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A few days ago Chan asked Felix on a real date which they were both very excited about. Today is the faithful day and Chan is eagerly getting ready. He makes sure to wear his expensive cologne and clothes with soft material for Felix grab comfortably when he leads him places. He plans to take Felix to a fancy restaurant not too fancy though.

He does the finishing touches on his outfit and hair. After that he grabs his coat and keys then heads out the door. He walks down the hall to Felix's and Minho's apartment. Minho answers the door and smiles at him.

"Hey Chan, Felix is still getting ready but I'll keep you company in the living room, come in." Minho says and motions Chan to come inside.

"So how did the date with Jisung go?" Chan asks once they take a seat on the couch.

"Why're you asking me I'm sure Jisung already told you everything." Minho says.

"Well yeah but I consider you one of my friends too now so I want to hear your thoughts as well." Chan says while smiling.

"Aww Chan that's so sweet." Minho says while wiping away fake tears which Chan laughs at.

"So anyway he kissed me which you probably already know but it was so good, he's a great kisser by the way which makes me wonder what else he's good at." Minho says with a smirk.

"Ok yeah I've heard enough you can stop now!" Chan shouts, quickly getting disgusted at the thought of Jisung having sex with anyone.

Minho laughs so hard he starts wheezing. After Minho finishes his laugh fest they begin to talk about random things while waiting for Felix to come out. They hear footsteps coming down the hallway and look up. Chan's world stops for a minute when he sees Felix.

His outfit is quite simple, black ripped jeans, a black and white striped long sleeve shirt and a black cardigan over it. Even though the outfit is simple Chan still thinks he looks gorgeous. As Felix gets closer he can see that his eyelids are dusted lightly with a blush pink eyeshadow and his lips have a light coat of lip tint on them, he assumes Minho did the makeup for him and silently thanks him in his head. Felix was always beautiful to him but the makeup just accentuates his already beautiful features.

"You guys better leave now Chan already looks like he's gonna jump you Felix and I don't think I'm ready to see that." Minho says with a distasteful look on his face.

"Shut up Minho! C'mon Chan let's go before he starts saying more embarrassing stuff!" Felix yells out and sticks his arm out so Chan can lead him out.

"Bye guys have fun, but not too much fun!" Minho yells at them before they slam the door on his face.

"He's so annoying sometimes, I'm sorry." Felix says as they walk to the train station.

They have to take the train this time because the restaurant is far away and they don't want to walk at night. They've also left Peanut at home with Minho since Chan is there to guide him.

"It's totally fine Jisung is probably worst, those two were definitely made for each other." Chan says while chuckling a little bit.

They get on the train which is pretty crowded since everyone is on their way home from work. Chan leads Felix to stand next to one of the walls so he can shield him away from the crowd with his body. Felix can feel Chan's breath on his face and gets flustered because he knows Chan is very close to him.

Chan admires Felix throughout the train ride while Felix's heart beats uncontrollably. Felix has been this close to Chan before but this time it feels different. Their going on a real date this time and of course the biggest difference is he loves Chan. He can finally admit this to himself and just hopes that Chan feels the same. His heart starts to beat faster, if that's possible and he prays to whatever higher power that Chan can't hear it.

Someone suddenly tries to shift their position but accidentally bumps into Chan in the process. Chan stumbles forward a bit and ends up in a position that has both his and Felix's faces burning up in a blush.

He has both of his hands on the wall behind Felix, caging his head in between his muscular arms. But most importantly he has his lips smushed against Felix's cheek. They both stand there in shock for a couple of seconds. Chan finally gets a hold of himself and pushes himself back up so he's not accidentally kissing Felix's cheek anymore. As much as he wanted to stay in that position, he also doesn't want to make Felix uncomfortable either.

As soon as Chan moves away, Felix brings his hand up to touch his cheek where Chan's lips were. He blushes even brighter and whines under his breath in embarrassment. Chan finds him so adorable right now and wants to squeeze him into a tight hug and never let him go. He can't wait to make this boy his.

The train finally makes it to their stop and Felix grabs onto Chan's arm tightly so he doesn't get lost in the crowd. They get off the train and begin walking to the restaurant, love in their hearts and happiness on their faces.


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