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(n.) A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.

I slowly pulled up to the house to see Drew Jacob closing the door. I saw Ashley's car but she wasn't in it. That meant she had to be inside and she wasn't armed.

I parked across the street so if Jacobs saw the car it wouldn't look suspicious. I leaned across the console, picked up my phone, the light illuminating the dark car and hit Emily's name at the top of my contacts.


"We may have an issue." My voice slightly wavering from panic.

"What happened?" Emily's voice full of worry.

"After you left I went to the bathroom and when I came back I realized Ashley and Jacobs' computer was gone. I just pulled up to the house and she has to be inside." I bit my bottom lip looking at the windows trying to get a glimpse of what was happening inside.

"So Ashley took off and is now in danger?"

"I don't know just get the rest of the team I'm going to try and get her out. I'll call you back if I get her on the phone if not I'm going in."

"Okay." I hung up on Emily and dialed Ashleys number. It rang for a while and there was a tightness in my chest that kept building. I couldn't let anything happen to her.

"Seaver." I sighed in relief when she picked up.

"Ashley, are you in danger?" I slur my words, my brian was going 90 miles an hour.

"I can do that." Her voice was unwavering but I could tell something was wrong.

"I'm outside. Can you say no if you're in danger?" My eyes were focused on the house.

"No ma'am, Mr. Jacobs' daughter was just a little scared and wanted me to hang out with her."

She's in the daughter's bedroom.

I look up to where her window is and see shadows moving around. "Ashley I'm coming in just keep doing what you're doing okay?"

"Yes ma'am, I'll be done here soon." She hung up and I jumped out of the car, forgetting to call Emily back. I didn't have my vest but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a gun so I should be okay. I jogged across the street and took out my gun as I opened his front door as quietly as possible. I walked in and heard the commotion upstairs. A girl crying, a man shouting, and a woman trying to negotiate.

"Heather, go down stairs!" That was the first thing I heard clearly as I slinked up the stairs silently. I was gasping for air as it felt hard to breath. Heather Jacobs' walked out of her room, tears running down her face. I holstered my gun, grabbed her arm with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other. I took her out of ear shot and brought my finger up to my lips telling her to be quiet as I brought my other hand away from her mouth.

"Hi my name is Kira and I work with that nice woman in there." My eyes darted from her to the door of her room and back to her. "I need you to do something really important for me, okay Heather, nod your head if you understand." She nodded her head. "I want you to go back in there and try to talk your dad down if that doesn't work I'll come in." She nodded her head again and walked back into her room. I stood as close as I could so I could hear what was going on.

"Daddy please!" Heather cried. "Let's just go." My heart ached at what I was hearing. This was so difficult to listen to.

Jacobs wasn't budging so I had to step in. I walked into the room silently, luckily his back was to me. I stood in front of Heather but I was so close I felt her body heat on the back of my leg.

"Drew Jacobs FBI." I then realized he had a knife to Ashleys neck. "Drop the knife." I had my gun pointed at him but I didn't want to pull the trigger. I then heard everyone else show up.

"FBI!" Was yelled from multiple places in the house. In my peripheral vision I saw Hotch and Rossi show up first. I held up my hand telling them to stay back. Rossi came in though, only to grab the girl. I felt a little bit more at ease knowing she was no longer in the room. Hotch still stood in the doorway with his gun in hand and his face stone cold as always.

"Drew don't do this, think of Heather, think of your wife." I had to use all my might not to let my voice crack. He turned his head and looked at me, tears running down his cheeks. His lips cracked as he opened his mouth.

"Tell Heather I'm sorry." Was all he whispered and he then came at me with the knife.

There were two gunshots. Mine and Hotch. It happened in the blink of an eye. The moment it happened I dropped my gun running over to Ashley grabbing her elbows keeping her from collapsing. Blood had splattered on her but I didn't say anything, I just walked her down to one of the SUV's, gave her a blanket and a towel and left her. I could tell she needed some space. Rossi could too, he walked over and placed his hand on the window and then walked off.

"You okay?" Emily stopped me before I crossed the street back to the car I had driven.

"I'm not sure, a lot just happened and all I know is I never want to have to relive it." I ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath in. "Will you drive my car back though, I don't trust myself right now." I looked down at my shaking hands. I wasn't even sure why this case was having such an affect on me.

"Of course." Emily wrapped her arm around me and I looked back and the SUV Ashley was in one more time before crossing the road.


None of us really wanted to stick around so we got on the jet right after we wrapped up. It was late but none of us could really sleep anyways. It wasn't quiet but it wasn't loud either, everyone having their own conversations with one another.

"Guys." I got everyone's attention. "I think right about now we all deserve a break so movie night at my apartment tomorrow?" It was quiet for a moment and I thought about taking it back until Morgan spoke up.

"I'll be there and I'll make sure Garcia knows, she'll be all over this."

"I'll bring some food." Rossi winked. "And drinks."

"I have nothing planned." Reid spoke up for the first time during that flight.

"I might be with Jack but I'll see what I can do." Hotch gave me one of those ever so rare smiles and I could help but return it. Emily then walked over to me with two cups of coffee in hand.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Emily smiled as she sat next to me and gave one of the steaming cups. My stomach fluttered as I unbunched the blanket in my lap stretching it across her lap as well. I then looked over at Ashley. Her eyes met mine.

"What about you Ashley? You coming?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. She looked shocked at first and then smiled warmly.


After that we agreed that we would meet at my house around six, drink, eat, and watch a movie. As everyone went back to their conversations Emily's lips floated to my ear.

"I call the seat next to you." Her voice was so low I could barely hear it but my neck still burned red. Her husky laugh echoed in my head as I tried to focus back on my book but couldn't pull myself to do so.

This woman is so addicting and she hasn't a clue. It's like she's taunting me.

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ~ 𝗘𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀Where stories live. Discover now