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The boys finally make it back to the apartment building after getting off the train. They start walking down the hall to Felix's apartment. Felix decides to tease Chan a little bit while they're walking.

"You know Hyunjin has a boyfriend right? His name is Changbin." Felix says teasingly with a smile.

"Well I do now." Chan says, very embarrassed about his jealous outburst.

Felix giggles, finding Chan very cute right now. He hugs Chan's arm tighter against him and it makes Chan smile. This boy is finally his after months of keeping his feelings secret.

"We're gonna have to tell Minho we're dating now." Felix says with a groan.

"He probably gonna say something embarrassing." Chan adds on, which Felix nods to in response.

The boys make it to Felix's apartment door and Chan fishes out the keys from Felix's pocket. He unlocks the door and opens it all the way before leading Felix across threshold. They both hear strange noises which confuses them. Chan decides to investigate quietly thinking there might be an intruder.

He walks into the living room while guarding Felix behind him and sees a sight he would never want to see ever in his life.

Minho and Jisung are on the couch, Minho is straddling Jisung's lap and they are making out quite aggressively Chan might add. Their clothes are half off and their hands are roaming all over each other's bodies. Chan shouts in surprise and drops the keys. This startles both Minho and Jisung and they immediately separate from each other.

"What the hell I thought you guys would be home later!" Minho shouts as he and Jisung scramble to get their clothes back on.

"We didn't know you would be here doing this in broad daylight! Oh my gosh I need to bleach my eyes." Chan says while covering his eyes.

"What happened Chan?" Felix asks curiously from behind Chan.

"Oh my, Felix I'm so glad you can't see right now, I'll tell you what happened later let's just go to your room quickly." Chan says while dragging Felix to his room.

Once they are in Felix's room, Chan helps Felix sit on the bed next to where Peanut is taking a nap. After Felix is seated he shuts the bedroom door and then goes to sit on the bed as well, placing Felix in his lap when he gets comfortable. Felix smiles and leans on Chan's chest.

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Felix asks while hugging Chan.

"Um to make a long story short Jisung came over unexpectedly while we were out and he was doing less then appropriate things with Minho on the couch, their clothes were half off and everything it was awful." Chan says with a disgusted face.

"Can't say I'm surprised it's Minho we're talking about, I'm just glad I didn't have to see that sucks to be you though." Felix says while laughing before place a quick peck to Chan's face.

Chan laughs and starts attacking Felix's face with kisses. Felix giggles from the ticklish feeling and tries to push Chan away. Chan hugs him tighter to prevent him from escaping the kiss attack. There's suddenly knocking at the bedroom door and they stop what they're doing.

"It's Minho and Jisung can we come in?" Minho asks through the door.

"Sure." Chan says, still hugging Felix to his chest.

The door opens and Minho and Jisung enter the room looking guilty. They walk further into the room and stop to stand in front of Felix and Chan with their heads down.

"We came here to apologize for attempting to have sex in the living room, we didn't expect you to come back so soon and we're sorry you had to see that Chan and to Felix we're sorry you had to hear it." Minho says before elbowing Jisung in the side quietly telling him to apologize too.

"I'm very sorry guys I wouldn't have done it if I knew you guys would walk in." Jisung says.

"Whatever just don't do gross shit like that in the living room again." Chan says while hugging Felix tighter.

"What's going on with you two?" Jisung asks motioning to the position they're sitting in.

"Chan asked me to be his boyfriend and now we're dating!" Felix yells out excitedly.

"Finally, congratulations guys!" Minho shouts and goes to pull both of them into a tight hug which Jisung joins in on a few seconds later.

"He confessed after getting jealous of Hyunjin." Felix says while laughing.

"Oh Hyunjin works there huh? Damn Chan that's embarrassing Hyunjin is already taken." Minho says before patting Chan roughly on the back.

"Yeah I know, no need to bring up the embarrassing moment again." Chan says with a bright blush on his cheeks.

"Oh man that's hilarious Chan I didn't think you could be anymore lame." Jisung says while laughing loudly.

"Well at least I didn't get walked in on while trying to fuck my boyfriend!" Chan shouts.

"Hey that's too far and I already apologized." Jisung says, ashamed.

They all start laughing afterward and collapse onto Felix's bed. Chan turns to look at Felix and watches him laugh. He loves this boy so much and is relieved that he can finally call him his.


A/N: Merry Christmas everyone and if you don't celebrate Christmas then happy winter. I just wanted to say thank you for the reads and votes, I really appreciate it. Ok that's all, bye guys -🍒

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