Chapter 4

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Izzy's POV

The next morning I stir in bed feeling so warm. I'm covered in a warm comforter and pillow. It smells so good, and that's when the flashbacks from yesterday afternoon hit my memory. And I slightly move before smelling the pillow and get a gigantic nose full of Lance.

I might not be ready for the conversation that's going to happen, but I know we need to have it.

I shift in the sheet and open my eyes softly before looking down. I'm on the right side of the bed with a blanket thrown on top of the comforter. Lance's fan is on across the room and the blinds are still shut. I move to try and see if he is next to me and I don't feel him with my foot. So I shift and roll over to see the bed empty with an indent of where his body was.

Along with almost an entire box worth of used condoms on his dresser that make me smile. I cover my body, that's still in nothing but Lance's black tee, and reach over and push the used condoms into the trash can.

I know what I did was wrong yesterday, but it felt so good. I shouldn't have asked him to sleep with me, but I needed it more than I realized. I love it, I missed it in a sad way. But we need to talk about what he told me. Love isn't something you just throw around, which is why it took me months to tell him. For me to know in my heart I loved him.

He just let it out so freely though and I'm upset that he did.

Just as I'm about to get out of the sheets by lifting the comforter I hear his moments as the bathroom door opens. The steam pours out from around his body as he steps out into the room. The steam surrounds his body and when I take a look at him I instantly tighten my thighs together to dull the ache.

He's wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist, his brown hair is soaked and he's shaved up a bit instead of the small amount of hair he had growing on his chin. "Hey," he tells me while twisting a cotton tip into his ear and walking out.

"Hey" I whisper back leaning forward and rubbing my forehead. I'm sure I look lovely this morning with unbrushed hair, teeth, and tear stains from my mascara yesterday. Along with the hickeys, I know I have them on my neck.

He walks past me and drops the cotton tip into the trash beside his bed before he looks down into the trash looks back up at me and then walks away. He saw the condoms.

He doesn't say anything else walking to his closet and getting out clothes for his football recruitment camp today that I hope he does well in.

The silence is just awkward though, the whole thing is awkward. We're both walking on thin glass together.

"Lance, can we talk about yesterday?" I blurt out crossing my legs and covering them with his comforter further. I hear his feet shuffling around before he walks out of the closet naked, not to my surprise, and slips on boxers as he sits down at the end of the bed looking at me.

"Yesterday I was going through a lot and I'm sorry," I tell him as I look down and pick at my pink French-tipped small nails.

"I know. You're fine Izzy" he tells me as I nod and rub my hands down his tee I'm wearing to wipe the sweat from this conversation.

"But I shouldn't have demanded you have sex with me. It was wrong of me and I apologize. I just-, I use sex as my coping mechanism with everything and I have to stop. I can't hurt myself or you, by us sleeping together again. So no matter what, don't do it." I tell him as he sighs and moves around. He props his feet on the end of his bed and looks over his shoulder as he starts, "So last night meant nothing?" He asks.

Loving Lance (Loving Jaxton Spin-off)✔️Where stories live. Discover now