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"I don't know Jisung, there was just something off about him." Chan says with a frown on his face.

It's the next day after the date and Chan went home with even more questions. He couldn't help but notice Felix's strange behavior. It was like he was trying too hard to act normal, if that even makes sense Chan thinks. He couldn't shake off this weird feeling, even when he was already home and getting ready for bed, which is why he decided to confine in Jisung the next day.

He could've just asked Minho if something was wrong but he knows he probably won't get any information from him since him and Felix have this so called "bestie code" which means no secret can be shared. So Jisung was his last option, which wasn't such a bad option anyway since he's been coming to Jisung with his problems for years now.

"Off in what way? Maybe he just wasn't in a good mood yesterday." Jisung replies in confusion.

"Yeah that could be the case, but he was asking strange questions." Chan says with a sigh.

"Well what were the questions? You can't just stop your sentence there." Jisung says in annoyance.

"He asked me what I've been up to since we last met which was a normal question, not really concerning. I didn't really have any stories to tell so I just told him about the trip that I made to that one diner owned by Wooyoung and San." Chan says, pausing to make sure that Jisung is listening.

"I just said that I got to meet their newborn baby and that she was so cute and he kind of perked up at the mention of the baby. Which I thought was kind of weird since he was pretty monotone at the start of the date. Then he started asking me what I would do if we had a baby right now." Chan finishes.

"Do you think he's hinting to you? Maybe he wants a baby already." Jisung questions.

"I don't know why he would want one now though. We don't live together and I've been busy with work recently so it just seems like bad timing." Chan says with a frown.

"Did you tell him that when he asked that question?" Jisung asks cautiously.

"In different words, yes I did." Chan replies.

"How did he react?" Jisung asks.

"I noticed that his face kind of dropped which made me feel bad because what if he thinks I don't want kids with him. I tried to save the mood by saying that if we did have one now that I would do anything to make sure that, that baby was taken care of." Chan says sadly.

"What really stood out to me was that he placed his hand of his stomach after I answered his question. I don't think he knows that I saw him do that. This made me even more suspicious, I couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day." Chan says.

"What, do you think he's already pregnant or something?" Jisung asks in disbelief.

"No! I mean he can't be right? He would have told me by now." Chan replies in shock.

"Yeah maybe he isn't, but you never know." Jisung says before shrugging his shoulders, to which Chan scoffs at.

"You're supposed to be making me feel better not make me overthink even more!" Chan says in annoyance.

"Hey I have my own problems too, how am I supposed to be the peace maker all of a sudden. I haven't been mentally stable since elementary school and neither have you, so let's just do what we usually do and forget about it until a major problem surfaces." Jisung says with his hands raised dramatically in the air.

"That's a terrible idea but I like the way you think, that might have to be our plan for the time being." Chan replies.

"Well since we talked about me, what about you. Are you and Minho doing okay?" Chan asks after a moment of silence.

"Minho has been acting weird too. I don't know if it's because of Felix or something else, but he's been avoiding me, not so much recently but before he was." Jisung replies.

"Yeah it could be but remember what you said, this is a problem for future us. Let's just continue to support and love them until they're ready to tell us what's wrong." Chan says firmly.

"Yeah but you better get ready to be a dad, your situation is still looking pretty suspicious." Jisung replies teasingly.

"Whatever, at least I'm not being ignored." Chan teases back.

"Why are so mean to me I thought we were friends." Jisung says dramatically.

"You're the one trying to give me a stress disorder, leave me alone." Chan replies with a frown.

"Hey you know I love you right and that I have your back no matter what happens." Jisung says sincerely.

"Aww Jisungie! Do you have a crush on me?" Chan teases.

"Hell no! Why would you say that?!" Jisung yells out in disgust.

"I'm just kidding Sungie, of course I know and you know I always have your back as well." Chan replies with equal sincerity.

The two best friends talk for a little while longer before Chan decides that it's time to go home. He says goodbye to Jisung before quickly making his way back to his apartment.
Just as he's about to unlock his door he stops and turns around, taking a peek at Minho and Felix's apartment door. What's really going on with you Felix, he thinks and stares longingly at the door. He finally snaps out of his trance and unlocks the door, walking in and getting ready for bed. He once again goes to sleep with thoughts and concerns about Felix.


A/N: Another terrible chapter, sorry guys I'm trying to recover from mild writer's block but I hope you enjoyed at least a little. I'll probably start trying to speed the story up so if you see time skips in the next few chapters don't be too shocked. Ok bye! -🍒

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