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"You met someone at the grocery store and now he has your number?" Minho says with a confused look on his face.

It's the next morning after Felix and Chan met again and Felix has just spilled the beans to Minho. He isn't sure what to feel about the situation and wants to get advice from his best friend.

"Yeah he helped me at the grocery store and then with taking out the trash then he asked for my number, said he wanted to be friends. He seems like a nice guy other than the fact that I don't know what he looks like so I said yes and gave him my number. He also lives in the same apartment building."

Minho is kind of impressed with the turn of events. Nothing really special has happened to Felix since he moved to Korea, fortunately and unfortunately.

"Well how do you feel, do you think you can trust him enough to become his friend?" Minho questions.

Felix has to think about this question for a little bit. Ever since his traumatic move to Korea he hasn't really thought about making new friends or even getting a boyfriend. Everything was just too much for a while but now he thinks he's ready. It's been years since the incident and he wants to move on with his life.

"I think I do want to give Chan a chance. He hasn't given me a reason to not trust him and we keep meeting coincidentally it almost feels like fate." Felix says with confidence.

"I'm proud of you Felix, you've been through so much but still continue to stay positive. I hope your friendship or maybe more goes well with Chan." Minho says the last part in a teasing tone.

Felix immediately blushes at the thought of it. He hasn't dated in a while and is not used to talking about his love life yet.

"Don't say that! I don't even know if he likes guys or not." Felix yells out in embarrassment.

"C'mon you said he called you pretty right, that has to mean something." Minho says firmly.

"I don't know, what if he just likes complimenting people, that doesn't mean he's romantically interested in me."

Minho frowns at Felix's lack of confidence. He really wants Felix to finally reach true happiness again and if Chan is that missing puzzle piece then so be it.

"Don't rule out the whole thing yet Felix you never know, plus I know you miss having someone to love by your side. But if this Chan guy ever tries anything fishy with you let me know and I'll beat his ass." Minho gives Felix two firm pats on his arm.

"Alright Minho I will." Felix says while giggling.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast now, I got a new job at the cafe a few blocks away and I don't want to be late to my shift." Minho gets up from the couch and starts rushing to make breakfast.

"Oh congratulations Minho I was worried you wouldn't be able to find a job after the recent move."

Minho and Felix moved into their current apartment not too long ago and are new to the area. He move was quite far from their previous apartment so Minho was forced to quit his job. He was okay with it though, his other job was shitty and their current apartment is way bigger than the other one.

"Well since I'll be gone for a while why don't you give Chan a call, you can't find out if he's into you with out hang out with him first." Minho says as he cracks an egg into the pan.

"You know what, maybe I will. I just hope I'm not a buzzkill to him because I'm blind." Felix says with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Lee Felix don't ever say that again you are a very fun person and the fact that you're blind doesn't make that any less true." Minho says aggressively before continuing to makes breakfast for the both of them.

"Thanks Minho that makes me feel a little bit better." Felix says before he starts smiling again.

"No problem, as your best friend it's my job to brighten up your mood."

Minho finishes up breakfast and helps Felix get seated at the dining table. He fills up Peanut's food bowl and goes back to sit down at the table with Felix.

"We're having kimchi fried rice with a fried egg for breakfast today I hope you like it." Minho says while handing a spoon to Felix.

Felix has a little trouble with eating the egg since it's slightly slippery. It starts to frustrate him a little and he lets out an angry sigh. It's times like these where he gets annoyed with himself and wishes he could function like a normal person.

"Hey it's okay, take your time." Minho says reassuringly while running a gentle hand down Felix's back.

The rest of the meal goes smoothly, thanks to the comfort Minho offered earlier. Minho finishes getting ready and gives a quick goodbye to Felix before rushing out the door.

Felix already has moved back to the couch and is listening to the soft singing coming from the radio. As much as he loves listening to music he starts to get bored and tries to think of something else to do. Then it hits him, he was supposed to be courageous today and call Chan.

He excitedly reaches into his pocket to retrieve his phone. He uses the voice activation on his phone and tells it to call Chan. Chan picks up with a few rings.

"Hello?" Chan says trying to hide his excitement, he didn't expect Felix to call first.

"Hey Chan I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out this week?" Felix says, a little worried he might say no.

Chan has to stop himself from screaming. Of course he wants to hang out this would be the perfect chance to see if the boy would be interested in him or not.

"Yes I would love to, how about noon on Saturday at that one cafe a few blocks away, I can pick you up at your apartment and we can walk there together?" Chan asks hopefully.

"Yes that sounds great I'll see you on Saturday then." Felix hangs up the phone with a big smile on his face.


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