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Felix wakes up to complete darkness, as usual. He gasps as he wakes up, having had a nightmare once again. The stress from yesterday causing the terrible dreams to come back even after going months without them. He can't really tell what time it is but he assumes it's night because of the silence of the city and the soft snores of Chan next to him. He sighs and sits up a little bit, becoming aware of his sore and swollen eyes from all the crying earlier. It's a reminder of yesterday's unfortunate events.

He throws his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up all the way. He snaps his fingers softly trying to get Peanut's attention without waking Chan up. Peanut immediately gets up from his bed in the corner, rushing to Felix's side. Felix stands up and puts his hand on Peanut's back, bending down a little to quietly tell him to lead him to the living room. Peanut quickly obeys, walking to the living with Felix close behind him.

Felix sits on the couch, patting the spot next him, inviting Peanut to come up on the couch. Peanut wags his tail happily, jumping on the couch and putting his head on Felix's protruding belly. Felix smiles softly at Peanut, massaging the dog's head with the tips of his fingers.

He sits in silence for a while not really sure what to do now. He feels exhausted and his head aches but he knows that he probably won't be able fall asleep for while which frustrates him. Even though he doesn't want it to, his mind can't help but wander to yesterday's incident.

He just feels so confused and hurt by what he heard yesterday. The woman who thought he was going to be able to trust like a mother was able to point out of all of his deepest insecurities without him having to mention them. The fact that she was able to point them out so accurately makes him believe that there is some truth behind them despite all of the reassurances Chan has been giving him these past few months.

It just sucks in his opinion that this would happen when he was at an all time high in his life. Instead of being excited about finding out the gender of his baby and going out to buy baby clothes, he feels like he's back at square one. Curled up in a ball of disappointment and the feeling of being worthless. He's not even upset with Mrs. Bang at this point because he knows what she said is true. It's quite fucked up he thinks, he can't even do anything to make himself feel better about any aspect of this situation.

"Ah! I'm so pissed right now." Felix says out loud, punching the couch cushion in frustration.

He takes a deep breath trying to calm down. He eventually puts a hand on his baby bump, tracing random shapes over the warm skin to distract himself. He rubs the top of his belly and feels a sudden nudge against his hand, the unexpected movement pulling him out of his thoughts. Peanut gets up in surprise after feeling the baby bump move under where his chin was rested.

"You felt it too, didn't you Peanut?" Felix says in excitement, sitting up straighter.

He puts his hand on the same spot, rubbing gentle circles in the area again. He receives a little nudge again, making Felix want to squeal from the cuteness. Peanut wags his tail when he sees the movement of the baby, gently bumping his nose against the spot before resting his head on Felix's lap.

"This is so cute but I wish you had better timing bun, mommy feels pretty shitty right now." Felix says with a chuckle, feeling his eyes begin to water.

"I'm so excited that you're moving but I just wish the day was more happier." Felix says, full on crying now.

He continues to cry softly, not being able to hold back his emotions anymore. The baby begins to move more frantically in his belly, being able to feel the stress that Felix is under right now. Felix feels the rough movements and starts trying to calm himself down, not wanting to stress out his baby anymore.


Felix flinches, startled by the sudden voice. He quickly wipes his tears and sits up straight, throwing his arm out.

"What's going on, Lixie?" Chan asks worriedly, getting the hint and pulling Felix into a hug.

"I felt the baby move, Channie!" Felix says excitedly, tears starting to stream down his cheeks again.

"Really?!" Chan asks excitedly, sitting on the couch and pulling Felix into his lap.

"Yeah! Even Peanut felt it!" Felix says happily, grabbing Chan's hands and placing them at the top his belly.

"If you rub here the baby will kick back." Felix says, moving Chan's hand in a circular motion over his baby bump.

After a couple of seconds the baby gives a nudge to Chan's hand, causing Chan to coo at the gentle kick. He wants to leap out of his seat from how excited he is right now. He continues receiving kicks, making his heart beat with fondness.

"Channie, are you crying?" Felix asks with a giggle, having heard the sniffles from behind him.

"Yes! I just love this baby so much it makes me want to cry. Stop making fun of me!" Chan cries out, hugging Felix closer to him.

"I'm not making fun of you, love. I just find you so adorable right now, I'm glad you love the baby as much as I do." Felix says sweetly, turning his head to leave a kiss on Chan's lips.

"And I love you too, so much." Chan says, kissing Felix on the cheek.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about yesterday but I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. My mom is emotionally tone deaf at times but please don't take anything she said to heart because I have never thought of you in that way. I love you so much and I don't think I would ever be as happy as I am right now without you." Chan says continuing to cry.

" I know Chan and I'm not upset with you at all. I just need some time to get over this and I'll be fine, okay. Now let's not waste this precious moment on something shitty that happened yesterday." Felix says with a smile, bringing Chan's head to lay on his chest in an attempt to stop his crying.

"You're right, I've been waiting months to feel those first kicks so I'm not going to ruin it for the both of us." Chan says with a smile.

They both go silent after that. Felix lays back on the couch allowing Chan to gently lay his head on his baby bump so he can catch every movement from their baby from now on. Felix feels himself begin to fall asleep quickly, the warmth from Chan's head soothing the ache in his underbelly. Felix's exhausted body finally gives in and he falls into a deep sleep. Chan stays up for another 30 minutes, feeling all of the soft nudges of the baby before falling asleep as well.


A/N: Hey everyone, it's me again :) It was my birthday this week so I decided to add some fluff at the end because I am happy this week. Hope it was cute enough for you, I'm really bad at writing these scenes 😭. But anyway my book made it to 1k votes! Thanks so much even though I don't know you all personally, I love you all very much!

Please comment and vote or not, I'm not the boss of you :|

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