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(n.) a place of torment when you're separated from your lover; hell

Emily's POV:

When me and Morgan got back I rushed into the bathroom not paying attention to anything else.

"Hey sweetie are you okay?" Garcia's voice made me jump.

"Yeah, fine." She didn't buy it so I made up that I keep having a bad dream about a girl and couldn't sleep. I splashed water on my face and went back to the bullpen.

Kira's taken by god knows who, some european hit people group and- oh god...

I stopped in my tracks gasping for air as it became hard to breath and coming to the conclusion in my head. Doyle has her, and is going to kill her if he hasn't already like he told me he was going to.

"You took what was important to me so now I'm going to take what is most important to you. Kira."

"Leave her out of this!"

"How can I? She's the one who sent me to jail and she matters a whole lot to you Emily. She's already dead, she was dead the moment she told me her name was - what was it - Raya Lambert."

"Are you okay Emily?" Reid snapped me back to this demented reality.

"I'm good, did you figure out the tattoo?" I noticed him holding the large notepad he was drawing on earlier

"Yeah," He held up the notepad.

A clover.

All my thoughts became reality. It was him.

"Garcia is digging into it right now. We should have results soon." He pursed his lips and walked off.

Why is nobody worried about Kira? What is going on? Does he not know?

I swung the door of Hotch's office open.

"Sir. Why is nobody looking for Kira?"

"We are Prentiss, trust me when I say we're doing everything we can. We have a name as we speak, get everyone to the round table room now."

Everyone gathered around the table right as Garcia ran in with a file in her hand.

"Ian Doyle. Apparently a few weeks ago he disappeared from prison, he was a huge international terrorist and get this, he has the clover tattoo."

"Nobody except the guards knew where he was being held." Hotch started.

"I heard he was in Russia." I stated.

"That information was never released." Hotch gave me a look. "Did you ever work with him while in Interpol?"

"Directly? No."

"Did Kira? This could be the reason she was taken?" Rossi poked in.

"Seven years ago? Absolutely not." I lied "She was in Canada for half a year on a deep cover retreat. I remember that because it was the first time we worked apart for so long since becoming partners. But I have some associates who I have contact with that may have some information. I personally only knew him from passing of words."

"Get them on now. We need to find Kira ASAP, she is in real danger." Hotch finished up and I ran out of the room to get on the phone with Tsia.

Hours later there was a call, people killed at the address I just told Tsia over the phone.

Tsia was dead. I told her to go to the safe place and now she's dead. I threw up all over my pants and I was now in my apartment changing clothes. It would have been suspicious if I asked Morgan to take me to where me and Kira had been staying but I had some clothes left here so I changed and ran back out to him.

I felt eyes on me so I quickly jumped in the car, knowing that Doyle or one of his men were watching me.

We were no closer to finding out where Kira was being held and I was about to take matters into my own hands. 

Kira POV:

I woke up barely able to lift my head. I finally gained the straight to do so and realized I was tied to a chair. My hands were cut up so I couldn't free myself. The pain was unbearable but I refused to make a sound. I heard footsteps and snapped my head around trying to see where it was coming from until Doyle came around a corner with a cart that looked like a tattoo machine.

Oh no.

"Hello Kira Monet. Good to see you again."

I stayed silent.

"Oh what a shame, maybe I can get you to talk to me after I brand you as mine." His words spilled out like venom. I swallowed a lump that had built in my throat as he walked over while opening up his pocket knife.

He stood over me and while keeping eye contact and ripped up my pants leg to expose my thigh. I tried to squirm but failed due to my leg being tied excruciately tight.

"Stay still, you would hate for it to come out crooked wouldn't you?" Doyle brought the sweltering needed to the soft part of my leg. I winced and threw my head back in pain as he printed a clover on my leg.

He finished and gave me a wicked smile.

"Go to hell." I spat.

"I'll meet you down there." He replied as he walked off with his cart.

I dropped my head in defeat. There was nothing I could do, nothing at this point that could get me out. I closed my eyes but was unable to sleep. I relaxed my body but my nerves were on edge, jumping at every little sound that echoed through the seemingly empty warehouse.

I'm so dead.

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