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Felix wakes up with a sharp pain in his back and sore hips. He massages his hips a little bit to try to relieve the pain. It doesn't really help so he gets frustrated. He hears Chan snoring peacefully next to him and gets even more angry. Why does he get to sleep peacefully while he's suffering in pain. He swings his arm to the side, hoping to hit Chan which he succeeds.

"Ow! What was that for baby?!" Chan says, startled awake by the sudden attack.

"Just wanted you to feel a little bit of pain as well." Felix says sassily.

"Aw do your hips hurt that bad? Hold on let me get you some pain killers!" Chan shouts, giving Felix a peck on the lips before running to the kitchen to get water and pain killers.

Felix sighs and lays down quietly while waiting for Chan. Now that they've reached a new stage in their relationship he feels kind of nervous. He trusts Chan a lot but can't help doubting himself. He's still insecure about his disability and has this lingering feeling that everyone will eventually get tired of helping him and leave.

He knows that Chan loves him now but isn't so sure about the future. He hopes that Chan won't drop him now that they've had sex already.

While Felix is lost in his thoughts, Chan comes in swiftly and places the stuff he brought on the nightstand. He helps Felix sit up and hands his the water and pills. Felix takes them quickly and hands the cup back to Chan. Chan places the cup back on the nightstand and sit back down next to Felix.

Felix is quiet and has a frown on his face which Chan immediately notices. He becomes concerned and scoots closer to Felix.

"What's wrong baby, does it still hurt really bad?" Chan asks, pulling Felix into his arms.

"No it doesn't, I was just thinking about something." Felix says with a smile that Chan knows is not real.

"Hey I know something is wrong, please tell me what it is so we can fix it." Chan says in a pleading tone.

"I'm just worried about our future." Felix says after a moment of silence.

"Why did I do something wrong?" Chan asks worriedly, hugging Felix tighter.

"No it's me, I still have insecurities about my disability and am afraid everyone is going to leave me." Felix sighs out, eyes already watering.

"My high school boyfriend broke up with me when I became blind because he didn't want to have to deal with a blind person, I think that still haunts me subconsciously so I suddenly become insecure in relationships." Felix continues, already starting to cry a little bit.

"I'm really sorry Chan I love you and trust you so much but I'm still scared." Felix finishes.

"Baby you don't have to apologize for anything, I know that you have a tough past and that our relationship might be a little rocky at first but that completely fine for because I love you so much and am so grateful that you're letting me continue to love you." Chan says, kissing Felix's forehead.

"I'll never leave you, you know that right?" Chan has moved Felix to his lap by now.

"Yes I do Chan. I love you so much!" Felix cries out, wrapping his arm around Chan's neck and holding on to him for dear life.

"I love you too baby, so much." Chan says with a smile hugging Felix as well.

"I hate to ruin this moment but I have work in an hour, I'll take you back to your apartment but don't worry because I'm coming straight over after my shift is over, okay baby?" Chan says.

"Yeah that's fine, I have to catch up with Minho anyway, I haven't talked to him in like two days." Felix responds.

"Well let's not keep him waiting, let's get dressed and then head over." Chan says picking up Felix and placing him on the foot of the bed.

Chan hands Felix his clothes and then goes to the bathroom to get ready for work. Felix puts on his clothes and sits on the bed again, waiting for Chan. He hears little rapid footsteps come into the bedroom.

"Peanut I almost forgot you were here, don't worry I'll feed you as soon as we get home." Felix says in a slightly high pitched voice, petting Peanut affectionately.

Chan finishes getting ready and walks back into to the room. He grabs his keys and makes sure everything is turned off before he leaves.

"You ready to go Felix." Chan asks.

"Yeah let's go." Felix says and stands up, grabbing the bar Peanut's harness.

"Alright let's go." Chan says while interlocking arms with Felix.

They walk out the door and in the direction of Felix's apartment. They get there quickly and Chan drops him off quickly, already late for work.

"Bye Felix love you!" Chan yells as he closes the door.

Minho greets him at the door and leads him to the dining table. He feeds Peanut and places the already made breakfast in front of Felix. He's been home alone all morning and was kind of bored so he decided to prepare for his best friend's return.

"You know it's times like these when you remind me of a mom." Felix says quite impressed by Minho's homemaker ethic.

"Well I have always wanted to be a mom, just haven't found the right time yet, you're my only baby right now." Minho says teasingly and hugs Felix to his chest.

"I'm not a baby and I already have a mom." Felix says with a pout.

"Well I already made a deal with your mom that I would take care of you while she's not here so technically you are my child, better do your chores or mom will be very mad." Minho says with a teasing frown before laughing.

"I'm gonna hit you." Felix deadpans.

Minho just laughs and they both start eating. Peanut has already finished his breakfast by now and is sitting next to Felix.

"I know you and Chan had sex, I saw the limp, how was it?" Minho asks in a teasing tone.



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