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(n.) absent-minded dreaming while awake.

Hotch's POV:

Kira's kidnapped, Emily has disappeared, and we just realized that Emily lived with Ian Doyle before he was taken to prison. We looked into Emily's old team and realized their alias' has the initials L.R. We have begun to believe the reason they took Kira was to get back at Emily for what she did. I brought in J.J. to assist in Emily's past. She doesn't know Kira that well but we needed all the hands we could get.

We finally hit a break due to Jayje's information about Prentiss' CIA past and took off to Boston. We touched down and brought in Jack Fahey.

Rossi and Reid were in interrogation with him and were trying to find out where Emily went. If she came here she was looking for Doyle which means Kira is also here.

"I- I don't know no Emily Prentiss." Fahey argued with Rossi until Reid broke it open.

"Reynolds, Lauren Reynolds, where is she?" He leaned over the table.

"That chick it bat shit crazy, she's how my ear got like this. She found me outside my bar and attacked me like a banshee. Can I get that smoke now?"

I left from behind the mirror and found Morgan pouring a cup of coffee for himself.

"What's bothering you?" I stood next to him and his aura was just angry.

"Emily just-" He was cut off by Garcia busting into the room.

"I have something."

She had found security footage from outside the bar from Fahey's statement. We all watched as Emily shot at an SUV and then threw a flash bomb inside.

"Is she crazy?" Morgan slammed his hand on a desk. "She's lucky she didn't just kill someone." He stormed off and we watched.

"There's no sign of Kira in the footage." Garcia looked up at me. She was visibly distressed due to the fact her and Kira were still fighting and she may never get the chance to truly apologize.

"Then where is she? All of Doyle's team was there so nobody was watching her. If she's still.." JJ trailed off not wanting to finish her sentence.

"I have a huge feeling this is deeper than we think and the only person that can tell us is Fahey." Rossi continued. "Me and Ashley are going to talk to him outside." They went off and led him up to the roof.

Not 10 minutes later Rossi and Ashley came running back down and she was covered in blood.

"Fahey was shot." Shock washed over everyone in the room. "He's dead."

David's right, this is deeper than we originally believed. We need to bring those two back safely.

Kira's POV:

I heard shuffling and footsteps getting closer. He was finally coming back after what felt like years. My stomach was empty and my lips had become chapped. My eyelids were heavy but I still couldn't pull myself to fall asleep.

"Wakey wakey dear Kira." Doyle's voice bounced off the walls and a scowl grew on my face.

"As if I could sleep."

"Well that's good, I can see the bleeding on your hands has stopped."

"No thanks to you jackass." He let out a dry chuckle and I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you just kill me. Ian, I've given up on saving myself." My breaths were shallow as I could see the gun in his waistband. My body was burning and my throat felt like cotton. I shut my eyes prepared for him to shoot me. "I know you find such joy in the fear of people and I'm not scared of you."

"You aren't wrong but even though you may have given up on saving yourself maybe you'll keep going for her." He grabbed the top of my chair and dragged me into another room. I felt the color drain from my face as the dark figure in the damp room came clearer into the light.

Doyle slammed my chair down about six feet in front of Emily's limp body. My insides stirred as I watched Emily's unconscious body sit in her own wooden chair. She somehow looked so peaceful despite the fact she was tied and covered in bruises.

I didn't even have the strength to be angry, or upset, or depressed. I was just numb but I was absolutely livid in some part of my body. The thought of his hands on her body again like they were seven years ago made me want to send a bullet straight through his brain.

By now Doyle walked out and I was left to stare at Emily and wait yet again.

Hours passed and she finally woke up.

"Emily." I whispered. I couldn't even be any louder, my voice was hoarse from not drinking anything in so long. Doyle had fed me a couple apples to keep me alive but that was it. I felt like an animal.

"Kira?" Her voice was airy, her eyes fluttering and finally opening.

"Yes, it's me." I was happy she was here but nervous because he now had both of us.

"Hey." She finally was fully continuous and was looking around and then at me her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. I probably looked terrible. "Oh my god. Kira..what happened?" Her voice was clouded with worry.

"I'm fine, I swear. It looks worse than it is." I tried pushing my voice out so it wouldn't sound like I'm in pain. It didn't work very well.

"Like hell it does- is that a tattoo?" She was eyeing my exposed upper thigh. Her voice cracked like she was going to cry and my heart shattered.

"It is and you're about to get a matching one my dear." Doyle came around the corner with his squeaky cart and ripped open Emily's shirt. She shifted uncomfortably as he adjusted her bra. She let out a painful groan as the needle pierced the top of her breast. I had to look away, this whole situation was wrong and I had no clue how long it would go on.

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