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(adj.) half dead of exhaustion.

I started coming to when the deafening sound of a gun going off bounced around in my head. My head was pounding and blood clouded the vision of my left eye. I went to figure out what it was but the woman came back over to me.

"So glad you're awake sweetie it's time for you to put those medic skills to the test." She yanked me up by my arm and shoved me in a general direction. I was extremely light headed and immediately fell back to my knees. Everything was blurry and I couldn't even pull myself to do anything when I heard a gun cock behind my head.

"Wait." I heard a familiar voice call out. "You can't shoot her." I think it was Will, what the hell was he doing here? "Not yet, look at her, she's getting up right now." He was stalling, so I'd time to get together what bearings I had left. I used all the strength in my body to stand up and walk over to Will's sitting figure. I'm shocked I actually found him but at least I'm not dead yet.

"Thanks." I mustered up while taking off my FBI jacket to wrap around his shoulder.

"Don't thank me just yet, you still gotta get out of here alive." His words also started to slur from blood loss. "Just tell JJ and Henry I love them for me."

"You're going to tell them yourself Will." I finally started to become contouse again but my head was still pounding, I definitely had a concussion. I used all my weight to stop his bleeding but it wasn't enough. A random guy came over and helped me.

"Get yourself cleaned up, I'll keep pressure on his wound." I remember him mentioning he was ex military so I trusted him. I turned to the medical bag to grab an alcohol pad when I noticed the woman was missing and the guy was losing it. I quickly cleaned the blood off my face, or at least what I knew was on my face. I crawled back over to Will and whispered to him what I saw. What I didn't expect was for him to immediately act upon it. He forced himself to sit up and he started talking to the guy. With Will being so close to me and him almost yelling my ears felt like they were bleeding, I had to tune out the rest of the conversation but apparently it worked because the guy took him back to the backrooms.

"He's gonna get killed." The ex-military man said standing to his feet and helping me to mine.

"He's giving us a chance to escape." I looked around. "Go!" I yelled at everyone despite it hurting. People started running toward the door when a woman turned back towards me.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to find Will please go, your safety is most important." I quickly ushered her out the door and turned back to the bank, the gun the original medic had was still laying there so I picked it up and hurried further into the building. I got to the back offices when I heard the ticking and I immediately knew what was about to happen. With not a moment to spare I dove into the foot space of a desk and covered my ears.


The bomb went off and dust flew everywhere, in the impact a filing cabinet fell infront of the desk so I couldn't get out but there was still just a bit of space at the top but it's not like I could see. The sound sent me into shock and the head trauma I already had didn't help things. My eyes rolled back into my head and the ringing in my ears was unrelenting. A few minutes passed and I still couldn't see but my hearing was coming back. I heard walking and I pulled the gun I still had next to me on whoever was coming.

"It's Derek, put the gun down baby, it's Derek." Even if I had shot it most likely wouldn't have hit him. "Cover your mouth and nose and close your eyes." I did what he told me and heard the filing cabinet move. "Grab my hand I got you." I reached out and felt his hand. He pulled me up and then quickly scooped me up bridal style so I wouldn't fall over. As he navigated us through the rubble I heard wood creaking and JJ calling out for Will. God I felt so bad, I have no clue where he is and it was my fault whatever happened, happened. He kicked a door open and the sun warmed my skin. Even though I had to squint my eyes a lot I never knew I could miss the sun so much.

"Kira!" Emily's voice was the first thing I heard other than sirens. "I'll take her from here." Morgan handed me off to her, I had no clue she was capable of holding me but maybe it was just adrenaline. "How's your head?" She whispered.

"It hurts a lot. I have barely been able to see since I woke up and loud noises hurt my ears a lot."

"We're almost to the ambulance, they'll take you to the hospital and I'll meet you there okay?"



I woke up in a hospital bed, I have no memory of when I fell asleep but somehow my head already felt better.

"You're awake." I looked over to Will sitting on the edge of his bed with a sling. "How's your head?"

"I have no clue what they gave me but I'm feeling better, if it wasn't for you though I would probably be dead so I think I can thank you now." He let out a chuckle JJ both came running in. I got up out of my bed wanting to give JJ and Will their moment.

"You shouldn't leave Kira." JJ tried to stop me.

"I'll be fine, my head barely hurts right now and you two deserve a moment." I looked down at Henry. "We'll be in the hall. " I held out my hand to the boy and he grabbed it and walked with me out of the room. I looked down the hall to see Emily and Garcia heading my way.

"You shouldn't be up." Emily warned me.

"I'm fine." I argued back.

"C'mon Henry let's go get a soda." Garcia scooped him up and they disappeared down another hallway.

"They apparently gave me something that numbed the pain in my head for now and those two more than deserved a moment alone." We poked out heads in the doorway.

"Ask me again."

"Jennifer Jareau, will you marry me?"


We both smiled at the moment but mine turned into a smirk and I started walking off.

"You know we should do that at some point."

"What?" Emily asked, confused. She started running after me. "What did you mean?"

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ~ 𝗘𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀Where stories live. Discover now