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It's dark and wet, his rain boots splashing into puddles every once in a while as he walks. The boy is walking home after a late night of studying. He suddenly feels someone walking behind him and starts to walk faster. The faster he walks the faster the person behind him does as well. He tries to turn the corner but it's too late. The huge masked man grasps his arm harshly and then darkness.

Felix jolts awake and lets out the most loudest scream anyone has ever heard before. Minho is on his feet in seconds, throwing Felix's bedroom door open and going to the bed to cradle a crying Felix in his arms. He whispered praises into his ear and kissed the top of his head multiple times. For some reason he just couldn't calm Felix down and he didn't know what to do. The only option he could think of was calling Chan.

"Hello?" Chan's voice is raspy when he answers, it's the middle of the night.

"Hey Chan I'm sorry to bother you but Felix had a nightmare and I can't calm him down please come over and help me." Minho pleads, Chan can hear Felix's muffled cries and immediately hates the sound.

"I'll be right there." Chan hangs up immediately grabs his coat.

Minho is still holding Felix tightly and rocking him lightly. Felix hadn't had an outburst like this in a year and it has Minho shaken up as well.

"Hey it's okay I called Chan he'll be here soon." Minho says softly.

Felix nods and continues to press his face against Minho's neck as he cries. Minho begins to pat his back softly as they wait. They hear aggressive knocking on the door and know it's Chan.

"I'm gonna answer the door, I'll be right back with Chan okay baby." Minho says softly which receives a nod from Felix.

Minho quickly walks to the door and opens it. He sees Chan standing there breathing heavily and looking disheveled. Chan looks extremely worried so Minho doesn't want to make him wait any longer. He steps out of the way and Chan runs in.

"Felix?" Chan says loudly once he's in the living room.

"Chan." Felix says in the most heartbreaking tone ever.

Chan immediately runs to sound and sees Felix sitting on the bed, eyes puffy and tears streaming down his cheeks. His heart breaks at the sight and he quickly takes Felix into his arms and sits him on his lap. Felix wraps his arms around Chan's neck and continues to cry softly. After a few more minutes of Chan holding him he finally begins to calm down.

"Do you feel better baby?" Chan says, so concerned he doesn't notice his slip up.

Felix nods but doesn't move from his spot against Chan's chest. Chan looks up when he hears a whimper. It's Peanut and he looks very concerned for his owner. Chan smiles and pets the dog gently. He takes Felix's hand and has him pet Peanut as well.

"Do you want me to take you to the living room? Minho is very worried about you and would probably like to see you." Chan says while running his fingers through Felix's hair.

Felix nods but makes no movement to get up. Chan gets the hint and picks him up with his hands under his thighs to support him. He carries him out to the living room where Minho is sitting on the couch. Minho looks pretty rough, eyes watery with unshed tears and hair tousled in many different directions.

Chan sits on the couch next to Minho with Felix in his lap. Minho smiles at them and leans over to pet Felix's head. Felix lifts his head up and faces Minho.

"Do you feel better now sweetheart?" Minho asks in motherly tone.

Felix nods and leans over with his arm open and makes grabby hands at Minho. Chan transfers Felix from his lap to Minho's and Felix immediately clings to him. Minho smiles and starts rubbing his back gently. They sit in silence for a short time before Minho puts on a movie, Beauty and the Beast another one of Felix's favorites.

"Thank you for coming over Chan I'm sorry you have to be awake in the middle of the night for me." Felix says suddenly, feeling bad that he bothered Chan at this time of night.

"Don't be sorry Felix, remember when I told you I wanted to be one of your support people, well here I am. I'm just glad you guys thought to call me it means you trust me and that makes me very happy." Chan says before giving a few pats to Felix's head.

Felix smiles and makes grabby hands again, wanting to be in Chan's arms again. Minho places Felix on Chan's lap and Felix hugs him tightly. Chan is very content with this moment now and never wants it to end. Felix begins to fall asleep which Chan and Minho notice.

"I'm gonna go put him back in his bed you should go to sleep too I know you have work tomorrow." Chan says as he stands up with Felix in his arms.

"Thank you so much Chan I really appreciate your help." Minho says.

"It's no problem I really like Felix and want to help you guys as much as possible." Chan says with a bright smile despite the exhaustion that's starting to loom over him.

Minho says good night to both of them and heads off to his room to sleep. Chan carries Felix to his room and starts lowering him down to lay on the bed. Felix wakes up from the lost of warmth and pouts.

"Stay." Felix whines out, which makes Chan giggle softy.

"Okay don't worry I'll stay." Chan says before he lays on the bed and pulls Felix against his chest.

Felix snuggles impossibly closer to Chan and lets out a contented sigh. Chan starts to rub his back softly to get him back to sleep easier. It works pretty well because Felix is back to sleep within a few seconds, exhausted from all the mental stress he just went through. Chan smiles at him and kisses his forehead before falling into a deep sleep as well.


Sightless ♡ ChanlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang