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(n.) The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.

We had fallen silent after we shuffled into the elevator. It was slightly awkward and we both knew it, the elevator ride felt like it was taking ages so I decided to break it.

"Ten months." My eyes stayed forward but I could feel Emily's eyes burning holes into my head.


"We dated for ten months about a year into my stay in New York. We haven't spoken since then."

"Oh, I'm sorry, based on the way you acted while talking about her I could tell you really liked her." My eyes finally fell onto her, I didn't know if she knew I acted the same way speaking about her. I opened my mouth to say something but the doors opened and Garcia ran over holding a paper in her hand.

"Emily! I need to speak to you." Garcia bombarded her right as we stepped out.

"Okay,  just one second I was speaking to Kira." My eyes flashed and I shook my head.

"No no no it's fine this seems important I'll go put your bag on your desk." I took the bag from Emily's hand as she stammered trying to find an excuse for me to stay.

I walked into the bullpen being greeted by Ashley.

"Hey Kira?"

"What can I do for you Ashley?"

"Can you tell me about snipers? The textbook doesn't really cover it." I choked on my own saliva at her question. "Oh! Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm good" I tried to regain myself but Reid noticed my reaction.

"Hey Kira, come here really quickly, it's really important." He was a terrible liar but I needed to get away from Ashley so I apologized and walked over to him. "What did you do in New York exactly?" He was suspicious, rightfully so. 

"Nothing special just some little undercover work here solving some crime there. Why?"

Before he could say anything else a hand was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump.

"Emily oh my god you scared the shit out of me." I was laughing while trying to steady my breathing.

"Sorry, but you and I need to have an early dinner." Emily didn't show a sign of anything on her face. I gave her a puzzled look.

"Alright, have a goodnight then Spencer, and tell Ashley you'll answer her questions." I followed Emily out of the bullpen, down the elevator, and into the car we rode together in.

"So are you going to tell me what's going on or are you leaving me guessing?" A sly grin rose on my face.

"Sean wants to meet us apparently." We pulled into the parking lot of a pub on the east side of town and the air smelled of cheap beer and fried foods. I walked into the crowded bar, I could barely hear myself think but we finally found Sean in a booth near the back.

"Kira! Emily! Good to see you two." We all shared a hug and then shimmied into the booth. "I would love to catch up but there is something I need to tell you both."

Nothing could have prepared me for the next sentence that flowed from his mouth.

"Ian Doyle disappeared from prison."

"Are we in danger?" Emily was first to speak up.

"We all are." My neck tensed up and there was a pit in my stomach I knew wasn't going to go away any time soon. I felt like I was going to be sick.


I was laying in my bed. I turned my head to the side looking at my bedside table. It read 3:08a.m. I picked up my phone and went to me and Emily's text.

u up?

Would it be possible not to be??:/

guess you're right... I have some wine I need to drink wanna join me?

Be there in 20.🕴

She for some reason really liked that floating guy emoji.

"I can't believe we're drinking at 3:45 in the morning." Emily laughed at us curled up in my living room sipping a rich chardonnay. It's taste burned the back of my throat but I needed something to take my mind off of the events of the earlier evening.

"Have you heard from Tsia, Clyde, or Jeremy?" I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"No, have you?"

" you think he's going to come for us?" Fear shaking my voice.

She didn't answer me, she didn't need to. I knew the answer, he definitely was. Thoughts were echoing in my head and I could tell the same was happening to Emily. We just sat there in silence until we finished our glasses and both fell into a deep slumber on my couch.

I was woken up the next morning by Emily shaking me. I opened my eyes to see her face covered in fear.

"Are you okay? You're sweating a lot and your eyes are redshot." I tried to respond but that only ended with me having to run to the kitchen throwing up whatever was in my stomach, which wasn't a lot. I hadn't eaten. "Kira, I got a text that we have a case but you're obviously too sick so I'm going to tell that to Hotch." I just nodded my head. Emily poured me some ginger ale and left out some crackers.

I worried so much last night that I must have made myself sick. Dammit.

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ~ 𝗘𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀Where stories live. Discover now