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They arrive to the restaurant and get seated at a table. Felix has Peanut lay next to his feet under the table so he doesn't get any weird looks from people. He's pretty much stalling at this point, spending a lot of time to get comfortable in his seat. He just really doesn't want to confront Chan right now, scared that the truth might hurt him too much.

"So how was your day, did you have fun with Changbin?" Chan asks once they get settled at their table.

"Yes I did, what about you? Did you get a lot done with Jisung?" Felix asks firmly, his face wearing a stern expression.

"Uh, yeah I did." Chan says unsurely.

"Hey is something wrong? You seem upset with me." Chan asks worriedly.

Felix is furious now, he has the audacity to lie blatantly in front of his face and them ask if he's upset. He opens up his mouth to shoot harsh words at Chan but before he can the waiter interrupts.

"Hello, are you ready for me to take your order." The waiter says cheerfully, unaware of the situation at hand.

"Yeah I'll just get water and a chicken salad." Felix says, holding back his anger.

"Um I'll have iced tea and a steak burger." Chan says nervously, sensing that Felix was seconds away from telling him off.

Felix glares the whole time when Chan is ordering. Is this how it's going to be all the time? Chan lying to him about his whereabouts and then having to pretend he doesn't know anything so he doesn't get hurt. He wants to yell at Chan so bad and question him but he remembers what Changbin said and refrains. He's supposed to at least give Chan a chance to explain himself and if the excuse is pretty shitty then that's when he'll voice out all the anger that's on his mind.

"What were you going to say before the waiter came?" Chan asks carefully once the waiter leaves.

"Oh let's just enjoy our meal first then I'll tell you afterwards." Felix says in a condescending tone.

"Ok if that's what you want, baby." Chan says, now even more nervous.

They eat in silence for the most part, Felix not really wanting to start a conversation until he gets this problem out of the way. He also wants to wait on confronting Chan until they're in a private space, not wanting to show their business to random people in a restaurant.

"Are you ready to go Felix?" Chan asks once he notices Felix has finished eating.

"Yeah." Felix says in a defeated tone.

Felix stands up and takes Peanut with him, not even bothering to make sure that Chan is following him. Chan puts some money on the table really quickly before running to catch up with Felix.

Felix is already outside by the time Chan catches up, just standing in the cold with Peanut. His eyes start to water with frustration, he's so upset and confused right now but also feels like he's overreacting.

"Hey why are you crying, is it something I did, tell me so I can fix it." Chan says, bringing Felix into his arms.

Felix just cries into his chest, finally letting out all his pent up emotions. He hasn't even confronted Chan yet and he's already crying, he feels pathetic.

"You lied to me today didn't you?" Felix says suddenly.

"What?" Chan says, pulling Felix's face away from his chest.

"You lied to me about being with Jisung, he was with Minho the whole day, where were you?" Felix says clearly, his face starting to get blotchy from the tears.

"Baby I can explain this please don't be mad at me." Chan says in a pleading tone.

"Well go on Chan we have all night don't we." Felix says sarcastically, pulling away from the hug harshly.

"I was out getting you this." Chan says, grabbing Felix's hand and placing something in it.

"A ring?" Felix says, confused.

"A promise ring, I wanted to ask if you can promise to stay with me forever, it's not exactly a proposal yet but I just wanted to give you this. Here feel the bumps at the top." Chan says moving Felix's thumb to feel them.

"It says love Chan." Felix says, amazed.

"Yes I wanted you to be able to read what was engraved and I also got a matching one for me that says love Felix, I'm sorry I lied to you I just wanted to surprise you." Chan says, feeling disappointed in himself.

"No don't be sorry, this is the greatest gift anyone has ever got me, I'm sorry for treating you like shit before letting you explain yourself, gosh I feel like such an asshole right now." Felix says, starting to tear up again.

"No please don't cry, I should have expected this anyway for lying to my boyfriend, I would have reacted the same way, I should have had more common sense." Chan says sadly.

"I still was so mean to you, I love you so much! Of course I'll promise to stay with you!" Felix cries out before hugging Chan tightly.

"Hey it's okay let's go home now it's getting cold out here." Chan says.

"I want to sleep over at your apartment today." Felix says firmly.

"Alright let's go then." Chan says cheerfully.

They travel all the way back to the apartment building where Felix drops off Peanut to Minho and informs him of the sleepover before they go to Chan's apartment. They immediately start getting intimate with each other, wanting to make up for the tense dinner that they had. They enjoy the soft love making before falling into a deep peaceful sleep.


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