Chapter 5

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Lance's POV

Fucking Izzy makes me realize that I don't just love that girl, I'm a fucking pussy for her. I'd do anything, anything for her. And she has to know that. Especially since I'm lying in bed with her body cuddled into my shoulder after the rounds of sex we had last night. She's softly breathing with her blonde hair fanned around her head and he little tan body is molded to mine why I rub my fingers through her hair.

I need to move, but I don't want to. I have football camp today, and I have to get up though. So I softly kiss Izzy's forehead as she moans and I grip her arm rubbing it softly. I lift my pillow and put it under her arm.

Moving to take a shower I cut the shower on and wash my body. I then brush my teeth and wash my face. But I can't stop thinking about the naked girl in my bed. I've loved Izzy since I was six, and I know she's my girl. I also know she's messed up and I hate that more than anything in the world.

I finish drying off and wrap the towel around my waist before opening the bathroom door. When I do, I see Izzy sitting straight up in my tee. With her dried mascara on her face, and her bed head. But I still think she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Hey" I whisper cleaning my ear out with a cotton tip. She stares at me, up and down before looking down at her hands. I know she's ashamed, she's only ashamed when we have sex and she feels guilty. I can see the hickeys on her neck from here, and I know she's going to be shocked when she opens her thighs and sees the hickeys and teeth marks covering them.

"Hey" she whispers back leaning forward and rubbing her forehead. Her blonde waves fall covering her face as I sigh. I intentionally flex my abs to make her look as she stares at me giving me a little hope that she still thinks I'm hot. At least I think I've gotten better with my body and hygiene. The gym has been doing me good, and I can't wait to take it over from my dad one day.

I walk past her and drop the cotton tip in the trash before looking down and seeing all the condoms she must have thrown away. I then look over at her and she sadly sighs before I walk into the closet to get dressed.

The silence is just awkward though, the whole thing is awkward because I know she's freaking out over what happened.

"Lance, can we talk about yesterday?" She asks as I shuffle my feet walking out of the closet. I drop my towel and slip-on boxers before walking out to talk to her. I sit down on the bed next to her when I realize she's sitting up completely straight ready for this conversation.

"Yesterday I was going through a lot and I'm sorry." She tells me picking at her famous pink nails she always has done.

"I know. You're fine Izzy" I tell her trying to calm her down a bit. She was like this after our first time too, nervous to talk to me more than anything.

"But I shouldn't have demanded you have sex with me. It was wrong of me and I apologize. I just-, I use sex as my coping mechanism with everything and I have to stop. I can't hurt myself or you, by us sleeping together again. So no matter what, don't do it." She tells me as I sigh and put my feet up before moving to see her face across my shoulder. I'm pissed.

I know sex is her coping mechanism. That's what she wants when she's not okay, which is why I want this with her, I want to fix it with her. I want to show her what we could be and she's closed to the idea of it. "So last night meant nothing?" I spit out. Last night was more than sex, and she knows it was. When I kissed along her body she held me differently and when we both came together, we were staring into each other's eyes and I know it meant more to me that way.

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