Chapter 25

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Izzy's POV

When Lance and I move our lips together, it's always perfect. It always is. He's flipped us over by now, and I'm sitting on top of his thighs as we continue making out. I'm holding his head between my hands while I kiss down his neck when his hands move to my ass. 

"How did this get better?" he asks feeling up my ass as I smile onto his neck. "Pregnancy butt and boobs," I tell him laughing as he lifts the back of my shirt and rubs my back. It feels so good. Just being around him, I thought I'd hate it but I don't. I still love everything about him. 

Time apart sucked, but I feel like we just picked up where we stopped, and nothing is stopping us right now. I don't care about anything else but this. And then my phone rings as I groan standing up.

But that's when I realize who is calling me. It's got to be Cade. I push away from Lance and find my phone in the kitchen before answering it and looking over at Lance. "Hey" I answer as he starts. 

"Feeling better?" he asks. "Yeah, I think it was just the food. I'm okay." I tell him as I sigh. I didn't realize how much this would be an issue. I really like Cade, but I also really like Lance, and I don't know what to do. "Good, I'm about to leave. Do you need me to bring anything before I get to the airport? Or stop by?" he asks as I sigh. Fuck. 

"No, I'm okay. I think I might just shower and go to bed honestly. I'll see you soon okay?" I ask him as Lance sighs and turns around wiping his lips. 

"Yeah, be good while I'm gone. I'll call you tonight" he tells me as I sigh. "Yeah-, be safe," I tell him as he stops me from hanging up with his next words. "Everything okay, your voice sounds off," he tells me as I panic.

"Maybe I'm getting a cold too. Uggh, my immune system sucks." I play it off as I sigh. "Oh, okay. Go take some meds and rest up," he tells me as I sigh. "Yeah, I will. Bye," I tell him hanging up as I place my phone down and walk back over to Lance.

"So, you did move on" he states out as I sigh. "Not until after you told me that you did. We're not even that serious okay? We went a few dates and that's it, kissed a few times but nothing other than that." I tell him as he rubs a hand through his hair. 

"You can't get mad at me when you have a full-fledged girlfriend at home," I tell him as he sighs. 

"I won't when I get back," he tells me as I sigh. "But you're cheating on her now, with me," I tell him as he sighs. "Fuck Izzy I know. I just don't want to break her heart, she's really amazing and I know I will when I just up and break up with her with no explanation," he tells me leaning back.

"What do I do?" he asks as he throws his arm over my shoulder and pulls me into his chest. I rub it softly when I sit and he reaches over rubbing the side of my belly as Emmy kicks. I smile under my breath when he feels it and stops his hand.

"Is that-, she?" he asks as I smile. "Yeah, she likes listening to people talk. I think she wants to be in the conversation too." I tell him as he smiles. "That's so fucking amazing," he tells me lifting my shirt and rubbing it before I stop him.

"No, it's covered in stretch marks," I tell him as he rolls his eyes.

"I don't fucking care" he replies back kissing my forehead before my belly again. I laugh and let him rub it before he feels her continue kicking. "What's her name?" I ask looking up at him. 

"Iz, we don't-" he goes to start when I cut him off. "What's her name? Char?" I ask again moving to look right into his eyes as I sit with my legs crossed so that I can rub my belly. I want to know, I need to know so that I know if he's really breaking up with her or not. Because I know Lance, and any certain look he gives me I can read it well. 

Loving Lance (Loving Jaxton Spin-off)✔️Where stories live. Discover now