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PSA: Long chapter ahead to make up for my absence :(

Chan awakes from a sound in the kitchen. He doesn't open his eyes, still too tired to move. He snuggles more into the warm baby bump and sighs in comfort. He feels fingers running through his hair shortly after, making him even more relaxed.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." A voice sounds from above him.

He still hesitates to open his eyes, not wanting to be attacked with bright morning light. The fingers continue to massage his scalp, trying to keep him awake. Chan finally gets the hint to open his eyes and is met with the sight of Felix and Minho peering down closely at him.

"Oh shit! You scared me." Chan yells in surprise, not expecting them to be staring at him the whole time.

"Well you wouldn't wake up and Felix needs to pee, so get up." Minho says, pulling Chan's arm to sit him up.

"Oh! Sorry baby let me help you." Chan says, standing up quickly and standing in front of Felix.

"Thank you but we need to be careful, I can feel the baby sitting on my bladder right now and I'm concerned." Felix says with his eyes opened comically wide as he presses his legs tightly together.

"Don't laugh I really need to go." Felix whines out after he hears Minho and Chan giggling at him.

"Sorry you're just very cute right now. Here I'll stand you up slowly." Chan says, grabbing both of Felix's arms and pulling him up slowly.

Felix finally is standing after being trapped under Chan all morning. He stretches his legs out a bit before signaling Chan to rush him to the bathroom. Chan quickly walks him to the bathroom, leading him in and making sure he'll be okay by himself before leaving and closing the door behind him. He goes to sit back on the couch while he waits for Felix to be done.

"Would you like some breakfast, Chan?!" Minho yells from the kitchen.

"Yes!" Chan yells back, getting up quickly, excited for food.

"I was craving scrabbled eggs, grossly enough, so I decided to go the American route with pancakes, eggs, and bacon." Minho says, placing a plate in front of Chan.

He quickly thanks Minho before digging into his plate aggressively. Minho grimaces at Chan's messy eating for a few seconds before starting to eat his own food. Geez! you would think he's the pregnant one just by watching him eat, Minho thinks as he watches Chan.

"So, how was last night for you two, you know after all the shitty stuff happened?" Minho asks.

"Hmm, it was rather sad to be honest, Felix was so upset that he didn't want to talk to me. So we just fell asleep as I listened to him try to cry as quietly as he could." Chan says sadly, remembering last night's events.

"That really sucks, I hate seeing you both so upset." Minho says with a frown.

Felix finishes using the bathroom and waddles into the kitchen, using the wall to guide him there. Chan helps him into a chair at the dining table when he sees him turn the corner. Minho slides the plate of food that was put aside to him once he sits down.

"So why were you two sleeping on the couch?" Minho asks, breaking the silence.

"Well I unfortunately had a nightmare last night and couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to rest on the couch, then Chan found me and we both went to sleep on the couch." Felix replies.

"You didn't tell me your nightmares were back, are you okay?" Chan asks worriedly.

"Yeah I'm okay, I was just stressed out yesterday and it probably triggered a nightmare." Felix replies with a smile.

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