Chapter Twenty-Two :)

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Wilbur POV~

I walk out leaving Tommy and Ranboo to talk as I quickly jump in my car and zoom all the way Phil's house where everyone would most likely be.

I get out the car and run up to the door furiously and walk in and see Tubbo arguing with Phil about what Ranboo did. "Stop Tubbo! First of all you didn't let him finish, Kristin Envy she is safe with her real parents," Kristin looks somewhat relieved but still mad.

"Tubbo calm down," Phil says to him as I nod, "Now why are you all even mad at him?" I question actually wanting to know why, Kristin says "Well he chose himself over Envy and we all know she wanted to see her parents do badly!" "But you know she's now with her parents now so why go be mad when she's happy? Don't you feel at least a little bad for Ranboo he's been through rough shit these couple weeks?" Kristin calms down and Tubbo seems to listen too.

"I guess so..." Turbo buts in looking down. Phil looks at me and smile a little "Thank you," whisper is said to me and I smile back, "How about we go out and do some stuff Tommy and Ranboo will be hanging out for a bit so let's hang out together!" Everyone smiles.

Ranboo POV~

I had been talking to Tommy about everything because I knew I could trust him, "I hope they don't hate me forever.." I whisper, "They won't Boo trust me your an amazingly nice person!" I didn't believe him but smile at him anyways, "It's just nothing is going my way at this point, and I feel so lost..." I sob, I cuddle into Tommy (Don't be weird) "Well i'm here you know, i've been through some traumatic shit too, so I know at least a little of what your going through,"

I smile a bit more, "Thank you Tommy, your literally so sweet," I mumble, "Anything for a friend like you Boo," "Whaf would you like to do to calm down?" Tommy asks me, I hesitate "Uhm we could go shopping for snacks and watch a movie if you want?" I sit up smiling at Tommy as he gets excited "YES LETS GO NOW NOW NOW!" he jumps up and runs too the door o grab my keys and head out as well.

Tommy runs to the passenger side and waits for me to unlock the car I press the unlock button on the keys and he instantly hops in the car as I slowly walk to my side "HURRY UP BOO COME ON!" I chuckle and speed up and get in the driving sit and start the car.

I let Tommy control the music and he starts playing 'Straight in at 101' By Los Campensinos, i've never heard of them but he told me that Will had told him and then I got it. We eventually reach the shops and head in.

We get all sorts of snacks and stop at some foods for inside jokes like Oreo's "Haha look Boo it's you OrEo BoI!" we laugh and grab some and once we were finished we walk to the self checkout because we don't feel like socializing and finally finish our purchases and head back to the car. Nothing interesting happens on the trip.

We got back in the car and kinda both wanted a sundae so we went through a McDonald's drive-through and order 2 large chocolate sundaes and eat them on our way back to my house to watch a movie.

We walk in and I pick a movie whilst Tommy made some food platters we were so excited, I chose to watch a scary movie called 'Scream' apparently it's well-known movie and we both haven't seen it so why not.

We close all the curtains and Tommy comes over with a food platter and goes back to grab some other snacks and drinks.

"3.2.1. go" I press play on the remote and the movie starts playing.

Wilbur POV~

We all had gone out to lunch and I decide to message Tommy to see how it's going.

Wilbur is typing...

Hey Tommy! How's Boo is he doing better?

I wait a couple minutes and hear a song and pick up my phone again.

He's actually going really well right now, we're watching a movie now, can't talk see you soon big man!

Okay thank you Tom for taking care of him!

I turn my phone off and start eating my steak again, everyone seem to be fine, and i'm extremely happy that Ranboo is doing better, I know he'll miss Envy heaps but he'll do better as he goes.

Everyone around the table is having their own conversations Phil and Kristin are talking about going on a vacation whilst Tubbo keeps butting in and begging to go with them.

I get out of my thoughts and decide to speak up about an idea I have. "Guys what about we go to a costume store get funny costumes and a 'little' surprise for Ranboo and surprise him aye?" everyone looks around and grins "No, no, no." Phil refuses "Your going to make me look like an absolute idiot," "Come on Phil, please, it's for Ranboo!" Kristin and Tubbo give him the puppy eyes and he couldn't resist, "Fine! But i'm not paying." he says glancing at me, "Oh yeah that's fine,"

We all finish up our food and decide not to get dessert because we were all full. And we head to Phil's car. Turbo has control of the music and puts on one of my band Lovejoy's songs 'The Fall' "THIS IS RANBOO'S FAVOURITE!" he screams over the loud ass music, the closest costume store was pretty far away so we had about of a drive, actually help me I'm going to go deaf because of my own band's song.

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