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Felix is listening to the soft humming of the radio they have placed on the coffee table. He listens to the traffic and muffled conversations of people outside through the open window. These are his favorite moments since loosing his sight, listening to the sound of life and taking time to process it. He also hears shuffling down the small hallway, he assumes Minho is getting ready for some spontaneous outing that was planned last minute.

He hears Minho start walking towards the living room. Minho grabs his keys and coat before going to the front door.

"Hey I'm going out for a few hours, my mom randomly bought new furniture and wants me to help her move it into her house. I won't be able to go to the grocery store with you today but Peanut knows how to get there and you can ask one of the workers to help you gather the stuff. I put a grocery list on the right corner of the kitchen counter and it has a star sticker on the top that you can feel to make sure it's the right paper, just hand it to the worker when you get there. Alright I love you have a safe trip."

Minho finishes his long explanation and then walks over to Felix and pecks him on the top of his head. He's a little worried about sending Felix alone to the grocery store but knows he can handle it.

"Alright Minho I promise I'll be safe I can already tell you're worrying yourself sick right now." Felix says teasingly.

Minho smiles and says goodbye one more time before walking back to the door, exiting and locking the door.

Felix decides to get the grocery shopping over with and calls Peanut to help him get to his room. He picks out an outfit and goes to take a shower. He has already memorized what way to turn the knob so he able to set the temperature quite easily. He finishes taking his shower and has Peanut get a towel for him. He gets dressed and brushes his teeth.

After he finishes getting ready Peanut brings the harness to him and he fastens it to him. He grabs his walking stick, grocery list and grasped the handle on the harness before walking out the door and locking it.

"Ok Peanut to the grocery store please." Felix says as soon as they make it to the side walk.

The grocery store isn't too far away and they make it there within ten minutes. He enters the store and stands in the front for a little bit wondering how many times he's going to have to ask do you work here before he can get some help.

Business is pretty slow in the grocery store and Chan's getting bored. He wants to go home already but still has two hours left on his shift. He sighs sadly and they looks to the front of the store for some sort of distraction. Then there he sees him the blonde beauty from the park. He studies the boy further and sees a walking stick and guide dog? He's blind? Chan thinks quite surprised, nothing's wrong with that and he still finds the boy attractive it was just unexpected.

He sees the boy looking confused and desperately wants to help him. He walks over to the boy slowly to not startle him.

"Hey do you need help?" Chan asks cautiously.

The boy snaps his head to the sound of Chan's. He looks quite thankful and nods his head eagerly.

"Yes please I have a list here of all the things I need here if you can help me get them." He says while holding out the list.

"Of course I can my name is Chan by the way, what's yours?" Chan says hoping he can get to know the boy better.

"Oh my name is Felix thanks for helping me."

Felix is unsure if he trusts this man yet but it's his only option at this point so he hopes nothing bad happens. Chan holds his arm out for Felix to grab onto. They stroll down the aisles, Chan putting things on the list into the cart as they go.

Chan can't help but to glance at Felix every so often to admire his face. He notices the freckles on the blonde's face and falls in love with him more.

He must have lingered his gaze for too long because suddenly Felix turns to him with his eyebrows raised.

"I can feel you starting at me you know."

Chan chokes on his saliva and blushes aggressively. He's glad Felix can't see him right now it would just make the embarrassment worst. Felix giggles a little bit after hearing the choking noises.

"I'm sorry you're just so pretty.... Oh fuck I didn't mean to say that out loud." Chan says before slapping his hand on his mouth.

Now it's Felix's turn to blush and he's quite surprised by the man's bluntness. Chan thinks he looks even more pretty with the blush on his cheeks. Felix clears his throat and grips tighter on Chan's arm.

"Let's forget that happened and finish getting the stuff on the list." Felix says and pulls Chan and Peanut to start walking again.

Chan chuckles and continues to gather the things on the list. They eventually finish and Chan helps him ring up his items and pay. He bags up the stuff which actually it's that much stuff because Felix still has to carry it all home.

"Well Felix this the end of the tour if you ever need help again just ask for Chan and I'll be right there. I hope we can become friends or something you're a really nice person."

Felix is thankful and flattered by Chan. He grabs his bags in one hand and turns to Chan again.

"Thank you so much Chan I'll definitely ask for you again and yes I would love to be friends." Felix says with a bright smile.

Chan's heart melts with that smile and now he can't wait for Felix's next visit. He walks Felix to the front of the store even though Peanut could've done that he just wanted to spend more time with the boy.

"Bye Chan Peanut and I will see you next time!" Felix yells as he walks out the door.

"Bye Felix I'll see you next time and bye to Peanut as well." Chan yells back with a smile.

Needless to say Chan and Felix had a great rest of their day's, they would for sure have to meet again.


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