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(adj.) uncomfortable weird

I layed in the hospital bed. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the electronic vital sign monitor. The air was cold and my mouth felt like cotton and I couldn't move without being in tremendous pain especially from my head, I could barely see straight. It was like deja vu but this time someone was in the room with me. Hotch and I sat in silence for at least 10 minutes until I spoke up.

"I'm sorry." He turned his head toward me and he looked confused. "For yelling at you, you were in the right. I was being selfish and made things about me."

"You have nothing to apologize for Kira, I pried where I shouldn't have." He sharply exhaled and rubbed his hands over his face.

"What's wrong? Where is everyone?" A growing feeling took over my stomach. I had a feeling that he was going to ask something that I didn't want to answer. "What happened to me exactly?" I quickly tried to change the subject.

"You have a concussion and a few bruised ribs from the blast. Your scar opened up " He quickly answered. "I need to ask something now and I'm going to need an answer." I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze knowing what was about to happen. "Why were you targeted by Doyle? As far as we know he had no clue you existed because you were in Canada."

"I don't know." I sniffed and rubbed my nose.

"Kira, please. I need the truth." They already knew about Emily. There was no point in hiding it anymore and if I didn't tell him now there would be more and more attempts on my life. It's not like I wanted to get killed by Ian but I never got to do what I wanted to do for months. Tell Emily how I felt.

"Seven years ago" Hotch perked up. "I was in Canada but for a much shorter time than you think. My old boss Sean contacted me and told me there was an important undercover mission I had to go on with Emily. I was to fly to Boston immediately and she would give me all the information I needed so only two months into my post in Vancouver and left and became Raya Lambert."

"L.R." Hotch mumbled.

"Sean didn't want it to be suspicious so he swapped them around in my alias. We lived in close quarters with him until he proposed to her and we agreed that we were getting too close. I made the call that night and the next morning he was arrested." It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, it felt amazing to finally talk about this to someone. I could finally breathe again. "Now, why did you want to know all this?" Hotch avoided my eyes and I knew something was up. "Hotch?" I asked in more of a demanding tone.

"Emily isn't dead."

"Wha.." Shock over took my body, my throat closed in and I began to sweat bullets. "What do you mean she's not dead?" My mind bounced to every possible explanation. There was no way- that's why she was buried. It finally clicked, everything suspicious that had been happening made sense.

"She was flown back to D.C. after her surgery and then went into hiding. Three months ago while you were still healing JJ met her in France and that was the last place we know of. For her safety we have no clue what her aliases are. And the reason nobody else is in here is because you need to go into hissing as well. Your life is in danger, Kira and it's the only way to do so."

"You're telling me this whole time Emily has been out there while I've been going through so much. I leaned on your shoulder Hotch and you lied to me." I was not longer sad, I was becoming angry.

"I had to."

"You had to lie to me?"

"Agent Hotchner?" A small voice came from the door. "Your team is asking for an update." The nurse came in.

"I need you to do something that may be odd but it is very important. Tell them she's dead." I couldn't argue. How could I? When I know he's right. I'll just continue to be put in the hospital until I die but now I actually will be dead. I can't stop thinking about the rest of the team though. They just lost Emily and I saw how in shambles they were how bad off I was and now I'm going to be gone. I can't even fathom the situation they will be put in. "I'm going in with the nurse and someone will escort you to the airport. This is goodbye for now Kira." and Hotch disappeared into the hallway. I was feeling so many different things right now I couldn't pinpoint it to one emotion.

Team's POV:

Hotch and the nurse came into the waiting room and everyone shot up from their seats.

"I'm sorry but she didn't make it." The nurse stated. "When she hit her head on the concrete there was more damage than originally thought and that mixed with the blood loss from the old wounds her body gave out. We did everything we could including pumping blood into her body but it was too late. I'm so sorry."

Garcia nearly collapsed as the nurse delivered the news. "I never got to truly apologize to her, oh god." She sobbed into Morgan's shoulder. Ashley and Rossi brought each other into a tight embrace as tears escaped from both their eyes. Reid stormed out of the room and JJ just looked up at Hotch in shock.

Hotch pulled JJ aside "It's what we thought, she had been living alongside Doyle and now he's going after her."

"I can't believe we have to do this twice." 

𝗞𝗶𝘀𝗺𝗲𝘁 ~ 𝗘𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ