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"I think we finally finished the mini album guys." Changbin says in celebration, rubbing is baby bump.

It's been 2 months already and they've finally finished recording and arranging the songs for the soon to debut group. This is Chan and Jisung's first official completed project and they are immensely proud of themselves, still not believing that their dreams are finally coming true.

"I guess we are, we should inform the company so we can get a release date." Chan says.

"They still need to choreograph the title track and take concept photos so we'll probably get a release date after that." Changbin informs, being the most experienced in the group.

"This is so exciting I'm gonna scream." Jisung says, not being able to sit still.

"I wonder what the music video is gonna look like." Jisung says, getting even more excited.

"Can we visit the set when they're filming it?" Chan asks curiously.

"You can if you want too, you work for the company so I don't see why you wouldn't be able too." Changbin replies.

Chan and Jisung high five, already planning to visit the set. They're very excited to see the outcome of their hard work. The boys finish up their last minute tasks and don't even realize it's lunch time already. They hear a knock at the door and Chan answers it. Hyunjin, Minho, Felix and Peanut are standing there.

"Hey baby I brought the peanut butter and pickle sandwich you were craving." Hyunjin says pushing pass Chan to get to Changbin.

"Well damn you could've just asked me to move out of the way." Chan says after almost falling back from the push.

"I'm trying to feed my family here, leave me alone." Hyunjin says before rolling his eyes.

"Ok you're right my bad." Chan says, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Anyway we brought you two lunch as well." Minho says holding up a bag while Felix does too.

"Oh, thank you." Chan says gratefully, taking the bag from Felix while Jisung takes the bag from Minho.

They all sit down on the couch and random chairs that are in the studio. Chan pulls Felix closer to him once they sit down, missing him all day. Felix blushes and lays his head down on Chan's shoulder. The other men coo quietly at the scene, finding the couple cute.

"How did you guys even get in here." Changbin asks, knowing how strict the security is.

"I bribed Ryujin with a piece of cake from her favorite cafe." Hyunjin says nonchalantly.

"Yeah that makes sense." Changbin says.

They continue eating their meals and start random conversations amongst themselves. Changbin suddenly remembers something and speaks up.

"Oh I forgot to tell you guys, we went to the OBGYN for my fifth month appointment and they told us the gender of the baby. Do you want to know what it is?" Changbin asks excitedly, which receives eager nods from everyone.

"It's a girl!" Changbin yells out, both him and Hyunjin smiling widely.

"So cute! I'm stealing your baby from you once it comes out." Minho says seriously.

"No way, go make your own baby." Changbin says, covering his baby bump with his hands.

"Hmm maybe I will." Minho says, turning to look at Jisung, to which Jisung proceeds to choke on his drink.

"I'm just kidding but you better be prepared for later on, I still want a baby." Minho says with a smirk.

"Yes of course honey." Jisung says, laughing nervously.

"So what are you going to name the baby?" Felix asks excitedly.

"We don't know yet, I feel like the name will just come to us once we see her for the first time." Changbin says with a fond smile.

"Yeah well good luck with the birth I heard it's terrible." Minho says, grimacing.

"Wow Minho thank you for always being so supportive and positive." Changbin replies sarcastically.

"Just doing my job as your greatest friend." Minho says while smiling.

"Don't worry I'll do the same when you have your baby." Changbin says with a smirk.

"Oh I can't wait." Minho says, smirking as well.

"Ok I think that's enough, why don't we finish our lunches now." Hyunjin says nervously, wanting to stop an argument before it starts.

The boys finish their lunches and clean up their mess. Minho and Hyunjin sadly have to go back to work since their lunch break is over. Felix decides to stay with them in the studio for the rest of the day since he has nothing else to do. He takes Peanut out to go to the bathroom while sending off Minho and Hyunjin before returning back and spending the rest of the day in the studio with his friends and boyfriend.


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