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It's the next day and Chan has just left Felix's apartment. He decided to stay the night so he could spend more time with Felix. They mostly just spent the time talking about babies, well more like Felix was talking about babies while Chan willed himself not to fall asleep. Minho eventually came home from his job at the cafe but he immediately knocked out as soon as he got to his room so they didn't really get to socialize with him.

"Minnie? Are you awake?" Felix calls out as he softly knocks on Minho's room door.

He hears a whine and them some shuffling. He gets the hint that Minho doesn't want to talk right now so he gives up and slowly makes his way to the kitchen, using the wall to guide him. He finds a chair at the dining table and sits down, sighing in content.

Finally after weeks of feeling anxious and stressed the secret is out and the outcome couldn't have been better. The announcement wasn't as special and magical as he imagined it to be since they were on the bathroom floor next to the toilet. That doesn't matter to him though because he finally got rid of that weight on his shoulders and can allow himself to be happy.

After swooning over the thought of Chan and how happy he is with his life right now, he gets up to feed Peanut. He's been doing this for 5 years now so he remembers where everything is at and can easily do it without sight. He can't help but to wonder how drastically his routine will change once the baby's born. He has everything already memorized and knows how to get around without sight.

Once he has his baby everything will change and he'll have to learn a new routine, not to mention that this is his first kid and he has no idea how raise an actual baby. Just before his thoughts can get more soul crushing, he hears someone walk into the kitchen.

"Sorry for not answering you when you called for me, I woke up really nauseous and didn't want to speak for fear of throwing up." Minho explains as he goes to sit next to Felix.

"It's okay, I understand how terrible your mornings have been these days." Felix replies sympathetically.

"Thank you for your understanding." Minho says lazily before going to pour himself some orange juice.

Minho pours the orange juice and takes a sip, sighing at the relief that it gives to his dry throat. His job has been getting harder to get through now that he gets nauseous and fatigued easily. He's glad he has the day off at least and can relax before returning to his doom again. Paid parent leave couldn't come fast enough. He finally sits down at the dining table next to Felix, relieving the random soreness in his legs. He notices that Felix is being suspiciously quiet but chooses to ignore it so he can finish his orange juice.

"I told Chan yesterday." Felix says blankly, breaking the long silence.

Minho nearly drops his cup, slamming it back down onto the table and looking at Felix with a shocked expression. He looks at Felix's stoic expression and assumes that it didn't go well.

"Well what did he say? Did he react badly?!" Minho asks in a worry.

Felix just giggles after a few seconds, making Minho even more concerned. He's becoming delusional Minho thinks sadly.

"He reacted perfectly and he's even going to my ultrasound appointment next week. I got you good didn't I?" Felix says, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Yes you did, I for sure though he said something mean. Don't do that again." Minho says with a whine.

"I won't do it again Minnie, I just wanted to have a little fun, sorry." Felix says still laughing.

"Well I'm glad you had fun and that Chan reacted well. I guess that means that it's my turn." Minho sighs out.

"Don't be so scared Minho, if I did it you can do it too." Felix says enthusiastically.

"Yeah I plan to tell him tomorrow, I was at work and I got bored so I got to take some time to think and my final conclusion was that he deserves to know so I'm going to stop being a baby and just get it over with." Minho explains.

"Well let me know how it goes, I'm just as suspenseful as you." Felix says.

"Yeah I will. I still need to call him to see if he's busy tomorrow." Minho sighs.

"My phone's in my room so I'm gonna call him, I'll be back in a little bit." Minho says, getting up from his seat.

"Yeah, take your time I'll be here when you're done." Felix replies with a smile.

Minho smiles too, tapping Felix's shoulder before leaving the kitchen. He walks to his bedroom slowly, dreading the phone call even though he's not telling Jisung right now. He practically throws the door up and searches for his phone, seeing it thrown on the bed. He quickly grabs it, taking a deep breath before hitting the call button on Jisung's contact. The call picks up after a few rings making Minho release the breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Hey Min, what's up?!" Jisung answers in a cheerful tone.

"Hey Sungie, I just wanted to ask if you were free tomorrow." Minho says nervously.

"I have work but I can always take the day off if you need me, Changbin is back at work most of the time so it's not hard to get vacation days anymore." Jisung replies.

"Yeah that would be ideal, I just, I know you've been worrying about me these past few weeks and I've just been brushing you off but I want to finally tell you the truth because you deserve to know." Minho says.

"Woah, okay that was a bit unexpected but I'll for sure get the day off  so you can have all the time you need to explain. I can sense that you're probably nervous to tell me whatever this secret is but just know that whatever you say will not make me love you less or see you differently, okay." Jisung says in a reassuring tone.

"Okay, thank you for saying that I feel a little better now. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know when to come over." Minho says.

"Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow, love you!" Jisung says happily.

"I love you too."


A/N: It's finally happening y'all! Minsung next, hope you enjoy! -🍒

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