Chapter Five :)

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(TW Self Harm)

Wilbur POV~

I walk towards Ranboo as he sits there sweating in a jumper and mask, "why don't you take off some layers maybe you'll be cooler?" I suggest. Ranboo takes off his jumper revealing underneath a long sleeved top with bandaged hand I won't ask what happened because he doesn't look in the mood to talk about it yet, "Hey Ranboo, are you okay from last night do you remember anything?" Ranboo mumbles whilst nodding his head scared to talk.

Ranboo POV~

After taking off my jumper I felt a little relieved to feel some cold air on my skin, but then I notice Wilbur looking at my hands, he didn't mention anything, I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't bring myself to rant to him and ruin his evening..

"You know you can tell me anything right?" he says quietly enough to make me hear him, I felt a slight comfort from his soft voice and smiled "Are you sure, your going to be here a while, I bet you have other things to do," I say looking around. "Nope I'm always free to take care of my friends," he said with a smile.

I look at Wilbur he's so patient I think I can trust him, I don't have anyone else around or people screaming in my face. "Okay I'll tell you," I say with a sigh.

"Last night I went to stream and chat was asking me questions, I got to the point where my vision became blurred and went completely dark I felt trapped inside some sort of darkness unable to speak or escape until some words appear around me, really nasty ones I don't want to repeat, it kept on getting louder and louder I fell down and busted into tears and the voices laughed at me... " I say taking off my sunnies revealing red burns on my face from all the crying.

Wilbur POV~

Ranboo sat there explaining everything to me he definitely deserves better after he took off his glasses I saw red burns all over his face with big pupils looking at me, next minute Ranboo pulls me into a hug I was surprised but didn't move he really needed some comfort right now.

"Awwwwh, Boo I'm so proud of you, you know, you've been through so much recently I could tell since yesterday, your a wonderful person who can brighten someone's day, I'm so grateful to have you as one of my best friends," I lightly pat his back as he backs away from the comforting hug.

"Wilbur, there's a problem, you know how were going to the beach for a vlog," I instantly stopped him "I've got it no need go worry Boo, just take some time off, and calm down for a while why don't you come stay with me for a bit?"

Ranboo POV~

Wilbur just asked me to stay with him I can agree I wasn't in the best mental state at all right now but I couldn't stay in my own house by myself "Oh- are you sure I don't wanna be a burden or anything.." Wilbur chuckles "No Ranboo you could never be a burden trust me,"

It was about 1:00 PM and Wilbur had left and told me to come to his at anytime with all my belongings, I was packing all my things I went to the bathroom to grab my hygiene products I open up my cupboard and stare at one bloody item just sitting there.

The memories flashed back

Your useless you should just end it grab and slice it's that easy.

No one will notice your gone just do it.

One cut

Two cut

Soon enough I was on the floor with the razor in my hand shaking.

Do it for old time sakes

It's been too long...

I pull my sleeves up and proceed to bring the razor to my arm.

Do it

Do it

Do it


Suddenly I get a dm from Phil I drop the razor and run out the bathroom.

Why'd you stop...

"Shut up! I'm done listening to you."

I open the dm.

Would you like us to keep Envy with us for a bit longer just for you to take time to yourself buddy?

I shiver and respond with.

Oh my tthat woulsd be grweat thank you Phil!

Knowing there was typos but too shakey to rewrite the message I run into the bathroom grab my backpack leaving the razor on the floor...

I got everything packed about to leave when I realise Enderchest would be by herself. I quickly grab her leash and clip it to her and bring her outside into the car with me. Enderchest was some sort of comfort to me I would hate to leave her by herself.

I got to Wilbur's house round about 3:00 PM he opened the door and greeted me in showing me the guest room upstairs Wilbur's house was really welcoming with some plants everywhere and it smelt like lavender which made me sleepy.

Wilbur POV~

Ranboo had finally arrived I had told Tommy and Tubbo to go to the park or something so they hadn't disturbed Ranboo as he arrived, as I looked at Ranboo he looked really sleepy I guess the lavender was getting to him.

I had finally show him the guest room and he introduces me to Enderchest which was nice. I left Ranboo to sort out his belonging whilst I message Phil.

Ranboo is finally home with me, hope Envy is okay!

I turn my phone off and make a coffee and sit on couch about to watch the new series of Whale facts.

Ranboo POV~

I put all my belongings away and let Enderchest off her lead, she walks out of the room as I close my curtains making my room dark so I can have a nap, I get change into some comfy clothes and get into the bed I feel as the quilt was freshly cleaned and I proceed to put my phone on charge making sure Twitter notifications were off and turned to my side and dosed off to a deep sleep.

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