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PSA: slight trigger warning - mentions of assault and brief mention of attempted sexual assault (not detailed though I couldn't bare to write something like that) ok that's all stay safe everyone :)

They find a good picnic spot under a tree and Chan begins to unfold the blanket. He places it neatly on the grass and puts out the food on to it. He helps Felix sit on the blanket and hands him a sandwich. Peanut lays down on the blanket and puts his head onto Felix's lap. Chan smiles at Peanut and gives him an apple slice from the fruit salad before he sits down.

"I bought a toy for Peanut today can he play with it now?" Chan asks suddenly.

"Yeah go ahead I don't need him right now." Felix says while smiling.

Chan quickly unfastens the harness on Peanut and grabs the dog toy from the tote bag. Chan squeaks the toy a few times to get Peanut's attention.

Peanut springs up from Felix's lap once he hears the delightful squeaks of the new toy. He runs quickly to Chan, barking softly and lightly scratching at his leg. Felix giggles at the gentle bark and imagines that Peanut looks incredibly adorable right now.

"Felix he looks so cute right now he's scratching at my leg!" Chan squeals from the cuteness.

"Yup squeaky toys are his favorite!" Felix yells back smiling.

Chan finally throws the squeaky toy and Peanut goes run after it, barking happily in the process. He retrieves the toy and immediately runs back. Chan thinks he's running back to him but Peanut darts straight past him and towards Felix. He stops in front of Felix and nudges his hand open before placing the toy in it. Felix giggles happily before throwing the toy as far as he can, thankfully not hitting anything in the process. Chan watches from a distance and is filled with love and admiration for Felix and the dog.

The three play fetch for a little longer before Chan goes to sit next Felix again. Peanut knocks out in the grass next to the blanket, sleeping peacefully.

"Do you want to sleep over today and then go to your apartment tomorrow? I'm pretty sure Minho is gonna be with Jisung the rest of the weekend so I don't want to be lonely." Felix asks after eating a strawberry from the fruit salad.

"Of course I'll sleep over I could never miss an opportunity to cuddle with you." Chan says as he wraps an arm around Felix's waist.

"Oh, I know you wouldn't Mr. Bang." Felix says teasingly before laying his head on Chan's shoulder.

They spend another hour at the park before deciding to go back to Felix's apartment. Chan puts the harness back on Peanut and then starts putting away all the empty containers back in the tote bag. Felix stands up and grabs the handle on Peanut's harness waiting patiently for Chan to be done. Chan finishes packing everything up and goes to interlock arms with Felix

They begin walking back to the apartment building. They walk to Chan's apartment first so he can gather some things for the night and put away the picnic stuff. He gets everything he needs and they start walking to Felix's apartment.

They make it to Felix's apartment and walk inside. Felix takes off Peanut's harness and Peanut runs to his bed excitedly knowing his job is done for now. Chan guides Felix to the couch after putting his stuff down. Chan sits down on the couch before pulling Felix down to sit on his lap. Felix gasps in surprise before giggling when Chan starts placing individual kisses on his lips.

Chan grips Felix's waist a little tighter which makes Felix squeak into the kiss. They pull away before things can get too heated. Chan turns on a random TV show while Felix lays his head on his chest. They enjoy the comfortable silence between them before Felix suddenly speaks up.

"I think I want to tell you what happened in Australia." Felix says confidently.

"Are you sure? You don't have to, I know how much it hurts you to talk about it." Chan says worriedly while caressing Felix's cheek.

"Yes I'm sure, I love you so much and want you to understand me better." Felix says with a little smile.

"Ok go ahead baby I'm listening." Chan says in a reassuring tone.

"Well when I was in my last year of high school I was brutally attacked by a masked man." Felix says tearing up a bit, which causes Chan to start softly rubbing his back in reassurance.

"I was walking home from the library and it was raining outside, I can still remember the sound of the man's boots splashing in the puddles behind me, he was following me I realized after a few minutes." Felix pauses to keep himself from bursting into tears.

"I tried to make myself think that I was just overreacting and that we just happened to be walking in the same direction but deep down I knew that I was in danger." Felix's tears have fallen down from his eyes by now but he still continues to talk in the steadiest voice he can.

"Hey it's okay baby you can always tell me later if you're not ready right now." Chan says not liking the sight of Felix crying.

"No it's okay I want to get this over with already so I can truly move on." Felix says before giving Chan a quick hug.

"Ok back to my story, I finally excepted the fact that he was following me and tried to figure out an escape route, I decided to just abruptly turn a corner and run as fast as I can in hopes of losing him, but I guess luck wasn't on my side, as soon as I tried to turn the corner he grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground, he kicked me a few times and sprayed some type of chemical in my eyes so I couldn't see him." Felix pauses a bit, preparing himself for the next part.

"Umm, I think he was trying rape me but I'm still not sure because I screamed so loud that someone else nearby heard me and scared away the man, I still remember that person's name, Jack, if it weren't for him coming to my rescue I don't know what would have happened to me, my family was very grateful for him and still keep in contact with him to this day." Felix smiles a bit at the last part.

"I stayed in the hospital where I was confirmed to be legally blind and had a few bruised ribs, I graduated high school with the help of a tutor and decided to move in with Minho since I didn't feel comfortable in Australia anymore, the man was caught though, Jack was able to identify him by a snake tattoo that he had on his hand, he got pretty much life in prison but I still didn't feel safe so I still kept my choice of moving, which I don't regret because I got to meet the love of my life." Felix pulls Chan into a tight hug after he finishes talking and kisses him a few times.

"Wow Felix I can't imagine what must of been like, I'm so glad that you're safe now and that you let me into your life, I love you so much and promise to protect you forever." Chan is crying with Felix by now, hating that he had to go through that.

"Yeah it was really hard for the first year or two be it's been five and a half years now and I'm doing so much better now that I've met you." Felix says with a smile.

"Holy shit I love you so much!" Chan says while squeezing Felix into a hug which causes Felix to giggle a little bit.

"I love you too."


Please comment and vote or not, I'm not the boss of you :|
Also Happy New Year everyone hope your year was great and that this year will be even better.

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