Chapter Ten :)

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Ranboo POV~

After the talk with Tommy I grab my phone and finally decide to go on Twitter not reading anything and pressing the add tweet button.

Hello everyone sorry I haven't updated anyone in a while, I've had a long break and all I'm going to say is that I will not be discussing what happened on the stream and that I'm not doing well and that's as detailed as I'm going to get.

There may be a stream soon so stay tuned for that!

I press tweet and decide to scroll through for a while and I don't see much of the stream incident and see more people talking about other DreamSMP members, I think everyone did calm down about it, I smile at my phone and go onto my discord and go to my sub server.

Hello subs! How are we? Stream coming soon make sure not to bring up anything relating to past events (you know what) and see you all there! (RanbooLove)

I then turn off my phone and decide to go downstairs Tubbo, Tommy and Envy were on the couch and Wilbur had just walked in with some bags I rush over to him and offer to take some things he hands be the bread and coke and I walk over and place it on the kitchen counter and creep behind the couch and crouch behind Envy I jump up and scare Envy "Rawr!" I shout and Envy doesn't even flinch but Tubbo does "God dammit!" "Boo, you know you can't scare me!" Envy says with sass.

Tommy gets up and grabs a couple coke cans and passes it to me, Tubbo and asks "Ranboo is Envy allowed coke?" Envy looks at me with her widen eyes, "Yeah, why not," Tommy passes a coke to Envy and she opens it with her sharp teeth.

"Wow! Can you open mine please?" Tubbo asks whilst looking impressed, "Sure Tubbo!" Envy says with a grin. "So when are we starting the stream?" I ask the crew, "We're streaming?" Tubbo said in shock, "When!?" "Probs in like half an hour I've got some editing to do still then gotta set up everything," Wilbur responds as he starts walking up the stairs, so it was just me, Tubbo, Tommy and Envy until Wilbur is done everything, "Can we play hide and seek pleaseeeeee?" Envy says as soon as Wilbur is gone.

"Really? Hide and seek, please anything but hide a seek," I beg as Tubbo already started counting...

Wilbur POV~

I go upstairs to my room and sit down at my desk and turn my PC on and put headphones on to my regular settings and start editing I was almost done with mine and Tommy's video and was just about ready to post it I took my time on the thumbnail so it would catch people attention. Eventually I was done with the editing and had uploaded the video, now I had to get everything set up for our stream.

I turn on my camera check the quality, turn on my high quality Max pro microphone, just kidding but it did really make my voice clear, then got my streaming tab open whilst making everything was in place and to not make the stream look crappy, I get up just about to get the other to tell them the stream is ready when I trip over a cord and makes a loud thump I hear many footsteps on the stairs as I start to pick myself up.

Tubbo opens the door, "What the hell was that?" looking straight ahead, "Down here." I sigh in embarrassment Tommy starts laughing his head off while Envy does her casual giggle, Ranboo in the back trying to hold back his laugh as he stares at me on the floor, "Stop laughing and help me!" Tubbo gives me a hand I grip on and pull myself up.

"Anyways the stream is ready now that everyone is here," Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo go down to get chairs to sit on whilst Envy comes in and sits on my bed and glances at my setup, "Do you want to start the stream?" I ask her as she quickly gets up and I hop off my chair and let her sit down and get out of frame, "Okay when you press this button your going to wait for a few minutes and after you will say "Hello everyone! Welcome back to the stream!" as energetic as you can okay! Envy nods and presses the button.

Envy sits there and starts spinning in the chair as Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo are at the door and I stop them by putting my hand out. "Hello everyone! Welcome back to the stream!" Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo go into frame and place their chair near the setup. I whisper to Envy to go sit on the bed and she moves and I go back to sitting in my chair.

Tubbo POV~

I sit down the chat is all "Awwhs" and "ENVY!" but I also see a couple questions about Ranboo in the chat, Wilbur starts to talk to the chat whilst I whisper to Ranboo, "Ignore them dude," "I told them not to mention it I guess they just want attention," I nod and look to Wilbur who is explaining Lovejoy EPs and Tommy would occasionally just but it just to annoy Wilbur.

We all had our say on updates with content and streaming plans and other streamer things and told some funny stories, I could tell chat really missed us.

Good to see you all are doing well!



We we all starting to get tired and hungry so we all decide to end.
"Thank you chat for all the subs and donos today, it truly means a lot, see you all next stream! BYEEEE!!" Wilbur says the outro as well all wave and start making random noises and Wilbur clicked the end stream button.

No One POV~

They all were really hungry so Wilbur cooked some spaghetti and they all ate it was really late for Tommy and Tubbo to head home so they stayed the night. They all fell asleep pretty fast making the rest of the night go quicker.

It was about 3 AM Ranboo woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so he decided to get dressed into some warmish clothes as its night and usually really windy he put some shoes one grans his phones and walks down stairs really quietly and grabs his keys and walks out gently closing the door behind him he walks to his car and steps in and turns the engine on and turns the radio down.

Ranboo POV~

I couldn't sleep, I was in my car and reversed out of the driveway and took off down the street for a stroll the sun was gonna rise soon so i decide to go watch the sun rise I go through a McDonald's drive through and order a large cappuccino and drank it slowly as I made my way to the beach side.

I park in a space near the beach side and start walking along the pathway to find somewhere to sit and watch the sun rise with its beautiful colours. I sit down and hear birds start to sing signalising that it was becoming morning the sun rises and I saw the sea and felt calm, like nothing matter in this moment, a moment that could last forever, I take the last sip of my cappuccino and hold it in my hands as the warmth of the cup sent shivers down my spine.

I closed my eyes feeling this comfort like nothing before, then I was rudely interrupted by a fan, "Ranboo!? Is that you?" this kid was shoving a camera in my face, "Please stop filming me." I say clamly. They continue to film I felt uncomfortable I got up and left as this kid stood there recording me as I walk away I wanted to turn around and give him the finger, but then I realise that if he posts it I would be a bad example.

I get back in my car and drive all the way back listening to my main song 'Cabinet Man' by Lemon Demon. I arrive back and everyone is awake.

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