Chapter Seven :)

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Phil POV~

It's about 9:30 AM, and Kristin and Envy are almost ready go to Wilburs where Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Wilbur will be.

I walk out of my room to see that Envy and Kristin are still playing with Envy's toy creeper and skeleton. I walk over to them "Alright are you two ready to head off!" I say looking down at innocent Envy who is packing up her toys and stands up and holds Kristin's hand.

We walk outside and see the weather isn't as nice today it was a bit cloudy which was unexpected because it was supposed to be a sunny week. But we continue and got in the car and put the radio on and start driving to Wilbur's.

Ranboo POV~

I wake up, rubbing my eyes trying not to rub hard to hurt them, I sit up and look around reminding myself I was at Wilbur's house we had plans today so I quickly got up I could hear faint chatting from down stairs I went to grab some clothes off the floor when I saw under my bed a black 2 eared cat staring at me with yellow eyes, she slowly comes out from underneath my bed and rubs against my arm, I pause and then pat her and let her out so I could get dress.

After I decided to leave my phone in my room and head out and saw that Enderchest hadn't gone down the stairs I gently pick her up and carried he down the stair with me and saw that Tommy and Tubbo were here I greet them and show them Enderchest "Hey guys this is Enderchest, Envy and Is cat!" I say as I put her on the couch next to Tubbo.

Tommy looks at Enderchest with wide eyes and gives a little "Awwwwh," and then suddenly Tubbo sneezes "Oh my sorry I'm allergic to cats," Tubbo says sneezing between each word Tommy decides to pick up Enderchest and cuddle her, Enderchest starts purring really loud, then the door opens with Phil, Kristin, Wilbur and Envy.

Envy runs towards me, and Enderchest meows and runs out of Tommy's hands, Envy wraps her arms around my long legs squeezing them whilst squealing, Phil and Kristin give all of us a little wave whilst having some conversation with Wilbur Tommy bends down and smiles at Envy then Envy let's go of my and turns around to Tommy.

Tommy and Envy start doing this random handshake as I walk backward to stand in line with Tubbo "Mate you've just lost your best friend to a nine year old" I laugh quietly and Tubbo looks mad he walks towards Tommy grabbing my hand and pulls him away to the door and says "Bye, " and slams the door and walks us to the walk way in front of the house "Time for our walk!"

"Man why did you do that Envy and I were having a great time," Tubbo crossed his arms, I whisper to Tommy "Someone is jealous of your new bestie," I hint as I walk down the street to get a head start, "Hey wait guys I wanna show you a spot, it's pretty far away so you've gotta be patient," Tubbo said as he ran up to me.

as we walk Tommy was making some weird jokes that nether Tubbo or I could understand, then Tommy starts humming 'the able sisters' if was a really nice walk all the nature and parks around were pretty cool it was comforting "Were almost there guys!" I hear Tubbo say out of breath.

Next minutes a couple drops of rain started to fall Tubbo and Tommy realised I was burning, "RANBOO YOUR BURNING," Tommy screamed at me as I just realise as it starting pouring down, I was in pain I had nothing to protect my skin, I start using my hands as cover for my arms then my legs burnt and it just starts hurting all over, Tommy and Tubbo scout around to see if they could use anything to cover me.

Tubbo POV~

Ranboo was burning like crazy me and Tommy didn't know what to do we've never seen him like this we did I research on endermen and the main thing was they can't touch water me and Tommy desperately looks around and start running looking for something to cover him we see this young lady probably in her 20's she had a umbrella and I ran straight to her and ask if we could use it.

The young lady surprisingly said yes I shout a quick thank you before making my way back to where Tommy and Ranboo were.

Ranboo POV~

I was on the pavement floor screaming in agony I could stop I slightly hear Tommy shout out to Tubbo to hurry up but I didn't think they'd make it in time, it got to the point where I could move a single part of my body and was completely on the floor a couple seconds later all I could see was red...

Tommy POV~

I see Tubbo running back to us as fast as he could I couldn't tell if Ranboo had fainted or got use to the pain or was dead, Tubbo hands me the umbrella and I put it above Ranboo covering most of his body but he wouldn't move. For a second I though he was getting up but he glitched to stand up behind me "TOMMY BEHIND YOU!" Ranboo pushes me down to the pavement and disappears I got back up and search around for Ranboo but every second he would be somewhere different it was like he was teleporting.

I told Tubbo to take the umbrella and call Wilbur, I blink and I couldn't see Ranboo I start to run around the street trying to find where Ranboo's body was. I was also panicking about I didn't find him.

What if he's gone forever.

Is it my fault?

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