Retourner à la maison

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Retourner à la maison

French Phrase - returning home

Four years

Four years of being alone yet constantly surrounded by people.

I might as well have had an ankle monitor.

The moment I arrived in New York I was ushered to my brother Richard's house. He was upset to say the least due to the fact he had to cancel his trip to Italy. I apologized profusely and he said it was fine but I knew it wasn't fine.

I had to wake up at 7:00 every morning, then get ready for work. I had to go to work with my brother driving because apparently I can't do that anymore but sometimes he would let me drive late nights on the weekends. Then after getting to his precinct since he was a cop I would have to walk six blocks to my job at undercover ops, that was the only time during the day I had to myself. I would always think about Emily and the team and how they either replaced me or just forgot. I mean Strauss did say that I could come back after my name was cleared, and Hotch said he would do that. This was depressing. After work I would have to wait inside for 30 minutes for Richard to pick me up after his shift. We then would get home, have dinner, and get ready for bed. This schedule went on for four. years.

It was a Friday morning and I was woken up by my obnoxious alarm. I threw myself out of bed trudging to my closet. I threw my very limited selection of clothes around and decided to wear a deep purple dress that was tight but comfortable. It came just above my knee and had long sleeves. I put on some black heels and agreed with myself that that was enough. I fixed my hair, it had grown and I didn't like it, I looked at my clock.

I have time.

I pulled a pair of scissors out of the drawer in my bathroom and started cutting.

I walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen where Richard was making some coffee.

"That's new." He looked at my hair slightly smiling.

"Didn't like it long." I shrugged.

"Should I cut mine?" He pulled a piece of his hair up showing how long it had gotten as well.

"Maybe soon...when it's wet you look like a dog." I reached across the counter messing up the hair he had just brushed back down.

That's when the landline rang.

"Who the hell is calling the landline at 7:50 in the morning?" Richard questioned. He walked to the living room as I sat on a barstool and started eating an apple. "Richard Monet. Who is this?" I was caught up in my own world until I heard my name. "Kira, it's for you." Richard walked in handing me the phone.

What the..

"This is Kira, may I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Yes this is Erin Strauss I'm assuming you remember me."


"Well I'm here to tell you that you're moving back to the BAU." I furrowed my brows at her words. Richard could see the confusion contorted on my face and whispered what was going on. I held up my finger to shut him up while Strauss continued. "There will be a plane for you in a few hours. If you miss it you'll have to find your own way. People will come to get your belongings so only get the necessities.  You will also need to call Hotch and tell him you're coming back. Have a good day Monet." And she hung up.

God I hate that woman, even four years later she still pisses me off.

"What happened?" Richard asked as I handed him back the phone.

"Apparently I have my job in D.C. back." I said resting my head on my hand.

"Aren't you happy?"

"Yeah but a part of me is worried, what if they forgot about me?"

"They didn't forget about you Kira, You were a part of that girl Emily's life for like a decade and on top of it all you're pretty hard to forget. Trust me I've tried." I shot him a glare and he held up his hands while laughing. "I'll drop you off at the airstrip. Grab your stuff. We can get some food on the way, I'll call in." I smiled at his generosity and off I went.

We arrived at the airstrip and Richard parked his truck next to the jet.

"Well c'ya Kira." He slightly frowned.

"Don't be sad." I punched his arm lightly. "We'll see each other soon."

"Who said I was sad? I finally got my house back." I scoffed and he giggled like a child. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He said in between breaths. "Have fun back with the big dogs." We both smiled and I stepped out of the truck grabbing my duffel bag from the back saying one last goodbye as I climbed the steps into the plane.


Hours passed and by the time I was back in D.C. it was dark. I got a taxi back to my old house and walked in. It smelled like a construction site due to nobody using it for so long, the floorboards creaked and there was a layer of dust on everything. The watch I forgot to put on that Wednesday morning still sitting in the dish next to my door.

I noticed an unopened bottle of wine so I decided to have a glass. Before I got too comfortable I pulled out my phone to make the call I had been waiting for all day.


"It's Monet, Kira Monet, I'm back in D.C. no thanks to you and I was told to call you to tell you I'm back at the BAU. I'll be there tomorrow."

"Alright what ti-" I cut him off knowing exactly what he was about to ask.

"8:00 a.m. and I don't plan on being late." I hung up the phone, throwing it to the couch next to me.

Maybe I am excited to go back.

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ~ 𝗘𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀Where stories live. Discover now