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It's 3:00 pm and Chan has just gotten off his shift at the grocery store. The current season is autumn as displayed by the leaves crunching under his feet and the cool breeze that passes by every so often that sends him into shivers.

He tightens his jacket around himself and continues his route to the nearby convenience store. As he's walking he decides to enjoy the scenery a bit more. He's suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to just stop and take in everything he sees and appreciate it all.
He doesn't know why this is, he's never felt this way before so why now? He eventually just shrugs off the weird feeling and continues his original mission.

Chan finally makes it to the convenience store and pulls the door open with much force, eager to enter a warmer environment. He walks straight to the ramen aisle and grabs five packages of his favorite ramen then walks to the refrigerators to get a drink.

Chan finished his browsing and brings his items to counter to pay. The cashier looks down at the counter and smirks.

"What are these, the 50th ramens you've ate this week so far, Chan?" The cashier teases.

Chan pouts at the man behind the counter and slaps his credit card onto the counter. The cashier's name tag reads Jisung. Chan first met Jisung his 1st year of high school. A fresh Australian exchange student walking through the halls of a Korean high school for the first time was kind of terrifying to Chan.

Chan aimlessly speed walks through the halls looking for his class. Just when he's about to give up, like an angel in disguise Han Jisung appears and finally sets him on the right path to his class.

Turns out they were in the same class and continued from some grace of an unknown force to have almost identical schedules throughout high school. Their friendship sky rocketed from there and continued even after high school graduation. They both got average jobs and now here they are hoping to turn their lives into something more and to never lose touch with each other.

"Sorry my eating habits aren't up to your standards Mr. Han, I'll try better next time."

Chan's remark is snarky and it makes Jisung laugh. Both men laugh for a couple more seconds and then Jisung begins to scan all the items.

"When's your break? I want to eat a late lunch with you."

Chan has hopeful eyes as he asks, he doesn't want to have to wait a million years for his best friend to go on break just so he could eat lunch with him. Jisung smiles and hands the plastic bag of food to Chan.

"It's your lucky day Chan, my shift ends in 5 minutes so I can eat with you. You better share your precious ramen with me or the deal's off"

Chan smiles and nods while taking the bag out of Jisung's hand.

"Fine, but just this one time." Chan says jokingly.

With his lunch plans being made Chan goes to the microwaves and water dispensers to cook the ramen while he waits for Jisung to meet him at the outdoor sitting area. He pours water into the ramen cups and haphazardly shoves them into the microwave, waiting impatiently for the microwave to ding. As he waits he looks out the window and sees Jisung waving stupidly at him from outside. The sight makes him laugh and then the microwave dings.

He takes the ramen cups out and awkwardly balances them in his hand so he can grab two pairs of disposable chopsticks and then makes his way outside to the table jisung is sitting at.

"So how's the grocery store job going?" Jisung asks before aggressively slurping up some noodles.

"It's fine I guess just gets kinda boring sometimes, but this job is just bringing me one step closer to my dream."

Chan's response is unexpectedly positive and it makes Jisung happy that his friend is happy. Jisung always worried about Chan, being so far away from his home and family for so long and still having not reached his main goal. Jisung figured it would be hard on him and he would not be as enthusiastic now but he is and that reassures him a lot.

The boys finished up their late lunch and threw away their trash. Chan and Jisung start walk back home together since they conveniently live in the same apartment building.

As they're walking by the park near their apartment building Chan notices a figure on the park bench. He focuses more on the figure and is stunned. The boy has blonde hair and beautiful tan skin. He's reading a book it looks like and has a big golden retriever sitting next to him looking like it's guarding the boy. The more Chan looks the more mesmerized he is. He notices that the boy seems to be running his fingers over the same page repeatedly which he finds strange but chooses to ignore it to appreciate the blonde's beauty a little bit longer.

"Earth to Chan!!!" Jisung yells in Chan's ear.

Chan gets startled and finally turns to jisung. Jisung is smirking having already seen what Chan was so distracted by.

"Stop stalking that innocent boy and go home we're already in front of the building."

Chan looks up and indeed they are in front of the building. He blushes at getting caught staring and leaves Jisung in the dust, semi sprinting to his apartment door out of embarrassment. He makes it to his door and looks back a Jisung one last time.

"I already caught you being creepy no need to run." Jisung laughs out while open up his apartment door.

Chan just flips him off and enters his apartment. He flops down on his bed and scrunches his face up still thinking about the beautiful boy at the park. With that he decides to take a nap in hopes of forgetting the boy.


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