft to clean around my house ready for them to come over I have 3 hours that should be just about enough, my house wasn't that messy.

I clear my kitchen bench, table and other surfaces that look messy and put all rubbish in my bin, then got my vacuum out and proceed to vacuum the whole house making it spotless, these people deserve to be walking into a clean household, then I mop all around and finally sit down on the couch puffed out.

The time was now about 1:50 PM I decide to take a lil nap to rest my voice and energy for when everyone comes over.

- Twenty minutes later -

I wake up and look at the time 2:10 PM and hear a knock at the door and see that Tubbo and Tommy were here early. I rub my eyes and quickly rush to the door and unlock it. "Boo! Good to see you!" Tommy says in his energetic voice as it fade to concern, Tubbo tilts his head "Boo, you have scars around your eyes are you okay?" Tubbo mumbles, "Oh yeah, uhm it's an enderman thing," I say in response techniqually not lying.

I make way for them as they walk in "I forgot how pretty your house is Boo!" Tubbo circles around and end up on the couch with Tommy. Eventually Phil, Kristin and Will arrive and they all gather around, "Are y'all hungry?" I question with a homely smile. I receive a few yes's and I walk to the counter and realise we have nothing, "Uhm, sorry guys I don't have anything, I could order some food for us?" "Don't worry about it mate," Phil responds as I just walk over to grab my phone.

Everyone was sitting down and staring at me. "Yesterday I got home and chilled out for a while, then I felt the pendant in my pocket and pulled it out, and I wanted to go see what it'd do," I somewhat lie, everyone listens quietly I continue again, "I arrive and go into what was the rock formation and walk to the middle, and see a black figure and I tell him... I want to go see my parents..." Tubbo and Kristin look at me angrily "YOU WERE GOING TO LEAVE ENVY!" Kristin yells as Phil holds her back, "Ranboo, I told you to choose Envy..." "Guys shush there's gotta be more," I hear Will say as Tommy agrees.

Suddenly Tubbo storms out "Tubbo! Come back!" Tommy yells but says seated, then Kristin leaves, "Uh- I'll go talk to them, talk later!" Phil says chasing Tubbo and Kristin as they leave. Will and Tommy were still sitting there. "Keep going, don't worry," Tommy reassures me.

"Then I got 'teleported' somewhere to where my 'parents' were and they were talking to me, but as a went for a hug I fell through them, like the memories you remember Will!" Will nods, "Then it was darkness and them plus Envy were surrounding me telling me how much Envy wanted to go see them, then Envy got teleported next to me," Tommy looks at me weirdly "But she was hanging out with us then how could she just disappear?" "Honestly Tommy I don't know, then the voice told Envy that I chose me and she got mad then I was in a room full of mirrors which freaked me the hell out!"

Tommy POV~

I listen to Ranboo talk about what happened, he has been through a lot but he did leave without warning and it clearly wasn't safe to by himself he finally finishs explaining and it goes silent and I start to talk "Well you did leave without warning why didn't you tell anyone? We could've help in some way at least?" "We what just happended with Kristin and Tubbo sums it up I was terrified you would react like that and hate me..." he says quietly, "We could never hate you Boo, I don't know about the others we'll sort it out later but one thing, where is Envy?" Will asks and I wonder as well "Oh yeah uhm the voices told me before you all got here that she is with my parents now but we can't get there anymore." I sigh.

I never get to see Envy again? Awwh we had the best memories, but Ranboo had made a mistake and he seems pretty disappointed in himself so I forgive him and I think Will does too- my thoughts shut up as I hear Will speak "Imma try talk Tubbo and Kristin out of being mad at you, Tommy can stay here and hang out so your not lonely!" I look up at Will as he stands and give him a frown.

He lipsyncs to me I can figure out what he's saying 'Stay here and take care of him, he can't be alone' I slowly nod and he heads out Ranboo still looking sad as to what he's done bit he didn't deserve all the hate for it I stand up and walk towards him and gently wrap my arms around him and give him a small but long hug.

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