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Felix is still waiting for Minho after his phone call. He starts to get restless, wondering what could be the cause of Minho's weird behavior. He is starting to become concerned. Minho has been gone for a while now and Felix is worried he might have gotten himself into some trouble.

"Incoming call from Minnie." His phone announces suddenly.

He gets startled from the sudden ringing and hurriedly scrambles to get his phone. He placed his phone on the coffee table in front of him when he was done with his phone call with Chan. So he frantically taps around on the table until his hand finally lands on the phone. He quickly taps the screen to answer the call.

"Hello! Min are you okay!" Felix shouts worriedly into the phone.

"Um I don't know, can you just call Changbin and ask him to come to the apartment? I'll be home in a few minutes." Minho says shakily.

"Yeah I can do that, do you need to me to do anything else for you, you're really worrying me right now Minnie." Felix says sadly.

"No that's all. I'll be fine Lixie, just a little scared right now, I'll tell you what's going on when I get back, okay? I love you." Minho says before quickly hanging up.

Felix is even more concerned now. Why is he scared he thinks to himself. He doesn't have time to think too much about it now since he still needs to call Changbin. He quickly calls Changbin using the voice activation on his phone.

"Hey Lixie, what's up?!" Changbin answers the phone enthusiastically.

"Hey Binnie are you busy right now? It's important." Felix says seriously.

"No I'm not, I just finished my work and I'm watching TV with Yeji. Why, do you need me for something?" Changbin responds.

"Yeah it's about Minho, he was acting weird this morning and then he just left without telling me where he was going. He just called me right now and asked me to tell you to come to our apartment. He said he was scared and that he would explain everything when he got home. I don't know I'm just really worried for him, can you come quickly?" Felix rants hurriedly.

"Yeah of course Lix, I'll be there as soon as possible!" Changbin yells before ending the call.

Felix sighs after the call ends, placing his phone back on the coffee table and cuddling up to Peanut again for comfort. He doesn't really know what to make of the situation so he just fondly pets Peanut, waiting silently for Changbin and Minho to arrive.

Minho arrives first, walking through the door slowly and placing a plastic bag on the coffee table before sitting next to Felix. He takes Felix's hand and squeezes it tightly as if he's trying to gain some kind of comfort from his best friend.

"Minho?" Felix asks quietly.

"Yeah I'm back, I know you're probably worried about me but I'll explain everything once Binnie gets here, okay?" Minho says sweetly.

"Okay." Felix replies with a comforting smile, squeezing Minho's hand back to show support.

They wait hand in hand together for Changbin to come. It stays quiet the whole time, none of them being able to gather the courage to break the silence. Changbin finally arrives 5 minutes later.

"Forgive me if I took too long, I had to get Yeji dressed." Changbin says quickly taking a seat next to Minho and sitting the baby onto his lap.

"So what's going on Minho? Me and Felix are here to support you no matter what it is, okay?" Changbin says reassuringly, placing his hand on Minho's knee and squeezing gently.

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