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"Minnie I really think you should go see a doctor." Felix says worriedly from the bathroom door.

It's been a few days since Minho's illness started but he still shows no sign of getting better. He could be completely fine one minute and then the next minute be hauled up in the bathroom with unbearable nausea. He also gets tired quite easily which is not normal for him since he is always very active. Everyone is super worried for him and encourages him to see a doctor but he always refuses for some unknown reason.

"No I'll be fine Lix it usually goes away after a few hours anyway." Minho says from the bathroom floor where he's sitting.

"But this has been going on for a week already, what if you have some weird stomach disease or something." Felix says worriedly.

"I think I already know what it might be but I'm not sure yet. If it keeps going on then I'll let you guys take me to the doctor, okay?" Minho says before getting up to brush his teeth.

"Okay, but what do you think it is?" Felix asks curiously.

"I'll tell you if my prediction ends up being correct." Minho replies.

"Okay, then?" Felix says confusedly.

Minho finishes brushing his teeth and they both walk to the living room. It's still pretty early in the morning so they decide to relax on the couch since Minho still is not feeling well.
Felix grabs Minho's arm and feels around his wrist and hand. He massages a certain point on the middle of his wrist and on the part of his hand that is in between his thumb and index finger.

"What's this for?" Minho asks curiously.

"I heard that massaging these points helps with nausea, I don't know if it works but it doesn't hurt to try." Felix says, alternating between massaging the two points.

"Thank you baby, you're so sweet." Minho says, hugging Felix tightly and tearing up a little bit.

"Hey why are you crying? I can feel your tears on my neck, it feels weird." Felix says, laughing.

"I don't know, you're just so cute right it's making me want to cry." Minho cries out.

"Ok yeah there's definitely something wrong with you." Felix says with a frown.

"No, no I'm fine, I just had a bit of a moment right now, okay?" Minho says, pulling away from the hug and crossing his arms.

"Okay whatever you want Minnie." Felix says teasingly.

"So, did the pressure points help?" Felix asks curiously.

"Hmm, I'm not really sure, my stomach is still a bit sore." Minho says unsurely.

"Well at least you're not throwing up anymore, now c'mon let's go make breakfast. I already called in sick for you while you were in the bathroom so let's just relax the whole day." Felix says cheerfully, pulling Minho off the couch.

They make a simple and light breakfast since Minho is still a bit nauseous. Felix also feeds Peanut before sitting down to eat his breakfast with Minho. Minho hesitates with the first bite, worried that he might get sick again. His face quickly lights up when he realizes how hungry he is and how good the food is.

"How are you doing Min, do you still feel sick?" Felix asks softly.

"No surprisingly, I don't really like jam toast that much but it's so good right now I feel like I could eat the whole loaf." Minho says brightly.

"Well that's good to hear, you weren't doing too well this morning so I was worried you wouldn't be able to eat breakfast." Felix says happily.

They continue eating in comfortable silence and ponder on random things in their minds. Minho is thinking particularly hard about his mystery illness. He doesn't really want to go to the doctor but he also wants to know what's wrong. An idea pops in his head and he drops his toast in shock.

"I have to go somewhere, stay here I'll be right back." Minho says hurriedly, grabbing his keys and running out the door.

"Well that was strange." Felix says to himself.

He gets Peanut to help him to the couch and sits down, turning on the TV for background noise. His phone suddenly starts ringing, announcing that Chan was calling. He quickly answers the phone with a smile, having missed Chan.

"Hey Channie!" Felix says excitedly.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" Chan asks.

"Nothing I'm just waiting for Minho to get back, he left really abruptly while we were eating." Felix replies.

"Oh yeah how is Minho doing, is he still sick?" Chan asks.

"He threw up again this morning but he still ate breakfast which was kinda strange, he also became really emotional at random which was even more strange and I was able to convince him to see a doctor if he didn't get better in a few days." Felix replies.

"Well that's good I guess and also weird but anyway can you please tell Minho to call Jisung back, he keeps bothering me with his little pity party while I'm trying to work." Chan sighs out.

"Yeah I will once he gets back." Felix says, giggling.

"Thank you, anyway I just wanted to call during my break to tell you that I love you and that I miss you." Chan says.

"Aw I love you too Channie." Felix says fondly.

"Okay I have to get back to work, I'll see you later, okay?" Chan says.

"Yeah I'll see you later." Felix replies happily before Chan hangs up the phone.

Felix sits back on the couch after the phone call and cuddles up to Peanut for warmth. He wonders what the hell Minho could be doing right now. He guesses he'll find out soon when Minho comes back.


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