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It's already a few days later since the tests were took. Minho has already scheduled their appointments which was simple enough but actually attending the appointment seems a lot more challenging then expected. This doctor's appointment could change their whole lives he realizes quickly which makes him even more hesitant to go.

Felix shares similar feelings, still not sure what to make of the situation. It's already been a few days since the fact but it still doesn't feel real to him. He hasn't really had any "symptoms" so to speak which makes pregnancy even harder to believe for him. He can't deny that there was a positive test but it's just so unexpected. The suspense has been eating both of them alive.

Felix did promise to be positive about the situation at all times but he can't help but be scared. He didn't really expect to have children anytime soon especially with his disability. He's not even very confident that he can care for one on his own which makes him even more upset. He's also worried about burdening Chan, he's at the peak of his career and having to take care of a out of random baby seems like it would hold him back way too much in Felix's opinion.

"So I hate to say this but the appointment is in 30 minutes so we have to go." Minho says regretfully.

"Let's just get it over with I don't want to put this off anymore." Felix says firmly.

"Alright then let's go, I already put Peanut's harness on him." Minho says, walking Peanut over to Felix.

Felix reluctantly grabs the bar of the harness and begins walking out of the apartment, Minho following closely behind. They take a quick walk to the train station and get tickets for the right train, sitting down on a bench afterwards to wait for their designated train.
They both sit in an uncomfortable silence, the two being too anxious to start up conversation.

The train finally arrives, interrupting them from their worried thoughts. Minho stands up first, grabbing Felix's hand and pulling him up before walking to enter the train. There are available seats luckily so they get to sit next to each other. Peanut lays on the floor next to their legs, putting his head to lay of Felix's feet to comfort him from the sensed anxiety. Felix feels the warmth on his feet and smiles, feeling a little bit better from Peanut's support.

"So..... are you gonna tell Chan after the appointment?" Minho asks suddenly, interrupting the awkward silence.

"Well if it's positive I'll probably wait a little longer so I can announce it properly and if it's negative then I'll just tell him everything that happened after the appointment." Felix replies softly.

"Hmm that's a good idea I'll probably do the same." Minho says.

"Are you still worried about Jisung's reaction?" Felix asks carefully.

"To be honest, yes I am but I know that's just me overthinking. I have a big feeling that he won't be that upset I guess." Minho replies.

Felix nods at the reply and the two become silent again, both of them getting more restless since the train is getting closer to their stop. The train finally makes it to their stop, the doors opening and people rushing outside. They both stand up and start making their way out of the train. They start walking towards the clinic once Minho finds the right directions.

After a 15 minute walk they finally make it to the front of the building, the random pregnancy anatomy posters looking very daunting to Minho right now. Minho leads them to the front desk and checks them both in before leading them to sit in the waiting room. Felix takes a seat runs his fingers through Peanut's fur in an attempt to calm his nerves, it only works for a little while which disappoints him.

"Lee Minho!" A woman calls out from the front desk.

"C'mon Felix it's time." Minho says nervously, grabbing Felix's hand and leading them back to the desk.

"Hello I'm Dr. Song and I'll be taking care of you today." The woman says, shaking Minho and Felix's hands.

"Can we join our appointments together? He has the next one and we would like be in the same room together." Minho asks.

"Yeah of course! Follow me to room 106." Dr. Song says, grabbing her clipboard and leading the way.

They both follow her and sit down on the two chairs in there that are off to the side. Dr. Song sets her clipboard down and puts a pair of latex gloves on before turning to them.

"Okay so from my understanding, both of you got positive tests so you would like an ultrasound to see if there's any fetuses in there. Correct?" Dr. Song comfirms, to which they both nod.

"Alright then, Minho I'll have you go first. Just hop up on this bed and lift your shirt for me, okay sweetie." Dr. Song says softly, turning to grab the ultrasound gel.

Minho does as instructed, Felix giving his hand a squeeze in support before he gets up. He exposes his stomach after sitting down and takes a deep breath to calm him nerves.

"Okay I'm going to put this gel on your lower stomach and it will be cold so don't be too shocked." Dr. Song says teasingly.

She squirts the gel on his stomach, making him jump a little bit from the cold. She turns and grabs the transducer before putting it on his stomach, pushing it around on his stomach before stopping and smiling.

"There it is! Your baby, do you see that little blob right there?" Dr. Song says excitedly, pointing to the little black dot on the screen.

"So I'm actually pregnant?!" Minho shouts in shock.

"Yup I would say about 7 to 8 weeks to be exact." Dr. Song says snapping a few pictures of the baby to print out.

"So this is it Minnie, you're finally gonna become a mom." Felix says with a smile, reaching over so Minho can hold his hand.

"I know, this is so crazy. I was kind of scared shitless before but now that I've seen that cute little blob I'm kind of excited." Minho says happily, sitting up and wiping off his stomach with the paper towel Dr. Song gave him.

"Alright here are your sonograms and congratulations on your baby!" Dr. Song says excitedly, handing over the pictures.

"Felix you're next hop up the bed for me please."


A/N: Well Minho is pregnant, I wonder if Felix is 🤔 hahaha I love cliffhangers! Anyway see you in the next chapter, byeee! - 🍒

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