Chapter Twenty-Four :)

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Wilbur POV~

Nobody else knew were we were going only I did, we were going to get a pet dog for Ranboo to keep him company and dogs are very energetic like someone he had just lost.

It would be good for Ranboo to have some sort of company like he had with Envy, surely he has us but we're mostly busy so.

I pull into the car park of a pet store "Are we getting a pet?" Tubbo asks from behind I give a nod and park and stop the car. We all get out and walk into the pet store I walk up to an employee who was free.

"Hello Sir could you kindly show us the dogs you have?" I ask nicely as possible as the others walk behind me and wait. "Sure just follow me this way!" he says energetically and walks us the the back into a room full of caged dogs.

"Here they are, call me if you need any help," he says as he walks out. "Awwh, look at all this poor puppies," Kristin says in a baby voice, "Okay everyone, we need to find a dog who gives of the Same energy as Envy got it!?" I say getting everyone's attention.
Everyone nods and head off in different directions looking at all the dogs.

I head straight and see all the dogs look tired or aren't moving much just laying in their cages none of them really gave much off a spark that Envy had.

Tubbo POV~

I walk in the direction I chose because I saw some really cute dogs, I go up to each and every dog in that isle and see the energy that each and every dog had... none, none of them had something special about them they all had been sleeping or too tired to stand and put the effort to interact.

Until I think I see one it was fully white like snow, I rush up to it and see how fluffy and adorable it was, I looked as it was waiting for me to come to it.

"PHIL!" I scream whilst smiling at this cute ass puppy, soon enough Phil arrived next to me with Kristin, "Look at this one Phil! They're so fluffy and cute!" I say as I hold my hand up to the cage and the dog slowly approaches my hand. "Tubbo, when you look at that dog do you get Envy's energy, hype or joy?" Phil questions me, I stop trying to pat the innocent fluffy dog and look at Phil.

"But-" I try to say but instantly gets cut off "-Tubbo no, we're here for Ranboo maybe you could get that dog someday, but that dog doesn't suit Ranboo okay?" Phil says to me in a serious tone, but then I realise.


But then again it would be selfish to get a present for me when we're buying one for my unstable best friend. I look at the white dog and sigh as I see Kristin and Phil walk away I slowly catch up with them.

We catch up to Will who is on his last dog of his isle, I run up to him and scare him "Boo!" "TUBBO, that dog was about to approach me!" and I hear cages rattle near and around us I had scared all the dogs, except for one.

"Will have you seen this one?" I ask approaching a far, left out dog, that hadn't flinched when I screamed. "No,  I actually haven't must have missed it," he says as he follows behind me as well as Phil and Kristin.

The dog was staring at us with welcoming, bluish, green eyes, and starts licking the metal bars inside his cage. This dog was majority black but had certain parts white like, his ears, paws and his left eye had a huge patch of white. Was this the dog?

I let Kristin come in and she looks to be unlocking the cage, "What are you doing?" me and Will ask, "Let's see how much this dogs resembles with Envy." we all nod and she finally let's our the tiny, black and white dog. Phil grabs a file which is placed on top of the cage the so dog was in.

"Here is all they know about this dog." Phil quotes from the files cover and open it, "Species: Unknown, Sex: Female, Age: 14 Weeks," the dog ran straight to me and started licking my shoes and playing with my shoelaces "Is this the one!? It definitely seems like it," I say in excitement bending down to pat the adventurous dog.

"Yes, she's perfect!" Will says chuckling, we see an employee walk in "Hey guys the shop closes in 40 minutes how are y'all going?" a quick "Over here!" Kristin says with her hands waving, the employee notices and walks over.

"We would like this one Sir!" Will says pointing to the dog I was patting, "Ahh yes, Aspen, she has definitely been here for a while. Would you like a little back story?" he asks as we all look at each other.

No one responds but me and give a small nod and crouch down to 'Aspen' who is rolling around on the floor, "She was adopted into a family but the owners weren't happy with her appearance, but they couldn't return her so we had complaints of people seeing the owners hurt Aspen and we quickly showed up and took care of her and she is perfectly healthy and been here ever since," "HOW COULD YOU NOT WANT THIS ADORABLE LITTLE GIRL?" I hear Will say as he picks her up and she starts licking his face.

"I'll get you the paperwork and she'll be rightfully yours-" "WAIT!?" I yell at the employee who is walking away, "Could I do a separate adoption?" I say with a smile, "Absolutely show me which dog and I'll get you the paperwork as well.

I sprint up to the employee end lead him to the snow white dog, "This one please!" "Ahh Cabaret good choice, I'll be back with the adoption papers!!"

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