20| A Little Piece Of Me

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Things were different today.

After the whole anxiety/panic attack thing that happened on the jet ski yesterday with Nathan, something changed. At least I was still convinced that anything beyond friendship with him was a mistake and couldn't happen. Without a doubt I knew that to be true. But he was there for me during that whole ordeal.

Ever since my mom's cousin passed away in a boating accident six years ago, I've developed a fear of getting stranded out on the water. I worried about not being able to get help and, even if it was silly, sharks. I didn't broadcast my phobia often. Not after freshmen year when I joined Lanie and Harper on Taylor Linz boat for a party and we did get stranded.

At the time, I freaked out. I hyperventilated and a lot of people on the boat laughed at me. Turned out the driver lost the damn keys when we came to a stop. Took three hours to find them in the damn trash can.

But swimming was different. I loved swimming in the ocean, and since I was close to the shore I could just walk out. I still felt so embarrassed with how I acted yesterday, but Nathan helped me feel better.

"I got you, Karma."

The kindness he showed me yesterday chipped away a little at the armor I was used to keeping up around him. Was it dangerous to give him that little piece of me? Yes, it was. But I couldn't ignore what he did for me. Especially since he was the only one who knew what I was dealing with-even if he didn't know all the details.

"Is this area good?" Harper asked when we walked out onto the sand.

Lanie wasn't feeling well today and decided to stay in bed. That time of the month probably.

I shielded my eyes and looked around the beach. "Looks good to me."

When Nathan came to my room this morning to ask if I minded him joining Harper and I down at the beach, I was surprised when the answer came so easily. Truth was, I wanted him here today. I didn't tell him that, though. If I was right, Nathan was still hellbent on chasing me until I became the next Happy Meal. I could not give him any ammo for that.

Nathan took two ends of the large blanket from Harper and they spread it out over the sand. Grabbing my tote bag, I helped them pin down the four corners so it wouldn't blow away. We learned that lesson the hard way a few years ago.

"Want anything from the cooler, Karma?"

"No thanks, Harp. But I will take the new issue of Cosmo if you're done with it."

While Harper dug through her tote bag for the magazine, Nathan laid on his back on the blanket, stretching out before crossing his fingers behind his head. With the security of my sunglasses, and the fact that his eyes were closed, I snuck a peak at his broad chest and six pack abs.

Damn. I've seen him without a shirt so many times, but I've never seen him. Not until this damn vacation.

Stop drooling, Karma.

Even though his eyes were still closed, a corner of his mouth lifted in a wry smile. "Need something, Karma?"

Oh, shit. My cheeks heated instantly. "Huh? No! I'm good."

In an attempt to think about anything else, I grabbed a towel and folded it before dropping it on the blanket. Harper handed me the new Cosmo and I laid on my stomach. Using the towel as a pillow, I opened the magazine to read it.

Harper was still putting on her sunscreen, so it was just Nathan and I on the blanket. I was finally smart enough to put some on my body in my room before we came down here. It wasn't that I minded teasing Nathan, but if I wanted to be clear that were were strictly friends, then I needed to not tease him like that.

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