Chapter Sixty Two

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Cinderella smiled slightly as Kit handed her a scroll. "Thank you."

"Of course," Kit said, returning his wife's smile. "Here's hoping this scroll might curb some murderous feelings."

"I doubt it," Cinderella sighed.

Hadie couldn't help but smile as he sat down at the table next to Alexandria Charming, one of his new friends since arriving in Auradon.

"Ooh, his first date?" Harry asked, leaning forward in interest as he teased the boy who was practically his brother.

He had been working at a different table but had gladly changed tables to be able to work with his friend. Also it worked to make sure he was still following the first rule of the Isle: never be alone.

"Being alone on the Isle makes you a sitting duck for attacks from other gangs," Dizzy said softly.

"Diz? Anyone attack you?" Hadie asked, looking over at his best friend. He didn't even need to look at Celia to know what his other best friend was thinking.

If anyone had attacked Dizzy, they'd regret it.

Dizzy shook her head. "No, not since I'm under Rat protection. But it's obvious isn't it? Besides, you told me about the time Dustin got jumped after all."

"Oh right," Hadie nodded.

"Dustin?" Emma asked.

Henry smiled. "One of our crew. Pain in the...butt and always talks about his relationships but he's a good crew mate."

"I'm sure we've mentioned him before," Mal said, shaking her head.

He may have been fairly sheltered on the Isle, what with being Mal's brother and Uma's cousin, but even he knew the rules of the Isle.

"Of course you do! What kind of a sister do you take me for?" Malinda said, shaking her head.

The crew had trained him, CJ, and the other younger members on the rules whenever they got.

CJ nodded. "Of course! How do you expect us to get into the Top Ten of the crew in terms of our sword work if we aren't trained? You've got to start somewhere after all."

"Oh does this mean you'll stop griping about being left behind?" Harriet asked.

"Not a chance!"

It had been annoying but if it was a choice between annoying and potentially deadly, Hadie would pick annoying every chance he got. Besides, the quizzes got easier after Harriet wrote the rules down and made small booklets for them to study.

"...while I have to commend a fellow bookworm, that's rather dark reading," Ben said.

"Like you wouldn't read it if given the chance Benji," Chip teased.

They were some of the few books they had on the Isle that were relatively new, all in all there were probably about twenty books in total but maybe five were still usable.

"Five?" Belle gasped.

"Belle, I know you're about to faint over the status of the books on the Isle. But maybe we should focus on more important things?" Chip asked.

"Yeah much as I like the idea of books, it's not the most pressing thing in the world," Abby said softly.

Belle sighed and nodded. "Right, right."

Though the sorry state of the other fifteen could be blamed on morons like the Gaston twins and even a few of their own. Not all of the Warf Rats liked reading as a way to pass the time.

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