Chapter Six :)

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Wilbur POV~

I finish two episodes of my whale facts show and I haven't seen Ranboo come down he is probably asleep, I look outside and see Tommy and Tubbo walking and opening the door Tommy started shouting not knowing Ranboo was possibly sleeping, I run towards the door and put my hand on his mouth to make him shut up, I also shake my head with a serious face.

He grabs my arm and pushes it down and yells at me "WHAT THE FUCK MAN" "SHUT UP TOMMY RANBOOS UPSTAIRS SLEEPING." I yell as Tommy calms down and backs away to Tubbo.

"Ranboo is here?" Tubbo asked, "Yes he's here don't disturb him he really needs so rest!" I explain as I calm down from taking the piss out of Tommy, "Don't talk about what happened on stream last night he's very subconscious about it.." I look at Tommy and Tubbo with a serious face. They both nod at me and go to the couch and sit down.

I walk over to and stand in front of the TV "Also Ranboo won't be doing the beach vlog." They both stared at each other and I could tell Tubbo was about to ask why. "Wh-" "Don't ask why Tubbo he's not doing well right now." Tubbo closes his mouth and looks down. I step away from the TV and go up stairs and go to my room and did some editing for an upcoming video with me and Tommy.

Tommy POV~

As I sit next to Tubbo silently and turn on my phone and go on Twitter.

Everyone is still going on about Ranboo's stream.

I decide to tweet something updating all the DreamSMP fans.

Hello sorry for the lack of streams recently, we all have a lot going on, but the vlog will still be happening so stay tuned!

I press tweet and turn my phone off and look across to Tubbo "Hey king what do you wanna get for tea?" I ask with a small smile the time was about 4:30 PM and I was kinda hungry "Honestly I kinda want some pizza!" Tubbo replies "Ooo sounds good we could get Will and Ranboo some."

We go onto the Ubereats app and click on the pizza option I click on the ham and cheese pizza and added it to our cart "What pizza do you want big man?" "Yoo I really want some supreme please!" he says with a smile, we got Ranboo and Wilbur Hawaiian because I knew that was their favourite, then got some garlic bread and coke.

No One's POV~

Ranboo was still sleeping, Wilbur was editing and Tommy and Tubbo were watching TV and on their phones 30 minutes have passed and the pizza had finally arrived Tommy walked to the door to grab the pizza and pay whilst Tubbo went up the stairs to get Wilbur.

Wilbur POV~

I hear quick footsteps up the stair and a knock on my door, and it opens it was Tubbo, "We got you some pizza!" he ran back down stairs, and I stood up grabbing my phone as I walk out my room and head to Ranboo's room, I politely knock on the door, and see I sleepy yet well rested Ranboo open the door as he rubs his eyes they're still red but look a little healed "mmm?" he mumbles I smile "There's pizza down stair wanna come eat it'd just me, Tommy and Tubbo!" "Yeah I'll be down in a second," Ranboo goes to grab his phone and I walk down the stairs.

Ranboo POV~

For once I had a really good nap, I was proud of myself, I grabbed my phone and head down stairs to get some pizza, as I walk down I see Tubbo, Tommy and Wilbur sitting at the table I walk towards the table to see an empty seat with a Hawaiian pizza I sit down.

"Good arvo Ranboo, I can tell you slept well" Wilbur says as he shoves a piece of pizza in his mouth, I chuckle "Yeah aha thank you," I say as I pick up a piece of pizza.

I haven't had pizza is ages, it looks so good.

I take a smallish bite and feel as the flavour fill my mouth, if was so good it's like I couldn't explain it, I take more bites as each bite got bigger and bigger, I look across to see Tubbo and Tommy looking at me, I stopped eating but then Tommy and Tubbo start eating with big bites I smile and proceed to continue eating.

"Ayy Ranboo wanna go for a walk tomorrow with me and Tommy!" I see as Tubbo nudges Tommy to convince me to come too "Oh- yeah! We'll have so much fun you must come!" Tommy says as he rubs the spot of where Tubbo had nudged or aggressively hit "Oh- sure!" I say with a shyish smile. Then Wilbur buts into the conversation.

"Yeah that's fine just make sure not to leave straight in the morning because Phil, Kristin and Envy are coming over!" I look over to Wilbur as he explains this and nod. "NO WAY ENVY IS COMING I HAVENT SEEN HER IN AGES, SHES MY BESTIE!" Tommy screams like a girl, Tubbo glances at Tommy in shock, "How could you," Tommy then to reword what he said "Oh cool Envy," he said trying to hide his excitement.

No One's POV~

They all continue with they're night and eventually Tommy and Tubbo went home and Wilbur and Ranboo went to sleep, they all had a busy day then all were tired out, but tomorrow was a busy day so they needed all the rest they could.

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