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Chan stands in shock as he watches his mother get up from the couch. She smiles brightly as she walks up to her son, abandoning her purse onto the counter so she could hug him gently.

Chan immediately hugs her back, missing his mother after not seeing her for almost 2 years. He's still surprised because of her unexpected visit, wondering how she got into his apartment. Felix just stands in silence, having no idea what's going on and feeling a little awkward. Peanut just watches in confusion as Chan hugs back the "stranger."

"What are you doing here? You didn't even tell me you were coming to Korea." Chan says with a pout, always managing to act childish in his mother's presence without even realizing it.

"I had some extra vacation days so I figured I'd surprise you, I missed you so much Channie." His mother says with a bright smile, pulling away from the hug to ruffle his hair playfully.

"And you must be Felix, it's so nice to finally meet you sweetheart. Is it okay if I give you a hug?" Mrs. Bang says after she turns her attention to Felix who is just awkwardly standing there.

"Yes that's fine and it's nice to meet you too." Felix says happily, reaching out his arms to invite her for a hug.

She quickly accepts the hug being careful to not squish his baby bump between them. She pulls away after a few seconds but keeps ahold of his hands, gazing at him for a bit. Chan watches the sweet interaction but frowns once he focuses on his mother. She has an unreadable expression as she looks at Felix. He doesn't think he's ever seen her make that expression before and can't figure out if an expression of happiness or displeasure.

"C'mon let's go sit on the couch so we can talk." Chan says, trying to shrug off that weird feeling.

"Oh yes I want to get to know you better Felix, you are my future son in law and the mother on my first grandchild after all." Mrs. Bang says with a smile guiding Felix to come sit next to her on the couch.

"So how far along are you and has Channie been taking good care of you?" Mrs. Bang asks curiously.

"I'm about 5 months now and yes Chan has been taking great care of me." Felix says happily.

"That's great! May I feel your belly." Mrs. Bang asks hopefully.

"Yeah of course!" Felix replies, putting his arms to his sides so his tummy is more accessible.

She carefully places her hand on his stomach, smiling once she comes in contact with the firm baby bump. Chan watches the interaction fondly, his chest swirling with pride knowing that he's the first one to provide his mother a grandchild. It's not really a competition to him or anything he just thinks it's cool that his kid will be the oldest grandchild out of their family.

"So Chan told me you're from Australia too, crazy how he was able to stick to his roots even after moving to Korea. It's like you were made for each other." Mrs. Bang teases, making Chan and Felix blush and smile.

"And this is Peanut I'm assuming, Chan has told me a lot about him, apparently he's the best guide dog in the world." Mrs. Bang says reaching down to pet Peanut who wags his tail at the attention he's receiving.

"Yup this is him, he's been my biggest helper ever since I became blind so I would consider him the best in the world." Felix says happily, patting Peanut on the side gently.

Mrs. Bang continues to dote on Felix and asks him a bunch of questions, being curious of her son in law like any mother would be. Chan watches carefully to make sure that his mother's incessant questioning isn't overwhelming Felix. He looks fine so far so Chan just sits there while they talk.

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