Chapter Fifty Seven

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"I have to say, it's been a real eye opener to see what the future holds," Hera said as she unfurled her scroll.

Mal quickly made her way down the hall to her meeting with Natalie.

Malinda's eyes narrowed and Benji's hands clenched into fists upon hearing Natalie's name.

She wasn't exactly looking forward to it but she had been the one to cut their meeting short the other day. It was only fair that she rescheduled.

"Natalie doesn't deserve fair," Malinda muttered.

"Okay, I'm slightly scared to ask what this Natalie chick did," Harriet said, looking over at Malinda.

Malinda sighed. "You'll find out."

Gods, it was hard to believe that it'd only been a few days since Uma, Hadie, Harry and Gil arrived in Auradon. It was honestly like a dream.

"And soon that dream will be a reality," Hadie said with a grin.

"Just minus Gil hopefully," Harry added. "Hey, maybe instead Harriet could come with us!"

Uma shook her head. "And leave CJ all by her lonesome?"

"She's already the Captain's favorite, the Runt will be fine plus the other Rats wouldn't let anything happen to her," Harry muttered with a small shrug; never noticing how CJ winced slightly at the nickname nor how his mother had frowned at his words.

Okay so maybe Uma needed to lay off Evie a bit especially since Daniel was still in the medical coma...

Uma frowned slightly but she had to acknowledge the fact that the scroll had a point. Maybe her scroll self was still going after Blueberry in spite of knowing that because Harry would never be so lucky?

and Harry seemed a bit too determined to get Jay to skip R.O.A.R practice to spar with him....

"Why don't you just try out?" Melody asked. "Then you'd get to be with Jay and Jay doesn't risk his captain spot skipping practice."

and honestly Gil seemed more clingy than Carlos had been when they'd first arrived in Auradon.

Benji sighed. "To be fair to Gil, he's used to a big family. Eleven siblings and then always being around the crew."

"Ben's right," Malinda nodded. "Gil probably wasn't used to the option of being alone since Carlos had other friends what with being on the Tourney and R.O.A.R. team with Jay, and I could have been more understanding of that."

The only one who seemed to be adjusting without issue had, surprisingly, been Hadie.

"Makes sense," Rapunzel said. "The younger a child is, they're going to be more at ease with change. Hadie had only been on the Isle for eleven years as opposed to your all sixteen or seventeen in Jay's case."

He'd been fine adjusting to classes and had already made friends with Melody and Alexandria Charming, Chad Charming's youngest sister.

The two aforementioned girls beamed, happy their future selves were being as inclusive and welcoming as they thought they'd be.

It wasn't that odd though, back on the Isle his best friends were Dizzy Tremaine and Celia Facilier. Her baby brother was certainly popular with the ladies...and she and Uma had whacked Harry over the head when he had pointed that out.

"Does that mean that you're popular with the ladies too Harry? Considering you're best friends with Uma and Mal?" Harriet asked, a small smirk on her lips.

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