Chapter Thirteen :)

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Tommy POV~

I run out the door and I hear the others run behind me as they all catch up to me "Scout the area there should be a five rock formation around this neighbourhood somewhere!" I shout to everyone as I sprint as fast as I can looking around "Where is he going!?" I could hear Tubbo shout from behind, "I'll explain later, we all split up, Tubbo, Kristin and Envy stay together and me and Phil and Wilbur will go into this forest,"

I see the group of three split from us to look in a park and me and Phil run to a forest ahead of us, "I don't see any rocks nor Ranboo," I say to Phil as he scouts out the area in front or the forest.

Tubbo POV~

We walk into the park I could hear Envy whimper but Kristin was with her, I look around, bench nope, fountain no, grass patches still no sign of Ranboo or glowy rocks we leave the park.

We walk down the street to where Phil and Tommy were still scouting the forest but I guess they didn't have any luck either "Any luck Tubbo?" I hear Tommy as he leaves the forest "Sadly no." "Awhhhoh," Tommy groans leaning on one of the forest trees. "What now?" Phil questions "We can't leave him out there!" Phil starts walking down a path, Envy runs after Phil.

So it's just me, Kristin, Wilbur and Tommy "Guys come double check the forest with me," Tommy says walking back into the forest, me, Wilbur and Kristin nod.

We search the area it was still pretty dark so we couldn't get a good glimpse around but there were no rocks "Tommy what did you mean a rock formation?" Kristin says as she looks around "Me and Ranboo were chatting upstairs a couple days ago and he said something about seeing a five rock formation," Tommy sighs "I think he's back to being ender like on his stream..." "Tommy!" Kristin nudges his arm, we weren't suppose to talk about that situation anymore, "It's the truth his eyes are legit purple!" me, Wilbur and Kristin walk out the forest.

We get out the forest and Tommy catches up we hear a faint scream, "AHHHH!" I sprint but Tommy ends up overtaking me and Kristin running towards the fading scream as we all arrived "Holy shit..."

We stare and see Ranboo standing with Phil on the ground with an eye scratch Envy runs behind Tommy and hugs his legs, Kirstin and I gasp, the static noise was a lot quieter than before in the house, "What the actual fuck." I stutter.

Tommy POV~

Envy was hugging my legs and I glance at Ranboo who isn't giving any emotion what so ever, I look around it's like a circle formation with... "five rocks.." I walk over to a rock.

I look at it.

Is this what Ranboo said about the symbols?

I touch the rock and I hear a loud screech from Ranboo who is now facing me but in the same position. I slowly take my hand off the rock, "Guys, this is the rock formation," Phil scatters from the ground and joins Kristin and Envy, whilst Tubbo still looks in shock. Wilbur has been silent this whole time, he looked like he made himself out to be guilty, then Wilbur does something I couldn't expect.

He walks up to Ranboo who is still facing me "WILL DONT YOU DARE," Tubbo screams but he ignores "Will please.. You saw what he did to Phil it's not safe!" I say biting my nails, Wilbur is about four feet away from Ranboo and he just glances at him.

Wilbur POV~

Did I not check up on him enough?

Is he okay?

Approach him!

Help him!

I stare at Ranboo from his side wondering what to do next I already had the others shouting at me no one else is going to try approach him, the rocks start glowing a purplish colour and all the other stumble back either tripping and falling down, but I stay standing catching myself before I fall, Ranboo wasn't attacking me like he did with Phil, "Hey Phil? What did you do for him to attack you?" I ask with concern trying not to get myself hurt, "I just approached him and talked to him and mat have touched his had and then he scratched me." so he touched Ranboo's arm not going to lie he does seem really fragile at the moment but I'm struggling how to handle this, I look back up to Ranboo as his face forms a breaking smile across his face, I freak, then the rocks lift up and come above Ranboo and circle him slowly and slowly getting faster, he then lifts his hand up and grabs the gem looking thing and holds it out to me...

"Don't do it Will," I hear Tommy say as I slowly bring my hand up and touch the gem and then everything fell silent.

No One POV~

Wilbur and Ranboo had vanished everyone quickly stood up and ran to where Wilbur was just a second ago the rocks were gone and they were all left clueless, Kristin and Phil left to so they could get Phil healed whilst it was just Tommy, Tubbo and Envy, Envy had sunk to the ground and started sobbing, Tommy and Tubbo where just as confused as to where they could have gone to.

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