Chapter Fifteen :)

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Wilbur POV~

We walk all the way home no one says a word ether to tired to speak and nearly collapse every 3 minutes or so. We finally arrive the sun was still out but no one had energy to do anything we walk in I heard upstairs and jump on my bed and close my heavy eyes assuming everything else was going to do the same.

No One POV~

Everyone went or eventually fell asleep no one would up till the next day it was a really tiring process and Wilbur was thinking in his sleep about Ranboo would do with the pendant they would only have till 2 days to decide.

Wilbur POV~

I wake up eventually I look beside me on my side table and see the alarm say 6 AM I get up because I don't think I could get back to sleep I hear mumbling from downstairs I grab my phone and head out down the stairs. Tommy, Tubbo, Kristin and Envy were chilling scattering around the room minding their business I walk to Envy who is taking a sip of Phil's tea I whisper in her ear.

"Why don't you go upstairs and wake Ranboo up?" her eyes widen and put down the cup and giggles she run up the stairs and I could no longer see her so I stayed with Phil and pour myself a coffee.

Ranboo POV~

I was awake but couldn't be bother to get out of bed I hear little pitter patters outside my door and next minute my door opens I hear faint giggles as my eyes are closed they get closer soon enough I feel a light weight jump onto me unexpectedly and I pretend to bot feel it.

Really dude.

It did kinda hurt, "Boooo," I hear Envy quietly. "Wilbur wants you,'' i hear her say again, I don't respond i just lay there not moving, then i feel a hand slap my cheek as I shout in pain "WHAT THE, ENVY!" Envy jumps down and proceed to walk to the door as she walks out "I said Wilbur want you." then she walks out and skips down stairs.

I sit up and rub my face where Envy had slapped, she had pretty good strength I get out of my bed and head to the mirror I look closely to see my cheek was red. I go back to my bedside table and pick up my phone not getting change and walk out my room down the stairs. I see everyone was awake and I was the last one; Tommy and Tubbo were laughing with Envy and Phil, Wilbur and Kristin were drinking some tea or coffee whatever they have.

I hear everyone "Morning Boo!" everyone was looking at me with a smile but only one stood out Envy's. she had cute chubby cheeks with her eyes squinted it made me realise how special she is and maybe she should be the one to go back to our parents. she only 9 after all even though i've barely seen them Envy needs some family love, it wasn't fair.

I walk over to a single chair near the TV and sit down and start staring at the laughing trio they were all happy until Tubbo caught me looking but I instantly looks down to my phone and act like i'm doing something.

Tubbo POV-

Me, Tommy and Envy were laughing because Envy had just told us about how she woke up Ranboo; she slapped him, but I see Ranboo look at us laughing I give him a small smile but before i do he instantly looks down at his phone, he didn't seem happy or impressed, so I pull out my phone, unlock it and go into Discord dms i search for Ranboo's name.

Dream; nope.

Tommy; nuh.

Aimsey; no.

I then see Ranboo I click on the dms and proceed to message him in private.


Hey Boss man are you okay?

I wait for a while then he looks up at me and looks at his phone again.

Honestly, Tubbo, not really..

I look at the message, what could be wrong?

Do you want to talk about it?

Uhm sure it may sound stupid though.

Well it's me nothing is stupid

Okay, so, last night I wasn't in control long story short my voice in my head had given me a pendant that can take me to see my parents but there's a problem.

That sounds amazing! What's the problem surely it's couldn't be that worrying.

Well the voice said I had to choose between me or Envy to go, it can only take one of us. So now I'm stuck and have no clue what to do.

Do you possibly wanna go out and talk privately about it and see what we can do? It's been a while since we've done things just our way, like Beeduo times :)

That would be really nice actually :)

Okay! Meet me at the door!

I turn my phone of and step off the couch, so does Ranboo, "Where us guys going?" I turn around and see Tommy look curious. "Me and Ranboo are just going out for a bit if you guys don't mind." I say as I smile at a confused Tommy and Envy.

I get to the door and open it for Ranboo to walk out, I couldn't drive so we walk to a near café, one of my favourites called 'Snowchester Snores' we walk to a table outside of the cafe and I sit down, so does Ranboo, "What would you like?" I say with a smile passing him the breakfast menu, "Uhm, I'll just get a small cappuccino, I'm not really hungry..." I see him look down. "Okay! I'll get some muffins so if you are hungry you can have some!" I get up and check for my wallet and phone.

I go to the counter there were 2 people in front of me they order and suddenly it's my turn, "Hello!  Welcome to our café, what can I get you today?" a nice man with brown hair and a nametag which says 'George' aha it's not Gogy but he did look similar, "Oh sorry I'm daydreaming busy morning aha," a say with an awkward smile and scratch my head. "Could I get 4 muffins, 1 small cappuccino and a large black latte, please?" "Sure! That will cost you £16.75 thank you," I pass the nice man a £20 note and grab my change as well as my receipt with the number 17 on it.

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