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Chan slowly opens his eyes just to close them back up again once the sunlight shines in his face through the window. He yawns and then tries to rub his eyes with his fist but something slightly heavy is holding his arm down.

Confused he looks down and his heart almost explodes at the sight. Felix is sleeping in his arms peacefully, the sun is shining lightly on his face.

With their closeness Chan can see all the details of Felix's face well. He admires how pretty his freckles look right now and just silently watches him sleep. Jisung was maybe right about him being a creep but he couldn't care less, he just wants to hold onto this moment for as long as he can.

Felix begins to shift a little bit and then finally opens his eyes. He feels someone's arm around him and immediately knows it's not Minho because how muscular their body is.

"Chan?" Felix asks, his voice raspy from sleep.

"Yeah it's me, how are you feeling?" Chan asks as he runs his fingers through Felix's hair softly.

"I feel great, I haven't slept that well in a while." Felix says with a smile.

"That's good news." Chan says as he pulls Felix closer to his body and burrows his nose in his hair.

Felix smiles brighter and reaches up to wrap his arm around Chan's neck. Chan smiles too and wraps his arms tighter around Felix's waist. Felix's trust in Chan has pretty much become untouchable since last night. He showed him his most vulnerable side and he's still here unlike other people that left him when he needed them the most. He's not sure if he's in love with Chan yet but he feels pretty damn close to it now.

"Do you want to go out? I don't have to work today." Chan asks while softly stroking Felix's waist.

"Yeah I've been craving ramen from the convenience store, can we go there?" Felix asks excitedly.

"Yeah we can I just need to stop by my apartment to get a change of clothes, do you want to come with me?" Chan asks as they both start to sit up on the bed.

"Yes I do let me just get dressed and brush my teeth real quick." Felix says before he scoots to the end of the bed and places him feet on the floor.

Chan gets up too and goes to interlock arms with Felix so he can lead him to the closet. After Felix gets to the closet he quickly picks out an outfit and asks Chan to lead him to the bathroom. Chan opens the bathroom door for him and then closes it after he enters.

Felix finishes getting ready and they start walking to Chan's apartment not without Peanut of course. Chan unlocks his apartment door and leads Felix to sit on the couch with Peanut.

"I'm gonna go freshen up real quick and then we can go." Chan says which receives a nod from Felix.

Chan picks out a simple outfit and then they head out to the convenience store. They walk to the convenience store that Jisung works at because it's the closest, Chan hopes he's on break or something so he can't embarrass him in front of Felix. Luck isn't really on his side because there Jisung is behind the counter waving at him.

"Hey Chan, this must be Felix the one that you talk about so much." Jisung says teasingly once they walk up to the counter.

"Yes Jisung, this is Felix." Chan says, all hope that his best friend won't embarrass him gone.

"Chan is this the Jisung Minho was saying inappropriate things about?" Felix whispers to Chan.

"Yeah it is." Chan whispers back.

Felix laughs a little bit and now Jisung wants to know what they were talking about. He faintly hears Felix say Minho and now he's more interested.

"You know Minho!" Jisung yells out.

"Yeah he's my roommate and best friend, he told me about you when you asked him out." Felix says, taking the opportunity to at least embarrass Minho a little bit.

"Oh I see I'll keep that in mind for later." Jisung says with a smirk which earns an eye roll from Chan.

"Anyways we came here for ramen so see you in a little bit when we come to pay. C'mon Felix let's go." Chan says and begins to lead Felix to the ramen section.

Chan pick out which ramen he wants and then picks up the ramen Felix asks for then they get drinks as well. They walk back to the counter and place their items on it. Jisung begins scanning them.

"So when's your date with Minho?" Chan asks.

"It's tomorrow actually." Jisung says while smiling widely.

"Well good luck and please be nice to Minho I know you're my best friend but I already promised to protect Felix and Minho." Chan says.

"Of course I will Chan he's the first person I've truly liked in a long time and also I'm not a monster." Jisung says, quite offended.

"Ok just making sure." Chan says back with a smile.

Felix found it quite hot with Chan said he promised to protect him. His attraction to Chan is growing stronger every second and now he's pretty sure it's love. Chan finishes paying for the ramen, refusing Felix's offer to pay for them.

"Wait before you go can I pet your dog?" Jisung asks Felix, his eyes practically shining.

Felix nods and Jisung immediately rounds the corner to pet Peanut. After Jisung is done doting on Peanut, they cook their ramen and find a table outside to sit at. Chan realizes that they're sitting at the same table him and Jisung were the day he first say Felix.

He ponders on that day and thinks about how luck he is to have actually become a part of this precious person's life. He know he never wants to let Felix go and plans to make Felix his lover no matter how long it takes. He just needs to find the right time to confess.


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