Chapter Twelve :)

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(TW Possession)

Wilbur POV~

I start driving home everyone's in the car worn out from the busy day I was a good distraction and fun to help Tommy with his new channel I slowly drive down the streets looking around and then I drive into the drive-thru and clap to wake everyone up "We're here!" everyone basically rolls out the car limp inside.

"I'm off to have a shower," Tommy says before anyone could call he goes upstairs and closes the door everyone falls onto the couch as I pour a coffee and take a sip feeling the warm shiver go down my spine. Tubbo, Envy and Ranboo were all on the couch and had turned the TV on and they weren't even watching it I think they all dosed off.

Eventually Tommy came down with his 'Club Sunday' jumper on "Someone else can go have s shower," I walk up to Tubbo and nudge him his sleepy eyes open "You can have a shower now," he gets up and walks upstairs and Tommy takes his seat.

Eventually everyone had a shower except for Ranboo and Envy because they're endermen, we ordered fish and chips we all ate and it was just a regular night except Tommy and Tubbo had to go home since they had plans and Tommy needed to edit it was just Envy, Ranboo and I which Envy had fallen asleep ages ago on the couch why Ranboo had gone upstairs, I was quite tired myself I go upstairs and go into my room and let down.

Ranboo POV~

I'm laying down in my bed with my phone next to me watching 'Gravity Falls' on Netflix when I hear a door shut.

Probably Will going to bed.

I finish my episode I'm watching and check the time 12:44 AM put my phone on charge and try to get myself to sleep today was great except for this morning when I got filmed but ether than that I had a great time at the beach and I bet Envy did too it was kinda sad how much I had to tell her not to go in the water but luckily she didn't get hurt.

T i m e S k i p <3

No one's POV~

Everyone was asleep Envy on the couch, Wilbur in his bed and Ranboo in his, the time was about 3:54 AM in the morning the moon was still out shining you could hear faint snores from Wilbur room, and Ranboo was tossing and turning around in his bed groaning.

Wilbur POV~

I wake up needing the bathroom I then on my phone 3:54 AM.

Really you need to go now, I could be asleep.

I walk in the bathroom do my business and walk out, but before hopping back into my warm cosy bed I hear groaning from outside of my door I follow as I quietly open my door and the noise ends up coming from Ranboo's room then I hear the sound change from a groan to a static sound which makes my ears bleed.

I open the door, and cover my ears to see Ranboo sitting with his legs crossed on his bed with purple eyes not moving just making the sound, "Ranboo?" I say with squinting eyes and hands on my ears, he didn't respond I slowly go over to him and release my hands and shake Ranboo aggressively, then he make this excruciating sound that almost makes me go deaf and disappears for a second and appears on the other side of the bed and doesn't move.

Then after waiting and thinking I hear the door creak open again revealing a short girl who had just woken up rubbing her eyes the I guess she hear the scream, then she looks up and sees Ranboo with purple eyes then looks at me, I walk over to the door and crouch "Can you please go grab my phone and text the group chat with Tubbo, Tommy, Phil and Kristin in it and tell them to come here quickly" she nods leaving to go to my room and I resume to try calm Ranboo down.

Envy POV~

Will had told me to go grab his phone I quickly walk to his room and go grab his phone and swipe up the bright phone woke me up more as I scout for Discord I click it and go through his messages to find the group chat and I found it.

Guys, it's Envy, Will need you all to come here because Ranboo has purple eyes!

I press send and I wait impatiently as I hear a ding.

Me and Kristin are on our way don't worry Envy we'll be there asap.

Oh no, I'll be there not as quickly though bc I can't drive I'll get my Mum to drop me off.

Tommy could you possible pick me up on your way all my family is sleeping I don't want to bother them.

Yeah no problem I'm on my way hang tight Envy!

I shut off Will's phone and put it back and run out the room to see that Will and Ranboo aren't in his to anymore "Envy down stairs!" he screams and I come down quickly "They all are on their way!" I say shouting over Ranboo's static voice, I've never seen him like this I whimper quietly.

Wilbur POV~

I have to hold him off from leaving the house till everyone arrives, hopefully they will arrive soon I don't think Ranboo will stay here forever, he's already teleported downstairs where else could he go, it's been 7 minutes since Envy came down, and I heard two cars pull up outside the house, then they all burst through the door and instantly regretted it they all groan as they hear the static and cover their ears Tommy walks over to me "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything Tommy I heard him as I woke up,"

Tommy POV~

"I didn't do anything Tommy I heard him say as I woke up," I hold my ears as I can slightly hear Wilbur "How long has he been like this?" "About 20 minutes I got Envy to message y'all because I was dealing with him," I thought back to the other day when me and Ranboo were talking.

Is this when he goes to the rocks.

As I think the static stops and I release my ears and look at where Ranboo was standing about a second ago. "I KNOW WHERE HES GOING!" I sprint out the door.

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