Chapter 23

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Izzy's POV

This morning I'm woken up by the urge to vomit. It's because Emmy is almost seven months now, and she's so big that my stomach can't hold much without giving me acid reflux. I've never been able to deal with acid reflux at all and it always makes me vomit my stomach out.

I'm holding my stomach over the toilet when I pull away wiping it off. I flush my vomit away before rubbing Emmy softly. "You just love to make mama sick don't you?" I ask her as I smile. She's worth it.

I'm actually going to school for a final today though, one that I'm proud to take early since I could do the course at my own pace. I quickly get up and take my clothes off before stepping into the shower. Ten minutes later I'm finished and I step out brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I start on my makeup and curl my hair in record time of eight minutes. Just as I'm getting dressed my phone rings from my bed. I quickly slip my bra on before walking over and answering it, it's Cade. These past few days have been really great with him, and I think I'm starting to really like him.

"Hey," I answer grabbing my maternity leggings and slipping them on.

"Hey, beautiful. What are you doing?" He asks as I smile.

"I'm getting dressed for my early final today, I have to take those in person but it won't be too bad. What are you doing?" I ask him putting my socks on while leaning across the toilet all crossed up in order to do it.

"That's actually why I called you, will you go to lunch with me? Maybe the cafe down from the school?" He asks as I smile.

"Yeah, I'll be done at about twelve. That work?" I ask. "It will. I'll see you then. Be safe and call me afterward to tell me how they went. You got this." He tells me as I smile.

"Thank you, Cade. Bye." I whisper hanging up as I lean forward and grab my maternity tank top. I slip it on with a cardigan and some small slip-on shoes before I'm out the door. I'd usually eat, but I can't risk getting sick right now and Emmy should be good to go since I woke up at three am starving.

Hopefully, this goes well.


I'm finishing my final when my phone starts vibrating. I reach over and snooze it off without anyone noticing before seeing who it is. Maddie. I'll call her back later.

I quickly read through my final and check all the problems before turning it end and walking off the auditorium. I make my way through the halls and out to the front door of the building walking to the parking lot. When I get to my car I call her back before even starting my car.

It doesn't ring long at all before she's answering. "Oh my god, Izzy. Please don't freak out. Are you sitting down? Is Emmy okay?" She asks frantically.

"I'm fine. I just finished my final for one of my classes. What's going on?" I ask her as she sighs. "You're sitting?" She asks as I sigh and laugh.

"Maddie, what's wrong?" I ask her as she sighs. "Lance is on a plane to California as we speak." She tells me when my breathing stops. I drop my phone in my lap and stare off into the parking lot before I realize what she just said.

He's coming here. And I'm pregnant as a whale.

"Izzy? Izzy are you there?" She asks frantically. I manage to get myself together for a second and grab my phone before I try regulating my breathing.

Loving Lance (Loving Jaxton Spin-off)✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя