Chapter 7

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Izzy's POV

Maddie's in shock when she holds the test in her hands. I couldn't look. I know what it says. I fucked up, I fucked up so bad. I know it's Reed's and he will not want it, and my plans for college are out the fucking window.

"It's positive" she whispers holding it with tears in her eyes as I break down crying into my hands. I knew it, I knew he didn't wear a condom and I kept telling myself he did when he didn't. It's not Lance's baby, he always wore condoms, and the timeline of me being sick doesn't line up to when we were messing around. I know it's not his baby.

"Aww Iz, it'll be okay," she tells me reaching down to hug me as I bawl my eyes out. I'm a mom. At eighteen. I'm a mom.

"I'm a mom" I whisper crying into her shoulder. "Iz, it'll be okay. I'll support whatever decision you make. I love you."  Maddie whispers into my hair. I cry into her shirt as she grips my back holding me from falling over and crying even more.

"I-, he won't" I go to whisper as she pulls away. "Words Iz, what is it?" she asks rubbing my tears away. "Reed, he's the dad" I whisper to her as she sighs.

"Iz I thought you said he wore a condom, where's your birth control?" she asks. "I thought he did, but I guess he didn't. I was too drunk to even realize what happened. My pills ran out and I haven't been the gynecologist in about a year. I was so stupid." I whisper palming my forehead. 

So fucking stupid.

"Fuck, what do you want to do?" she asks. "I don't know. What am I supposed to do? Abort it?" I ask. I don't know what to do, if I abort it, I kill it. But if I keep it, it could ruin my life.

"Izzy it's your baby I would gladly be an aunt Maddie if you chose that, but I don't want you to make a rash decision so really think about what's best for you," she tells me as I cry into my palms. I sit on the floor crying my eyes out while she holds me and I don't know what to do, I just know that I'm a mess and I blame my dad for making me this way.

I'm now a mom.


After I've had two days to cope with the fact that I'm a mom, I immediately call Reed. But he doesn't answer me, so at school, I personally find him in the gym with all his guy friends.

"Reed" I spit out behind him as his friends turn around. I'm standing with my arms crossed and I know I don't look the best right now. I did manage to straighten my hair this morning, but other than that, I've got on a huge hoodie that covers my shorts and a pair of white sneakers.

"Izzy," he tells me turning back around ignoring me. What a dick, I can't believe I fucked him.

"Reed I need to fucking talk to you," I tell him as he turns back around. "About what?" He asks wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Will you please come outside with me?" I ask him as nicely as I can. He knows I'm not going to leave him alone so he just nods as he follows me out the gym to one of the picnic tables beside it. I sit down on top of it and make him sit next to me before I start.

"Why didn't you wear a condom?" Is my first question. He looks at me blankly before he sighs.

"That fuckers really in love with you huh?" He asks and I know he's talking about Lance, so I shut him up. 

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about this." I tell him taking out the pregnancy test from my pocket and show him. He instantly pales looking at it.

"Now answer my damn question. Why didn't you wear a condom?" I spit out.

"That's fake," he tells me as I pull the second one out that I took to make sure I was. The first one I made Maddie keep, and I don't know if she ended up telling her mom, but she's had to by now. I'm sure she thinks of me highly now. But I went to the store and bought two more, I needed to take them so I knew I was. I didn't believe the first one, or the second, but by number three reality had hit, hard.

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