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"How about we go and get something to eat first." Chan says as they continue to walk down the sidewalk.

Felix just silently nods in agreement while clinging to Chan's arm, too consumed with his thoughts to give a verbal answer. He quickly realizes that he's being too quiet for his own good and plans to start talking more. The whole point of this date was to assure Chan that he was doing well so he could buy himself some time to gain courage to tell him about the pregnancy.

"Hm, do you want to get pizza?" Chan asks looking down to Felix as he clings to his arm.

The thought of eating pizza has Felix mentally gagging. And it begins he thinks, the random food intolerances brought on by pregnancy symptoms. On any other day he would have loved to eat pizza but the thought of the greasy cheese and the overpowering tomato sauce has him grimacing.

"What's with that face? I thought you really liked pizza." Chan says, chuckling at the dramatic expression on Felix's face.

"Yeah I do. I'm just not that hungry right now and it's kind of hot outside. Let's go get ice cream instead." Felix says, coming up with a quick excuse.

"Okay we can do that, I see an ice cream shop down the street, let's go to that one." Chan says , beginning to walk forward, Felix being pulled along with him since he's still attached to Chan's arm.

Chan continues leading Felix to the ice cream shop, stealing glances at him occasionally. He doesn't know how he was able to survive being away from the boy for so long. Being able to see this gorgeous face again has him feeling giddy, not being able to stop his eyes from drifting to Felix every 5 seconds.

They make it to the ice cream shop and Chan holds the door open, allowing Felix and Peanut to enter before following behind them. Peanut stops firmly at the counter letting Felix know to stop as well so he doesn't crash into the counter. Chan catches up with them quickly, putting an arm around Felix's waist once he makes it to the counter causing Felix to smile softly.

"What flavor do you want, baby?" Chan asks while they wait for an employee to come to the register.

"I think I'll get chocolate this time, with extra sprinkles." Felix says happily.

"Hmm, you usually get strawberry." Chan says suspiciously.

"I just wanted to try something different. Not everything I do has to be suspicious." Felix replies with a giggle.

"Yeah you're right I'm just teasing you." Chan says before poking Felix in the side playfully, making him laugh out loud.

Felix sighs in relief while he waits for Chan to order. The date is going way better than he expected and he's successfully covered up all of his slip ups so far. Chan finishes ordering and they get handed their ice cream cups before they go to sit at a nearby table.

"This kind of reminds me of our first date at that cafe, if you can even call it a date." Chan says with a laugh.

"Yeah that was one of my favorite memories with you, I remember being so nervous and shy around you, it's embarrassing to think about now." Felix replies with a blush on his face.

"And I remember you being just as beautiful as you are now." Chan says fondly before taking one of Felix's hands into his.

"And you're still just as cheesy as you were when we first started dating." Felix replies teasingly.

"Sorry I just haven't seen you in a long time so I wanted to compliment you as much as I can today." Chan says laughing as well.

"Well thanks for the compliments, you always know how to make me feel loved." Felix says, gently squeezing Chan's hand.

"So has anything new happened while we were away from each other?" Felix asks curiously, wanting to catch up with Chan's life.

"Hm, nothing much I've just been working on random songs with Jisung." Chan says after taking a bite of ice cream.

"I did go to that one diner that's owned by your friends San and Wooyoung the other day though. I got to see their newborn baby. She was so cute, I felt kind of envious of them." Chan says smiling at the memory of the cute baby at the diner.

"Oh yeah they called me and Minho the day she was born but I haven't got to meet her in person yet." Felix replies with a smile.

"Can I ask you an important question really quick?" Felix asks, going serious suddenly.

"Yeah of course, what is it?" Chan replies, leaning in a little so he can listen attentively.

"What's your opinion on babies right now? Do you want one?" Felix asks nervously, secretly placing a hand on his stomach under the table.

"That's a really interesting question, why do you ask?" Chan replies, taking another spoon full of ice cream.

"No reason, can you please just answer it." Felix says urgently.

"Okay I'll answer it. I do want kids in the future if that's what you want. I won't force you to give me one if you don't want to." Chan replies firmly.

"What about in the near future? Do you think you would be ready? In a hypothetical situation of course." Felix continues to question incessantly.

"I honestly don't think I would be ready. I'm very busy with my job right now and if we did have a baby I would want to be there with you most of the time and my job would keep me from doing that." Chan says sadly.

Felix's heart drops to his stomach once Chan finishes his sentence. He was right all along, a baby would be burden to Chan after all. He swallows back his tears and continues to stay as calm as he can, reaching down to put his hand on Peanut's head to comfort himself.

"But babies are so cute though, if we did have one now I would definitely do everything in my power to make sure that everything works out." Chan adds on happily.

Even though this last statement gives Felix tremendous hope, he still can't stop his negative thoughts from slowly consuming him. He still manages to put on a fake smile and semi enjoy the rest of the date with Chan, hoping for a great future with Chan and their baby.


A/N: This chapter is so embarrassingly bad! I didn't know how to end it, sorry! Anyway we now have some information on Chan's thoughts. I wonder how he'll react to the news of the baby. 🤔😈

Also a life update that no one asked for, the song Charmer has me in a chokehold these days to the point where I've listened to it an embarrassing amount of times while driving to school. I also have a touch of writers block, have been busy with my floral judging competitions and have been job hunting so don't be too surprised if the updates get slower. I won't be gone for too long at a time though so don't worry too much :)

Anyway if you made it this far thank you for being interested enough in my boring life to read all of this, it's much appreciated. So bye for now and see you in the next chapter! - 🍒

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Sightless ♡ Chanlixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें