Chapter Twenty :)

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Wilbur POV~

Ranboo had nodded when I mouthed "Voices" to him I did go into detail because he did look very shocked when he was laying there. Tommy and I are trying to process where he came from, or why he was so I guess paranoid, I also had Envy on my mind she was upstairs like 15 minutes ago she couldn't have gone far and why would she leave there's no where to go.

"What did you say to Boo when I let you through? Was it important?" Tommy looks at me, I nod "Yes, I technically asked him if it was his voices, and he said yes," I pause but why did he leave to his voice why did he end up here, he said he was going to stay at his for a few weeks. Some of this doesn't add up. Its getting late "Tom Imma head to bed you can stay in the spare room if you want,"

No One POV~

Meanwhile at Ranboo's house he had been napping for a good 4 hours or so when he suddenly opened his eyes, yet again purple, he was still asleep but the enderside wasn't. He gets up and teleport to the bathroom but he steps on the razor he had left last week, he flinches and his eyes go back to normal.

Ranboo POV~

I had woken up from my sleep and I notice I'm in the bathroom, I was stepping on something. So I lift my foot up and notice it's a razor, I take a deep breath and pull out the razor from beneath my foot, the pain felt relieving exactly what I wanted to feel since a few hours ago, I watch as blood drips onto the floor and I look at the razor.

I hop over to the bathtub and sit down with the razor and stare at my long legs. My foot was still bleeding but it was satisfying so I watch for a few seconds then bring my legs up and cut a few lines on my thighs, I let out a smallish squeal as I feel the blade drag across my skin.

I couldn't focus on anything else but the pain. And even if I wanted to it would make me do it more.

Doesn't it feel good.

Get what you deserve.

Very good.

I had then cut a good 6 lines on my left thigh and I made them not as deep, I struggle to get up and trying to hop out of the bathtub when u feel an urge to stay back in the bathtub I slam against a side of bath and I go blurry in one of my eyes I could only see purple.

My right hand has the razor and its pressuring the razor to my right leg. "I've done enough, stop!" but I can't control it, it finally reaches my right leg and I watch it drag an extra deep long line across my leg, tears are flowing down my face as I can't stop.

Feel that relief?

Let's do it again shall we.

It had made me do another 6 lines but this time they felt 5 times deeper than my other legs cut. My eye suddenly goes back and I can take the razor away I throw it across my bathroom, shaking like crazy.

Your sister won't need to see you every again, she's with her family, she didn't deserve your selfishness.

I sit in silent tears as a can barely move my legs, it hurt so bad, eventually I built the courage to try and stand up and bandage up my cuts. That I seem to have deserved. Maybe i did, what are the others going to think of me now.

I stumble out the bathroom and reach my closet that has a first aid kit in it and I open it and grab a roll of bandages, I couldn't dab it with water because it would hurt more, so I start wrapping my legs with bandages all over, but there was a problem you could see blood seeping through on the right side.

I decide to change into some black baggy pants to hide them all I look in the mirror. No. No. No. My eyes had scars from all the crying there's nothing I can do to cover these. I'm actually screwed. At least I know Envy is safe and she's with Mum and Dad. But I don't know how i'm going to tell the others.

Envy POV~

I was just hanging with Mum and Dad since I finally got to meet them and tell them everything, but I remember.

- Flashback -

I'm sitting next to Ranboo as he stands up and I retaliate to what he's saying then he disappears I gasp, "Where did he go?"

Don't worry 'bout him Envy he deserves it, now..

Maybe he does deserve it he was so rude to me and chose to go himself and not think about leaving me. "What?"

Do you want to go see your parents for real now, you can't go back here or see Ranboo again?

I hesitate for a second, Mum and Dad over Ranboo,  "Take me there, now!" I say instantly to the ghostly figure.

Are you su-

-Just take me i'm tired, screw Ranboo," I say bravely standing up, I feel particle surround me as it covers my eyesight and suddenly seem to be somewhere completely different.

- End of Flashback -

I felt calmer and less stressed around Mum and Dad they gave me heaps of attention and whenever they would bring up Ranboo I would avoid it at all costs, i've had enough of him. "Hey Envy, want go for a tour around End-city," Mother Boo asks me as I snap out my thoughts, I quickly nod and think again,  I need to forget about him, he's not worth my time anymore.

Suddenly I stop thinking and Father Boo was tickling me "Ready to go En?" I giggle and nod I finally get up and Mum opens the door for me as I walk out, everything was so pretty and different to the other world. I'm going to love it here.

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