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(n.) Someone who is always unlucky.

As the months dragged on it became more and more awkward being back, me and Emily both felt it but didn't want to talk about it.

"I don't know, it has cracks." Emily whined to me and Morgan as we walked out of a brownstone.

"You can cover them up."

"But that's just covering them up as you said, they're not gone." I knew exactly what she was doing, she would have to move out of my apartment with me and she was trying to find any reason not to without actually saying it. Morgan was the one that dragged us to this thing and it was a nice place but I would be sad to see her go. As I was thinking about all these things I unconsciously tuned out the conversation.

"...don't you think she's being unreasonable, Mo." Morgan snapped me back to reality. I glanced between the two of them.

"I'm choosing not to stay unbiased."

"Because she's your partner." Morgan said a little hurt.

"Yep." I smiled as we started walking down the sidewalk.

We were all sitting in Morgan's car when all our phones went off. There was a hostage situation at a bank and Will's partner was shot.

We pulled up to the scene and it was chaos, there were cops running around and it took awhile to find our team.

"Prentiss, Monet, go to the surveillance truck with Rossi." Hotch directed us but before we could ask anything he was gone. We hurried across the street and met up with Rossi, he quickly shushed us though because he was about to get on the phone. We were quiet for about two minutes when he was hung up on.

"He wants a medic." Rossi turned to us.

"We can't send someone who isn't an agent in there." I said.

"Well right now it's up to Hotch."

"I'll go find him." Emily rushed out of the truck and came back rather quick.

"We're sending an agent in."

"But who has the medical training necessary?" I asked. "On such short notice as well we can't get anyone here.

"What about you?" Hotch asked.

"What about me?"

"You've been in a hostage situation before we'll send you in with a medic."

"No, absolutely not." Emily jumped up.

"This isn't up for debate, let's go. Rossi tell him we're sending in two." I looked back at Emily and Rossi and Emily was too shocked to say anything. Remember how Hotch said I was in a hostage situation? Yeah that was six years ago and it was one person with a knife not a gun and there were two hostages.

Before I knew it I was walking through the door with a medic with a gun in his bag. That was a bad idea.

"Now!" I heard Hotch yell through the radio in our ears and he pulled out the gun but before he could shoot he was shot in the head and I felt blood splatter on my face. At that moment I thought it was going to be over for me the man yelled at her.

"What the hell, don't shoot both of them, we might need her for more leverage."

"Fine." She walked over to me and took off her mask. "She's pretty too." With the barrel of her gun she tossed my hair back over my shoulder. "You're not a medic are you?"

"Of course I am." My voice shook a little but still came out strong.

"Then why are you showing no fear right now, you have your coworkers blood on you and you didn't even flinch." I stayed quiet because I didn't know how to answer. "Well he's right we have to keep you alive so here you will stay." She raised her gun, slammed it into my head and I was out.

Emily's POV:

I was glued to that screen from the moment she walked into the doors I didn't move a muscle. I was chewing my nails when the woman shot her gun. I was frozen until I realized it wasn't her that was shot. Hotch and the rest of the team walked out upset over the loss of the medic so they missed the woman talking to Kira, by the time I got them back she had already hit her in the head with the end of her gun and was walking toward the camera. She took lipstick out of her pocket and started doing it as if she was getting ready for someone. I was sweating bullets as I saw her motionless body lay under that table.

"Hotch she's going to get killed if we don't go in there." I chased him out of the trailer.

"Prentiss we both know if we go in there now she won't be the only one dead. Now go back to the trailer with David." He left me in the middle of the road and I felt a lump build in my throat and I sucked in a breath holding back tears as I slowly walked back to where I just was.

"What happened?" I walked into Rossi looking like he just saw a ghost, the color was drained from his face and he couldn't sit still. "Hello?" The side door of the trailer opened and Will walked in, he took his badge and removed his arm placing them both on the table. Rossi finally met my eye but before he could say something JJ stormed in.

"Will there is no way in hell I'm letting you go in there."

"JJ this is the only way we're going to save the hostages and Monet. If he wants me to go in there I will." Everything clicked but I was confused as to how it all happened in the short amount of time I was outside the trailer.

We were all outside and watched and Will started walking toward the doors, he didn't look back once as JJ fought me and Morgan to get through. Everything began to move in slow motion as JJ calmed down a bit and Will disappeared inside the doors. Not 30 seconds passed and a single gunshot went off and we all went silent.


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