Chapter Eleven :)

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Ranboo POV~

I walk in and everyone is awake I smell fresh waffles being made by Tubbo, "I didn't know you were a chef, Tubbo!" I chuckle I grab a plate and take one waffle and put whip cream on it and grab cutlery, i sit at the table with the others, "What's the plan for today," I question about to take a bite of my waffle.

"Today we were thinking of doing the beach vlog, uhm could you possibly film us, you don't haft to be in it it'll just be easier for a friend to film-" Tommy starts rambling I cut him off "I can film it," I say as I continue to eat my waffle, "Thank you Ranboo," Wilbur says as he raises his eyebrows at Tommy, Tommy chuckles awkwardly.

"ARE WE GOING TO THE BEACH!?" I hear Envy shout as she is in some shorts and short sleeved top, "Yes we are do you want to be on YouTube?" Tommy says bending down to Envy who is jumping up and down on her tippy toes "Just remember not to go near the water, Envy you know what happens." I say reminding her that enderman can't touch water. I'll be there anyways to yell at her if she gets close, Wilbur, goes up stair to get all the gear he needs for the beach, whilst me, Tommy and Tubbo discuss the plan for recording "Where gonna stop at Tubbo's place and then mine grab our gear and head down to the beach."

Wilbur took a damn long time to get ready, he came down with a beach bag and a towel on his shoulder, "Alright everyone ready?" he says grabbing his keys and heading to the door.

We all follow and hop in Wilbur's car Tubbo got shotgun and I was stuck at in the back with Tommy and Envy they were chatting about what they were going to do at the beach as we pull up to Tubbo house he got out and came back a couple minutes later in some swimmers and a bag with sunglasses on, and hops back in the car, then we go to Tommy's he hops out and grabs his gear and comes out but he has other things for the beach like equipment I get out the car and pick up some of the Activities like a volleyball net and a beach ball I yell to Wilbur "Will can you open the boot please!" I hear a click and place down the stuff and put it in the boot, Tommy walks to the boot and places other activities in and get in the car and I do as well and we're on our way to the beach.

We arrive finally I sigh and open the door my legs wobble as I stand up letting, Envy out as Tommy gets our the other side, everyone gets out and grabs their belongings whilst I grab the activities out of the boot and start walking down the beach, and set everything up I drop the volleyball net down as well as some other activity but I wanted to set up the volleyball first.

I dig one side of the net poles into the sand and grab rocks to support it as I do it for the other then I pump up some floats for the others to go in the water and make content with, they eventually get down and lay down their towels and place everything down. Tommy walks over to me and hands me a camera as I think we're about to start the recording.

Tommy did his intro as always "TODAY WE DECIDED TO A BEACH VLOG, this is going to be insane!" we all watch as he does the intro and laugh at his energetic voice, Tubbo and Wilbur stepped into frame also Envy but she was really short so I point the camera down to she Envy, the they all run down with floaties to the water as well as Envy runs down I stop the camera and yell out to her "ENVY, DONT GO IN THE WATER!" Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur were already in the water splashing each other.

Then I see Envy coming back the our spot and picks up the beach ball and then Tubbo comes out the water and runs up to Envy "LETS PLAY VOLLEYBALL!" I pick up the camera a press play again and film as Tubbo and Envy play and regular game of volleyball passing the ball on each side it's going good so far and then Envy falls and misses the ball, she picks it up and throws it again and then Tommy and Wilbur run over Tommy joins Turbos team and Wilbur joins Envy's team and they start a rally.

I walk around getting all sorts of shots around them as they play then, it was Envy's shot she goes for the ball and misses and falls everyone gasps as Wilbur goes up to her and crouches I run up and get a close up of them talking. "Are you okay Envy," Envy hits the sand and chucks it the side "I couldn't reach the ball!" she says angrily, "I have a plan envy, do you like piggy backs?" Wilbur says with a smile I point the camera at Tubbo and Tommy who look confused.

Next thing Wilbur picks up Envy and put her on his shoulders Envy chuckles "Look Boo I'm high," as I point the camera up then I hear Tommy laugh "BAHHHAHAHAH!" I look over to Tommy and roll my eyes and shake my head then Wilbur picks up the ball and throws it Tommy then hits the ball and it goes high enough for Envy to hit it down onto their side and wins! I point the camera to the winner and Wilbur buts Envy down and does her little dance and then point the camera to Tommy and Tubbo who are in shock and looking at each other in disappointment.

Then we all group up "What's next!" Tubbo asks "We could do a sand castle competition" Tommy said mischievously looking as he was planning something. I set up circles of the areas that could make a castle in. I got my phone out and set a 15 minute timer and showed the camera "Go!" I yell signalising then to start making their castles.

After 10 minutes passed everyone was almost done and Tommy was just sitting there done, he got up and goes up to Tubbo's castle "Looking good there big man," then kicks down the castle with his feet and walks over it Tubbo stares at Tommy as he walks past, then he goes to Wilbur's castle and quickly kicks it down and runs knowing that Wilbur would chase him but he didn't, that's weird then circled back to Envy's castle he felt bad but it was too late to go back.

He kickes her castle and Envy stood up and screams "TOMMY YOU WILL PAY," then Envy chases Tommy all over but then Tommy runs into the water and falls "SUCKED IN TOMMY" Envy screams out to sea as she stands on the sand.

Eventually it was time to leave Envy was tried Tommy needs to edit the vlog and Tubbo and Wilbur just wanted to go home, we pack all the stuff up and head to the car and hop in.

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