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(n.) the deep emotional bond between people, especially those who have been separated.

Emily, Morgan, and I hopped out of an SUV in the pouring rain. I looked over to see Emily's bangs stuck to her forehead and a single droplet hanging off the edge of her nose. It was cute.

We walked to the crime scene and over to where the body was covered by a tarp. They uncovered the body and shock washed over all our faces. I didn't catch the first part of what the detective said because there was something familiar about the way the victim looked.

"...in your line of work I suppose you've seen everything." The detective finished.

"I thought I had." Emily looked back up at him. I squatted down closer to the vic.

"You see something Monet?" Morgan asked.

"I think there's something in her throat." I looked up at him.

Turns out it was some lines to an old movie and turns out I saw that movie when I was child. My mother loved it. That's why I recognized the girl, she was dressed up to look like that main character.

We needed to fish out our unsub and Hotch had an idea. Get Garcia to come down and hold a press conference.

"But sir I'm red now." Garcia pouted, pointing at her hair.

"That can be taken care of. We need you here Garcia." Hotch argued back.


An hour later I was squatting in front of Garcia putting eyeliner on her.

"I'm scared."

"You got this Pen, I'll be right next to you we all will be." I smiled at her, my eyes squinting.

"Thank you Kira, did I tell you how much I missed you?"

"Yes, you did but you can tell me a few more times, after having close to zero freedom for four years my ego could use the boost." I clicked my tongue and winked as I stood up moving away from the mirror so she could see herself.

"You work wonders my dear." Garcia fawned over herself until Hotch came in telling her it was time.

The press conference went smoothly, the press did exactly what we thought and it worked out flawlessly in the end.

We were now driving SUVs around looking for our guy because we knew he would be out. I was driving with Morgan riding shotgun and Emily in the back. She lost rock paper scissors to him so had to ride back there. She was grumbling in the back the whole ride until we got a call to meet Hotch and Rossi in an alley. I raced over there turning into the alley I told Morgan and Emily to jump out.

"He went your way!" Hotch yelled. "Go!" Emily turned on her heels and shot her gun a few times. Looking in the rearview mirrors I could see she hit him but he kept running.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

I hopped out of the car looking down the alley seeing Hotch take the girl out of the car. She looked terrified. I would be too if I just came inches from my life. I can't even imagine it...

A few hours later Garcia found his address and we raced over. Our guy came out easily but everyone's faces contorted into a mix of horror and disgust. He walked out with the dead body of his mother in his arms.

I looked over at Emily dropping my gun to my side. "Is this normal? It's been awhile since I've made an arrest like this."

"Absolutely not, but sadly it isn't the first time this has happened." Emily's face is still painted with a look of distaste while turning to me.


We made it back to Quantico and walked into the bullpen when Garcia bombarded us, shoving a small piece of paper into our hands.

"You guys better come, I know you just got back from a case but it would be really special to me." We all looked down to see that it was a ticket to a theater.

"I'll be there." Rossi chirped, walking over and wrapping an arm around Garcia.

"I should be able to make it." Hotch said walking to his office to grab a few things.

"Me too." JJ smiled.

"Like I would miss it." Morgan smirked, walking over to Rossi putting his arm around Garcia too, placing a big kiss on her temple. Everyone looked at me and Emily waiting for our answer. I shrugged.

"Can't see why I can't come." Looking over at Emily I secretly hoped she would be coming. There's just been this feeling inside of my gut since I got back everytime I look into her deep brown eyes like I'm being electrocuted but in the best way possible.

"Alright, I'll be there." We all cheered and chatted for a few minutes and then dispersed to get ready for the evening ahead.


I looked at myself one final time in my mirror next to the door. I was wearing a tight but not too tight black dress that showed all my best aspects. It had long sleeves but it was a flowery lace so I wouldn't overheat and I wanted to be comfortable so I grabbed some flats that matched, shoved my phone and some cash into a clutch purse and headed out the door.

I parked next to the familiar car I knew as Morgan's and hopped out. It was thankfully a clear night but it had rained earlier so it was a bit humid. I was reaching for the handle of the door when I got a sudden call. I stopped, pulling out my phone.


"Stay right where you are." I looked around trying to find the person on the other line. Suddenly there was a small jab to my side. I squirmed away, almost dropping my phone. I turned to see a laughing Emily. Her head was thrown back and the curls in her hair bouncing with every breath she took. She was wearing a sexy red dress that came to her mid thigh and the sleeves came off her shoulders. I rolled my eyes at her antics as she wiped away a fake tear from her eye. "You should have seen your face, that was hilarious."

"Haha." I mocked, putting my phone back into my clutch. "Can we go inside now, it's kinda cold?" Emily stuck out her left elbow making a circle in between it and her body.

"Shall we go find our seats M'lady?" She asked, I hooked my arm in hers as she opened the door.

"But of course M'lord." I smiled over at her. My stare lingering a little longer than I was intending.

"Is something wrong?" Emily's eyebrows furrowed.

"Nope." I quickly turned my head forward again glad that we were now in the dark theater so she wouldn't see the pink hue on my cheeks.

God, what is happening to me? 

I internally groaned as the show started. I didn't feel like this four years ago, why now?

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ~ 𝗘𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀Where stories live. Discover now