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"Felix calm down, you'll be fine, it's just Chan." Minho says nonchalantly.

It's the day of Felix and Chan's planned dates and Felix is nervously getting ready. This is the first time that he is going to see Chan since he found out about the baby so he feels a bit weird. He's trying not to get too anxious, worried he might stress out the baby, but he just can't help it. Minho came in randomly to show support but it's not really helping much. If anything it's making it worst.

"Telling me to calm down is not going to make me actually calm down, Min." Felix says in annoyance.

"But c'mon Lix, you've been on plenty of dates with Chan before and isn't it one of your favorite things to do." Minho says, trying to convince Felix out of being nervous.

"Yeah but when I went on those dates I wasn't pregnant and hiding it!" Felix whines out, going to put on his shoes.

"That is an excellent point but you're going to tell him eventually right? Just pretend you already told him and don't act suspicious, you'll feel way better if you trick your mind into believing that." Minho says like it's the most simplest thing in the world.

"I think the pregnancy brain is getting to you Min. That was the most nonsense thing I've ever heard you say." Felix says in disbelief, finishing putting on his shoes and standing up with a huff.

"Whatever, at least I'm trying to help you loser." Minho says while rolling his eyes.

"I do appreciate your help greatly but I still feel like shit right now." Felix replies, doing his finishes touches on his outfit before standing in front of Minho.

"Alright I think I'm ready, how do I look." Felix says, doing a little spin.

"Great as always Lix." Minho says reaching out to teasingly pat his hip.

"You can't tell that my stomach has gotten bigger right? I tried wearing a bigger shirt today since I've noticed the baby grew a lot the past week. I don't want to look suspicious." Felix says, lifting his shirt to show his slightly distended tummy.

"Oh wow it did grow a lot in just a week. You did a good job with the outfit choice, I couldn't even tell until you lifted your shirt." Minho says in awe.

"Ok cool I was worried you could see it." Felix says in relief, putting his shirt back down.

They go to the living room to wait for Chan. While they wait, Felix gets Peanut ready for the day. Feeding him and putting on his harness once he finishes eating, going to cuddle him on the couch after he finishes everything. Minho sends texts messages back and forth with Jisung while Felix finishes getting ready.

He makes sure to keep in touch with him often these days since he knows Jisung gets anxious when he's too distant. After a few minutes they hear a knock at the door and Felix takes Peanut with him to answer it, knowing it's Chan anyway.

"Hey baby- woah!" Chan gets interrupted by Felix jumping onto his as soon as the door opens.

Felix hasn't heard Chan's voice in a while it seems to him so hearing as soon as he opened the door it made him unexpectedly emotional. He quickly wraps his arms around his neck and tears up. Chan feels wetness on his shoulder and pulls back worriedly from the hug, gently placing his hands on Felix's cheeks so he can get a good look at his beautiful face.

"Hey what's wrong? Did something happen when I wasn't with you?" Chan asks worriedly, wiping some of the tears away with his thumbs.

"No, nothing's wrong, I just missed you so much." Felix cries out, pushing Chan's hands away and hugging him tightly again.

"Aww it's been too long since we've last seen each other hasn't it. I was just busy with work but I promise to always keep in touch with you no matter what from now on, okay?" Chan coos before gently kissing Felix on the forehead.

"Let's go now okay, I want to make it up to you and make this the best day ever." Chan says pulling away from the hug and grabbing Felix's hand.

"Okay let me just say bye to Minho really quick then we'll go." Felix says letting go of Chan's hand and wiping his tears before telling Peanut to lead him to Minho.

"I'm going, wish me luck and pray I don't accidentally screw up anything." Felix whispers into Minho's ear.

"I'll be rooting for you. Just try not to cry at every little thing, you're being suspiciously emotional right now." Minho whispers back teasingly.

"Alright I'll try not to, now I'm really leaving, bye." Felix says happily, hugging Minho quickly before returning to Chan and walking out the door.

"What were you whispering about? I feel left out." Chan ask as they walk down the sidewalk.

"Oh it was nothing I was just reminding him to do something." Felix says nervously, gripping Peanuts leash a little tighter.

"Oh okay. Well let's get started on our date shall we?" Chan says, wrapping an arm around Felix's shoulder.

"Yeah let's go!"


A/N: Hello everyone hoped you enjoyed the chapter. We're finally gonna have more chanlix moments in the next chapter so look forward to that. Bye -🍒

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